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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. This. Pros of Renegade for an alacrity build: 1) You can provide 100% alacrity upt to 30 seconds just pushing F4 a few times every minute. Nothing else is needed. 2) The build can deal damage at any range (mele ot range) and is agnostic in terms of damage and gear: works with diviner, works with ritualist, works with celestial. Shot bow and mace & axe go around 50% in terms of physical damage/condition damage. You don't need any extra boon duration in sigils or runes. 3) Renegade has mid base HP and high base armor. 4) You have freedom with your legend choices: Kalla, Mallyx, Jalis.... all have strong cc tools, and you can run staff if you want to go bonkers in that department. My favourite Renegade build for OW events when I don't play solo and want to bring value to a team: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUZlxQHsOqhxROMP6hRSfMCKgj2U5TH-DyIY1o6/UKUCkpQIXFQviAF+BIFBaP8We0TDA-e You provide perma alacrity, you provide stability on demand, you crit all the time proccing more torment and vulnerability, you have a ton of cleansing and self sustain, good HP, high armor and you can provide strong damage mitigation through your Jalis elite; your damage is decent and you're near 90% condi duration, which fora hybrid build is really good. But the best part is that is very easy to play, since you just camp short bow and swap legends to get advantage of Charged Myst.
  2. Overall Revenant has been dead at MATs for more than a year; the few ones you see from time to time achieved nothing for their teams. I think ANet did a good job at nuking Rev out of PvP after the 6 first months of EoD release. I mean: they destroyed Renegade a couple of years ago with the nerfs to Jalis and Retribution, then they crippled Herald before the EoD release making Devastation a joke no one choses, so with EoD the only choice was Vindi, which of course was unbalanced, and after a rollercoaster of patches ended in a very neutered state in which is largely irrelevant. Oh yes, has 3 heals every 30 seconds, all of them for pity amounts... You want to known a skill which is really broken for PvP Rev? Downstate #2: you still can break a match pushing an enemy player inside a wall, forcing them to relog and breaking the match entirely. And you will see flying pigs in real life before it gets fixed...
  3. No is not. Deadmoose, are you talking about ranked? In ATs core support Guard is quite good, but in ranked coordination with team mates ralely exist and most of players will actively avoid your heals and support with the same astonishing efficiency they eat well telegraphed attacks from bosses in Open World. So is not like the build is bad, but doesn't work without a minimum coordination that at ranked usually doesn't exist until you reach plat games (and even there...).
  4. Ok, I'll bite: * The easiest profession to level, in order, from 1 to 80 just completing open world maps are: Mesmer, Warrior, Guardian, then Ranger/Necro, Ele, finally Revenant, Engineer, Thief. * You only need to renew your gear buying it once each 20 levels at most. That means around 3 changes from 1 to 80. You can survive with the rewards you get leveling and your loot. * Thoughness, Precission, Ferocity, Concentration and Expertise are utter useless before level 80. Your crit chance, base ferocity and condition/boon duration will be so low when you're leveling that equiping gear with anything but power, vitality or condition damage before level 80 is a waste. Also, don't bother buying runes or sigils before level 80. * For most of professions the best starting gear once you get access to two stats (circa level 31 I think) will be condition damage, but sadly at low levels is usually paired with precission, which is a waste. For brittle builds vigorous stats (power + vitality) is the obvious choice. The best is usually to mix vigorous + ravaging gear until you get access to carrion (condition + power + vitality) around level 61. * The easy thing would be to say "your leveling build would need at least one stunbreak, at least one ranged weapon, at least one or two strong cc skills..." but the truth is that instead I would say "if you're running this class I would run this build for this reasons". Because the different professions have different ways to deal with the obstacles. For example: with a mesmer I can level playing at range all the time since I would run staff + greatsword and use my clones as bodyguards, and I'll poke at range and use cc to prevent damage. With a Warrior, I'll use hammer + long bow and some physical skills because it will allow me to perma-cc most of foes and burn them to ashes with very little risk. And so on...
