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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. What I'd like are reliable waypoints that don't contest and make you run so far to get to anything. They should invest in Asuran tech. I love the map except when the event starts and you can't go anywhere fast. So for QOL I would love for that one change. And sure add crafting stations at the dock area for example.
  2. This is change that should have been done long ago. It rendered countermeasures specifically created by ANET in WvW moot. Now all they need to do is make the portal only let the thief who cast it use it in WvW.
  3. Thief port ability in WvW needed to be reduced to only the thief. It is far too unbalanced in a competitive environment. The current port can't be seen and can bring in 5. Truly needs a nerf.
  4. Yeah, transferring to a lower tier server might be best. MAG is full at the moment anyway.
  5. Well, they did create an easy brain dead way in WvW to complete legendary armor. All you have to do is keep participation up. No achievements required to complete it like raid armor. It's 6 weeks for the first set in raids and then 12 weeks for the next set if you desire it. In WvW all you do is wait until you have the skirmish tickets. In WvW you can buy the memories of battle if you don't have enough. No such option in raids. They don't use memories but they have time gated Provisioner Tokens(unless you have the time gated ascended items to buy them outright). So your choice - challenge yourself and join raids - do the achievements and make your armor. Or stay in easy mode and coast to your legendary armor in WvW. I've made both raid and WvW armors Med, Lt, Hvy, btw.(multiple sets - before the armory, btw) So don't tell me it can't be done.
  6. Yeah, 59k skirmish tickets and over 2k emblems burning a hole in my pocket. I know if I trash the emblems ANET will mysteriously come up with something to spend them on. They've done it with several other items in the past.
  7. That's the WvW announcement I'd love to see. "QOL: In this update we've addressed ALL of the reported exploits that have been reported over the years. We've also "taken care of" the main exploiters of these reports. You won't see them or the exploits in WvW ever again."
  8. Correct. And they will tell you this if you submit a ticket to report a player instead. They have a standard reply telling you that they understand your concern but cannot tell you what was done. So as has been stated to the OP, just report and move on. Something WILL eventually happen.
  9. I enjoyed the skyscale quest - except for the original time gates they had. I did it when the time gates were REAL and not the "scaled" back ones. And the reward at the end was well worth my effort. I mean the skyscale is basically a Legendary Mount.
  10. Go to the top of the forums - click on support - click on submit a ticket. 1. make sure you have the possible offending player's account name 2. describe what you saw. 3. fill out the necessary lines 4. add the video files or links(may have to put those in the description area of what you saw.
  11. Make sure you open a ticket on it and submit the video through the ticket process.
  12. I still cannot us the "login" function on the Leader Boards. I click on the "login" link and it goes to a white screen with nothing to interact with. I posted about this in October and it still doesn't work. I've tried different browsers, clearing the cache, etc. The only one that has worked is when someone gave me a link that bypasses the GW2 Leader Board front login page.
  13. After the latest patch you cannot change the Heal Skill (#6) using the utility bar. You must go to the hero panel to do it.
  14. I believe they are telling you you can buy with gold you earn in game to treats you need for the skyscale. I personally made mine so I could avoid the jumping puzzles. I'm able bodied but I also accepted help from other players in game. There is no shame in doing so. I believe that's what they are getting at from that angle. I have friends who have disabilities playing the game and me and my other friends help them when asked. So just know that there are ways to get help in game that are not pay to win.
  15. To judge the quality and total experience of a release you actually need to own it and play it. Your whining about the effects in pvp are a microcosm of EOD's total release. That maps are beautiful, events are fun, end meta is a challenge, and the story is really a nice wrap up of the whole of the dragon story arc. Now, you would at least have credibility if you had any experience in the new expansion beyond the super-enclosed pvp experience. PVP is very limited in its entirety.
  16. He's identified problems without actually playing/owning the expansion. That's like saying the car drives terrible but you only have a bicycle and no drivers license and haven't driven the car.
  17. Sorry, but if someone(the OP) hasn't purchased and played the actual expansion I see little reason to listen to them. 1. you haven't experienced the actual story 2. you haven't played in any of the zones 3. you seem to base some of your reasoning on pvp or wvw - even knowing that ANET has plans for WvW and is currently working on it. 4. you will continue to remain ignorant of what is actually in the expansion and thus anything you say beyond your pvp/wvw experience(I play in both - heavily, as well as pve) is moot. 5. if you actually had purchased the expansion I might have payed more attention to your other replies.
  18. Right after Mai isolates herself on the other side of the barrier and you go up and open the last door I jumped onto the platform to have it take us to the surface. Never received any option to activate the platform. Gorrik and Marjory just stood on the ground of the tube not moving. Had to character select to leave the story instance. And of course now I have to do the whole story instance AGAIN. 30+ more minutes wasted.
  19. The damage is abysmal in pvp - players can laugh at you because you do so little damage. Where I was getting decent damage before I'm getting sub 500 per hit now on a main weapon. That is how bad the nerf is. It's like using a pea-shooter on a battleship hull now.
  20. Except for certain specific hours this beta has been dead. Playing in both the EU and NA time slots EU is basically dead. Sure we can take anything we want but that gets boring when the enemy has only a handful to defend. Only the weekend had action in the EU time slot. Don't really know what this beta accomplished.
  21. I have nearly 1800 avengers. My legendary rings have been done for quite a while. Would love to see something done so I could use them for something or purchase items with them.
  22. I'm with you. I have around 4 stacks(maybe more). May want to add Emblem of the Conqueror to the request as well. Have you tried posting this in the Guild Wars 2 Discussion area using QOL(Quality of Life) at the beginning of the title? You may want to add t hat to your thread title in the future.
  23. You do realize that a serious enough injury, even after healing, can limit movement of hands, arms and legs, right? Thus playing the game which does require the use of two hands most of the time - like in combat where you have to move and attack at the same time. Having only one useful hand limits that ability. The Rifle Mechanist made it easier for movement limit people to play the game and enjoy it. You seem to be under the impression that breaks heal fully. Oh, have you ever heard of arthritis? People with that have a painful time in the game at times. It limits their ability to move fingers and wrists - and breaks, after they heal can contribute to that as well. We have guildies who have hand and wrist issues. So we know firsthand(no pun intended) the effects of these disabilities. So please try to keep that in mind when you call out people for disabilities.
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