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Everything posted by DKRathalos.9625

  1. Thank you for correcting me but my point is they are not willing to spent ANY amount money for Public Test Server, not willing to put it on budget. Even with with no PTS and bad balance they still keep their playerbase, no need to spent money for PTS.
  2. But either way they have to "rent" or "buy" it will include money, better use the money to pay the high position person.
  3. Building Public Test Servers requires money, no money for that they gotta pay the people High positions.
  4. With all due respect we all know this is a lie, let's keep it 1000. We understand that all the long post you did is because of the massive disappointment from community with the balance patch and someone has to do the PR job, but in reality after this you guys will just do the same thing over and over, at least until now I haven't see "REAL" changes from anet. If you guys really listening "Voice of the Players." why certain classes just say bad forever? For example let's take a look at Warrior Class. @Grand Marshal.4098and @Lan Deathrider.5910already got some ideas and Omnibus running around for years, yet nothing happened, warrior keep getting the short end of the stick while you guys can just pick some ideas in that omnibus You guys also conveniently forget about 300 Secs Placeholder trait for 2,5 years which affect some classes including Warrior. Like after those evidences, what makes Anet think player will believes the quoted statement?
  5. Ideally it will be number 1 but realistically speaking should be number 2. Note that number 2 is without quick to fix or anything, no need to invest resource to balance yet again. Maybe you will think "Wait why number 2 and not go with the quick fix? that is bad decision." or "Isn't that showing they don't care about playerbase?" Actually this is the best decision realistically speaking from the management, you can do whatever you want, cost less too. Playerbase? It's ok afterall it's proven time to time that they will accept whatever anet gives them, they might complaint but they will still play why? there are 3 reasons I can think of you may add too if you got any 1. They are already too invested, maybe spent a money for outfits, opening black lion chest etc2. Also they maybe already too invested as in already clearing many raids, get achievement etc2, they can't just leave the game. 2. Some streamers makes money out of gw2, it's their livelihood so it won't be easy for them to just stop playing gw2, especially those who had "ANet partner" status. 3. Players are just being casual and not really care about balance patch, they just want to play with friends, chat with guilds etc2. they might just aim the casual activity too which is not really impacted by the balance patch. Those 3 reasons is good enough to make playerbase can't unite to go on a exodus or boycott, you can leave the game but you can't say the same about the other player, at best they might lose only a very small percentage of their playerbase because of this balance patch. If we want to make them listen to playerbase we have to unite at least 80-90% of playerbase quits gw2 or stop playing for a while, now that will make a big dent to them, but you know that is not realistic. Given all of those facts? Number 2 without fixing is the best choice for management, keep going + less cost less effort.
  6. This I totally agree. Sorry @Azure The Heartless.3261 but right now the reality is there are no strong reasons for Anet to listen to the playerbase, they can just do whatever and ppl will still play.
  7. I honestly like the arms design by Grand because it will streamline the need for "max Damage" into Arms. So Power variant will use Strength and Arms, Condi Variant will use Arms and Disc (because condi variant will need to swap weapon constantly). This way we have like a lot of opportunity to redesign Disc, give some more meaningful trait options. I think at least the idea on each Core spec should be like this Strength: Power Focus Arms: Boost Crit and Condi Disc: Personal Utility (If being generous, I think someone mention about adding a utility which will help Condi, so at least condi warrior will be more competitive since maybe condi boost from the Arms tree is not enough. Tbf I think that's good idea because condi warrior is way behind compared to other condi classes) Tactic: Team Utility (Banner trait should move here but I think we already talk too much about this yet anet ignores) Defense: Personal Tanky
  8. Oh for sure but that's the thing if you move Axe Mastery to Arms. The PvE version will become Strength-Arms, the PvP/WvW version will go for Strength-Disc (well of course this need more than spec/trait balancing if we want warrior to be quite viable as DPS for WvW). Because now they will take Disc as utility to cleanse condi, cleanse immob via warrior sprint, better adrenaline control overall. Thing now is for PvE Disc doesn't give you that much benefit, note that the argument below this I assume that berserker power stay axe/axe or doesn't really need to weapon swap that much (Reminder once again this is from PvE standpoint) Minor Adept: Versatile rage (gain adrenaline on weapon swap), only benefit just in case you don't crit and not make the adrenaline reach max to hit the primal burst. Major Adept 1: Crack Shot > Nothing this is for ranged weapon Major Adept 2: Warrior Sprint > Valuable, extra 10% damage under swiftness Major Adept 3: Vengeful Return > nothing, no one ever use this Minor Master: Fast hand > nothing if you stay axe/axe, no need for weapon swap (but won't refuse if become baseline, will be a nice QoL upgrade) Major Master 1: Double Standard > Nothing Banner useless now Major Master 2: Destruction of the Empowered > Nothing because Boss never have boon, and even if it got boon usually better to remove that boons Major Master 3: Brawler's Recovery > Nothing since we don't weapon swap that much also remove 1 condi, in a party usually ppl will already bring better cleanse during boss fight. (note that the whole master line is literally blanks aka nothing) Minor Grandmaster: Versatile power > Nothing since 1 we don't weapon swap that much, 2 only gives 2 might? we already gain so much might if using the right composition (FB,Druid etc2) Major Grandmaster 1: Axe Mastery > Most Valuable Major Grandmaster 2: Heightened Focus > Nothing, no one ever use this. Major Grandmaster 3: Burst Mastery > Nothing, Axe mastery is better. So for those whole Disc Tree you only benefit from Axe Mastery and Warrior Sprint for PvE. I'd rather just move Axe Mastery to @Grand Marshal.4098 Arm's design and you will get more benefit on that. Now if Axe Mastery already moved to Arms, we can redesign or tweaked Disc to be more suitable for PvP/WvW traitline. Using his design I will pick Major Adept 1, Major Master 2, Major Grandmaster 3.