  5. In my opinion if you want to run a core Warrior build berserker isn't the best gear choivce for HoT, since not only you'll have low base armor but also those foes from Maguma Herat maps have high armor values, which means they mitigate a lot of damage. I known that you said "staying in berserker gear", but I would instead get carrion set (very cheap to buy or craft, or you can get if for ~10 gold coins and some WvW tokens) and run something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAINlJwSYKMLWJOKP/LfA-DSIUbU9HCODAA-e The gameplay is very simple: you cc foes with your hammer skills and physical abilities, and you burn them to ahes with the long bow. You have tons of stability procs, they last a lot, so you can't be interrumpted, and most of your targets will die without doing anything. For solo HP and champions, is mostly about learning the mechanics, specially which things you should avoid and which you can tank. Once you start to unlock the specializations, there will be better power builds to run. The best OW power build with sustain for a Warrior is probably Bladesworn with the Immortal Dragon trait, but is tricky to use because most of your damage is loaded in your Dragon attacks, so you stack your damage in single big hits, and if you get interrupted or the foe evades or enters in a phase if you can damage it (as happens with harpies, griffons, etc.) you can lose a lot of damage and self healing. This means that you need to known when to charge your hits, use ageis or the teleport to avoid those misses. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAcqllyuYtMVmLOyOnxNA-DyQYhgQ2RD3dZEYBUaCoyPgAIwG4+hkAeL6%2FaBVA-e You can also try Spellbreaker with the Defense traitline: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKzAIhflJwuYhsJWJOWP/veA-DSIYRUzXGBmCFWBWeWIABsHeNUY0CUB-e The thing is that the celestial builds with both Berserker and Spellbreaker are tankier and easier to use than the power builds. The power builds are faster at dealing with regular mobs, tho. Hero Points aren't a problem, but soloing some bounties and legendary bounties in berserker gear is a bit more tricky. Greetings.
  6. This is the cele Vindi build I run in PvE: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAUlflZSIsTSihSRsUCipSgsSSgjyzasF-D2IY1o+vUiMgyMV7tI6IC8+SQCC4vFzMrAA-w That's mostly for solo OW PvE; specially vs bounties and that kind of hard targets. If I want to do an event with more people, as Palawadan, Drakkar and similar I usually run a Renegade build with perma alacrity and Jalis + Shiro, because then I can provide alacrity and stability on demand, break defiance bars at range and rezz dudes going down. So at PvE I use the cele Vindi to solo, and the cele Renegade if I want to help others. The Rene is a bit different, I can showcase the build if you want. Then, this is the cele Vindi build I run in WvW: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUFlZSMsTqjhScsUyjpSksSign1UVsF-D2IY1o6/QiUBlpUtXRhIvEkgA+bxMzKA-w That's entirely different despite sharing most of the gear; the goal there is having as much mobility as possible, being able to deliver pressure at any range and to mitigate damage from errors and being able to re-sustain as effectively as possible. Is build that I enjoy more than the PvE one (to be honest my fav PvE vindi is a power build), but the builds I enjoy the most doesn't perform the best if you have to solo dudes as Seneb or a legendary hydra.
  7. By the way, Spudzie just release a video with a condi/cele Herald build for WvW and PvP which seems way better than mine (which has good cc traps but is frail), I'll try out for sure:
  8. Power Vindi is perfectly fine for PvE and my fav spec to do easy events, but has limitations soloing some bounties, legendary bounties and macro-events, because lacks some tankyness/self sustain. On the other hand, condi (cele) Vindicator is utterly broken in terms of self sustain. Today completed the omalkan bandolier for the Vision achievements in Sandwept Isles and I did the 3 of the 4 rampaging elements and Starcaller legendary hydra alone. When I reached Seneb we already were 3 or 4, and it didn't last 3 minutes. (including the travel).. Vindi is totally cubstomping fine at PvE.
  9. Today in WvW a Deadeye ganker with one trillion teleports send me "kittening cele kitten you kitten" ...after dying for third time. I took that as a compliment and as a proof that it works 🙂
  10. How can be a leak with only 2 guys doing the balance changes? It would be a deliberate filtration, but they ceased doing showcases in advance...
  11. All are solable by any class, you just need to known the basics of each combat (what to watch out, which attacks to evade... ) and have the rigth build and tactic. BUT they are harder than your average foe in GW2 and some specs are better than others at the task.
  12. For me the build was born in WvW at which for a while I tried to make work a Vindicator power build with greatsword + swords,. but was usually stomped by Harbinger, some Mesmer builds and had problems against other condi builds as trapper Rangers and Catalysts. The only other Rev build which I was running in WvW was celestial Renebow, which still had some bad matchups but performed better. So when I purchased SotO in the second half of September to get the freedon of choice with weapons my first attempts were to try to replicate the Renegade build (short bow + staff, Shiro + Jalis) with Vindi, using the same celestial stats, weapons and legends. Then I saw the Spudzie video showcasing a similar concept: same celestial stats, short bow + greatsword, Alliance & Shiro legends, the same traitlines, almost the same traits. I was convinced to move from Jalis to the Alliance due your explanations in the forum, and I got used to using the gs instead of the staff. The hardest part for me with The Alliance is swaping to Kurzic due oftenly I wrongly push F2 (I would prefer that Energy Meld just doesn't exist). Still, I made some changes over the Spudzie build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUFlZSMsTqjhScsUyjpSksSign1UVsF-D2IY1o6/QiUBlpUtXRhIvEkgA+XNrAA-w I run Surge rune for the extra 25% pace because I hate moving at normal 100%; it provides valauble power and boon duration, which stacks nicely with celestial. This frees Rapid Flow; Rapid Flow is nice but a bit inconsistent, since you don't always have the energy to proc swiftness exactly each 5 seconds, and the healing part is weak (less than a Mango Pie which heals about 80 x second). The build has so many regen procs and with cele + Surge last so long that I don't need the extra heals. Spirit Boon procs vigor and might, and I prefer it. Maybe Rapid Flow + Speed relic would work better tho: is just happens that Durability relic works fantastic in a build with almost 60% boon duration and 3 heals each 30 seconds.But I should make more trials... Not fan of Forerunner of Death in WvW: the damage of Vindicator and the cooldowns on the greatsword skills are very muted in this game mode, and one of the reason almost no one runs Devastation. If you have a traitline devoted to damage which does no damage, or one focused in sustain (Retribution) which barely works, you move to better choices (Salvation). And that's what happens with Forerunner of Death in WvW if you run celestial stats: you lack enough physical damage. But that's fine: you don't win fights with this build in a sudden burst or locking a combo: you gradually wear of enemies at any distance and outsustain them. Now, in PvP is different: you don't have celestial stats and the closest thing is the Sage or Wizzard amulet, and none of them have the +74% buff in raw stats from PvE/WvW celestial gear. You can chose to run Sage for the hybrid damage but the damage will be low, and also with Wizard. Since tanking is much harder in PvP (lower regen, very short duration in boons... ) how do you do damage? You run power (berserker amulet). So now your build is no longer hybrid, but mostly power with a bit of conditions from the short bow, the spear, and maybe the rune (I sometimes use Lynx for pace + hybrid damage instead of Holosmith for the power + precision + health). Under the power umbrella, Forerunner of Death can be arguably better than Vassals of the Empire... in PvP. In WvW I don't think so. Those rae my "why"; probably I'm wrong but I'm flexible and I would change and adapt as long as I find that the changes provide me better results and I still enjoy the playstile. I'm not very worried about balance patches since currently I don't thing that Rev is meta at PvP, so is not like we will lose a place due the nerfs. Greetings.
  13. I don't think that in the current PvP meta there's really room for "bunker" builds, since most of tanky builds will die fast if they're focused by a couple of skilled players unless is able to disengage (so we are not really talking about "tanks"). Shouts + Defense Bladesworn and some Tempest builds can be very resilient to damage, but are more bruisers than tanks. If you'll try power Vindi, the most effective build I've been using is this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUFlZSMsTqjhScsUyjpSksSign1UVsF-DaIPkIVAZKF6VEo2LBAA ...But relies heavily in mobility to survive. I poke at range and if I'm being focused I retreat and if the harrash keeps I use Eternity's Requiem and Imperial Guard to cover my retreats. Has better mobility than Herald or Renegade, better condition cleanses, better breakstuns and similar burst damage; the self sustain is great but since our armor is baseline and our increased HP is minimal has to be cautious when focused. Had success with it both as +1 and in 1 v 1. At WvW where cele stats are available is a monster.