  9. Well Technically speaking we don't even need to buff Disc if you Move Axe Master to Arms Grandmaster. We just need the Axe Grandmaster on Arms then rework Arms, I mean technically speaking (again) Radiance For Guardian and Firearms for Engi also serve the same purpose, Crit and Condi. Both Condi and Power for Guardian will take Radiance, Both Engi will take Firearms, why can't we? Since Most power will go Strength Arms anyway if the changes happens no need to buff disc, maybe can be tweaked a bit but the changes won't matter since we don't take Disc Anymore.
  10. But here is the thing Pati, Arms stated about crit and condi so technically speaking it's kind of on the correct place. If it were me I would ask the [Axe Master] Discipline Grandmaster Trait moved to Arms, then move 1 GM Arms to Disc. Doing this guarantee power version will take Strength+Arms, of course there are few traits on Arms which need to be fixed too in order to fit the power playstyle.
  11. It's not necessarily this time only the patch making it bad, put it simple anet never care about warrior that's all. I won't be surprised if this is the last straw for warrior players and then leaving the game.
  12. Well no poll? OK it's an easy scoring 1/10
  13. Why you think they will read and listen to the playerbase in the first place? I bet they will double/triple down by releasing the patch.
  14. Grand marshal, Join me in Exodus from Gw2 please 🤣
  15. I never go like far in WoW in term of warrior I just play the MoP and raid, not enough PvP to be able to say anything. However put that aside, I just want to say Warrior in WoW got WAY BETTER design like the fury is a lot of skill spam feels like berserker, arms is slow but hitting like truck, protection is sturdy tank. In the meantime berserker here is burning enemy with condi (I know zerk here is both condi and power but still). Spellbreaker does it even break spell anymore after all of those nerf? Bladesworn actually is just fun class as in if you love the iaijutsu move but that's it, damage wise or anything I think still lackluster.
  16. You still got another option to leave the game as well, I mean I literally left and playing Warrior on Lost Ark, way much better warrior than here. Maybe playing warrior on other game won't be bad idea.
  17. The thing is... aren't the other class already can give a lot of might/fury/quickness? Like what do you even need warrior's banner for? I mean if we assume banner is useless now and not worth taking, at least we can go to the other utility but again our other utility kind of boring and bad? EDIT: I wanna say more. So right now for PvE Warrior kind of forced to take disc, why? Power Variant need those axe mastery (forget fast hand etc2) Condi Variant need the ranged weapon mastery and the burst master for extra burst meter recover. However right now the 2nd row where the banner trait exsit does really nothing for PvE (I am talking about the 5-10 man content) First Trait: Double Standard, boon from banner increased by 50%, means nothing since we don't take banner anymore (see the above argument). Second Trait: Destruction of the Empowered, extra 3% strike damage per boon on enemy, since when boss will get some boon for warrior to benefit this trait. Third Trait: I think master brawler or something? I forgot the name but I remember the trait is remove 1 condition on weapon swap, surely this does nothing for PvE.
  18. I personally moved from Gw2 to Lost ark since the Lost Ark release, I guess I take early retirement 🤣 I dunno since the EoD release and warrior got nothing balanced make me think anet doesn't care. After that they announce "Major" profession balance on 28th June and like way before the patch is on I was like "They won't deliver good stuff" so I just left, turns out few months after it really happened, real bad balance patch 😈
  19. To be fair there are other class who get some 300 CD I think ele got any? this 300 CD is for wvw/pvp though but yeah they conveniently forget about it.
  20. It's just.... I dunno I mean they said this will be a "BIG" balance patch but after see all profession I don't think it's that big as they said? I mean sure especially for warrior since the changes kind of not hit the mark.
  21. I didn't miss it it's just line up perfectly now without picking. Right now the moment you drop Banner the Cooldown starts, which I assume later will be the same as soon as you drop banner 60 secs CD counting down and the banner duration is 60 secs, which mean as soon as banner expire you can drop banner again and start the boon.
  22. If I recall correctly banner Duration currently is 60 secs with 80 secs recharge, on pick up reduce the recharge by 60 secs. I assume the new changes is 60 secs duration since they say nothing about the duration change, and the recharge changed from 80 to 60. Means the banner is perma active and the boon is perma? But we will have to see the complete patch note at 29th.
  23. Well if they pulse per 1 secs that's good I mean 2 secs pulse you get 3 secs boon, but if they pulse longer than 1 secs that's gonna be problem
  24. Felix I don't even know how this will help warrior at all, at best soon the banner gonna get nerfed or at least split in WvW. That banner of Defense pulsing Resistance for the whole banner duration is quite crazy tbh. But that's just one, they conveniently forget about 300 secs and the whole other problem with core.
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