  14. You need to learn to fight the new foes, and to use a proper OW build with proper gear. Lets check it: * You run a Guardian, is not the top soloing choice but more than adequate to clear alone any Hero Point, Champion, events and even most of bounties/legendary bounties. * Gear: you should run either full celestial or a condition oriented build. That's because power builds require 3 stats to deliver good damage leaving no room to rise the pity 11k HP for a base Guardian, nor extra armor. Power builds also have two extra problems while playing alone: usually when you are defending (evading, blocking, retreating... ) you do little damage, whereas condi can stack damage in burst and keep dealing damage over time while defendig; the second problem with power is that most of HoT enemies have plenty of armor to mitigate your dps, whereas coindition damage ignores armor. * Most of your condition damage will come from proccing burns with the F1 passive; burning is the burstiest condition, so it can melt foes at good pace. So lets start with the gear choices: dire, trailblazer, carrion or even rabid can work, but my advice would be to run celestial stats. 4 stat gear provides +9.35% more stat points than 3 stat gear, but celestial provides +74.38% stat points, and as a Guardian you will benefit from the extra points using builds that take advantage of those numbers. You can get exotic gear with selectable stats from the final chest in the PvP Glorious Reaward track, or buy it with WvW tokens from the golem vendor in the WvW maps. Or you can craft it or buy it from the Black Lion market. If celestial is too expensive dire, carrion, rabid or trailblazer are fine, but you need to adjust the build to take advantage of te stats (so if your build has low crit chance, don't use traits that rely in crits to enhance your damage). Starting core build (untill you fully unlock Firebrand or Willbender): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAEt/lVwAZdMM2IOuKZrNA-DSRYLhnNqhyIhKIzUwhLBBIc9wr5EfaAA-e or: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABw+t/lVwQYdsL2JOuKZrNA-DSQUb0j5wKE24EShSrAHuEwCMPbAA-e You start the fights against mobs with Stand Your Ground! for stability + greatsword #5 to pull your foes, then you lay Purging Flames. greatsword #4, #2, swap weapons, torch #4, #4, #5 scepter #3. Vs single targets you can start blinding them with gs #3 or rooting them with scepter #3. Most of foes will melt in seconds under the stacks of burns. Against bosses and champs your need to focus in avoiding their attacks and slowly burn them to death. Firebrand vs Willbender: in OW firebrand is a tool box with gatgets to every situation, and crazy fast at killing regular mobs, but is designed in a way in wich the more you trait to do damage, the less sustain you will have and viceversa. That means that suffers while soloing bounties and hard champs in terms of the time it takes to do the task, but against most of content it will do fine. Willbender has less tools and a more direct gameplay, with lots of mobility and higher burst (you can stack near 30 burns in matter of seconds). I would say that Firebrand is more versatile and does better vs regular mobs and HPs whereas Willbender is stronger vs bounties. I prefer celestial stats for Firebrand in OW whereas with a Willbender I run trailblazaers. Everyone knowns the Lord Hizen solo builds for OW so I'll recomend you to take a look at his latest builds with Willbender, but this time I'll link a video from a fantastic build from Masel which takes a different approach: Finally, in terms of gear, I'll advice that for the first ascended armor set you'll get celestial stats, since works very with core Guardian, Firebrand and Willbender in both PvE and WvW; You should also get the ascended trinkets from Season 3 & 4 maps at almost no cost. Finally, for your second armor set I'll recommend you to try to craft a legendary armor, from PvP, WvW, PvE or mixing from all of them. If you want specific builds just ask. Greetings.
  15. I'm not saying there's no escapes, but stealth is significatively harder than react to other threats in the game. For example, I play mostly heavies and I like to fight vs cc Warriors because everything is telegraphed and has good calls, so you have your fair chances to react and if the enemy baits you into evading feints and wasting your tools the blame is on you. For a game which changed so many skills and traits to have clear calls (or even removing skills which dealt damage out of nowhere, as the Revenant legend swap when was under certain energy levels) stealth continues to give a free card in terms of delivering sudden burst out of nowhere with little counters outside guessing games which are in the oposite pole of the healthy action-reaction dynamics.
  16. Usally the things which players hate the most are dealing with circumstances in which they have 0 control or ways to deal with, for example: being chainstuned for 8 seconds in Diablo IV. GW2 has some combos which allow players to cc foes and then to land heavy burst of damage on them. Stealth highly increases the chances of having success at hitting your foe with the first step of a highly damaging combo with narrow chances for the changes to prevent the full effect. Imagine playing a Tekken game in which the Mishima characters could go invisible to land their Electric Wind Godfist... Stealth is an overpowered mechanic in GW2, not only in terms of damage but also defensive potential, and is not like doesn't exist in other games, but other games did best at trying to balance that potential.
  17. Weapon Mastery had weak implications for some professions, but that's not the case with the Revenant. For now, the changes did only affect PvE. In WvW/PvP short bow and greatsword absolutely did open the gates to a better build combos. But let's look at the PvE part of the game which was (sadly) the focus of the patch: Despite the damage nerf for core, Herald and Renegade while using greatsword, the weapon is still arguably a better power weapon than swords, since has more cleave and a block (which doesn't root you) + mobility. With swords, if you want mobility you lose the block, and if you run shield you lose mobility. Short bow accesible to all Revs alone justifies the expansion. Breaks the servitude of Revenant being exclusively a mele class in PvE.
  18. I've tried some Herald variants this evening/night and this the one which Ihad most success (I wasn't familiar enough with the support builds, tho): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAUlflhQMMJqjFRcMIyjBSkMBigDrUW7C-Dax8QiUBkpUoXRgjPBAAA Shiro + Mallyx, short bow + mace & axe, Corruption 2,1,1 Invocation 1,1,1 Herald 3,2,1, Wizzard amulet with Lynx runes, Energy sigils + Doom & Cleansing. Modus operandi: is a hybrid build with mediocre physical damage (low crit chance and damage, decent base power) but high condition damage, good mobility and very good access to crowd control. You play safe at range most of the time and use short bow auto attacks + Bloodbane to poke enemies, and when you see a target wasting evades or blocks you presure tehm with Temporal Rift (AoE pull each 15s), Scorchrazor (AoE knockdown each 18s), Call To anguish (25 energy) or Jade Winds (50 energy). That's just to set up you wild cards: things as Sevenshot, Spiritcrush or Searing Fissure for heavy damage or just swaping legend to proc Invoke Torment: Diabolic Inferno or just use Banish Enchantment to boonrip enemies. Doesn't have mandatory traits: I focused my choices in mobility to being able to enter and leave combat very fast and the playstile resembles hammer Warrior due the amount of cc you can chain, but the advantage is that you can fight at any range. The HP is high and since you share boons and boons heals (and also skills with energy cost) you your sustain is quite good. You don't have much cleanses but you become almost immune to things as roots (you spam Resistance while using Mallyx skills) and you get access to Resolution with Pain Absortion (you can get more passively with a trit change). I think that this is the condi dark side of Hearld which mirrors the power short bow Vindicator: whereas the vindicator does mostly physical damage (in PvP, celestial in WvW) and has as strong points the uptime of evades, constant regeneration and powerful cleanses, this hybridi Herald focuses in conditions, heavy cc and mitigating damage while getting small heals. Is also a rivalr to the current Ranger builds based on setting a cc and landing heavy physical burst or condi bombs in a stunned/knockdown/rooted foe: you can scape/avoid some of those and your cc game is similar. Rangers still have notable invulns,, but thay are mostly single target, whereas this build works well in 1 v 1 but breaks havoc in small skirmishes.
  19. With over 160 matches just in ranked this is one of the seasons I've played the most in PvP, but most were done with just two builds (a power Vindi and an hybrid Firbrand) and I want to try some with more team support. The thing is that I don't like the core support Guardian playstile and also seems very inconsistent ouside organized teams (I would say that some players actively try to avoid your heals... ). There's some good support build that could work for Rev at ranked? I've thinking about Herald or Vindi, since Renegade is less tanky. Sage amulet for a support/condi build or Avatar for support/power. Either Ventari + Jalis or Alliance in the case of Vindicator. Typical traitlines as invocation 1,1,1 salvation 3,2,1. With Vindi procs of regen with evades and use of skills; energy, cleansing and transference sigils, maybe something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAYlfllQmsK6kRRosJKlFSqsBqkntUV0H-D6YfIZKF6VBUtIwxnAAA Any idea/experience to share? I'm not sure about the playstile, or if stab from Jalis would be a better choice or different weapons would be better. I put Lynx runes just to provide a bit of mobility to go where help would be needed but I don't known if druid runes (increasing healing power ~1/3) would be more impactful...
  20. F irebrand ( hybrid damage build); power Vindictor with short bow and greatsword.
  21. I dunno. The Eternity's Requiem from my OW power Vindi peaks around 32k in Dragonstorm against the bosses and is a sustain build with no Devastation nor Forerunner of Death. Vs trash mobs works fine and vs hard fights I would always chose cele/condi. And yes, I've tested power Warrior Berserker in pure dps builds reaching 60 to 100k with axe #5, or Bladesworn's Dragon Slash for even bigger numbers, but those are channeled attacks, and have their own set of drawbacks. Both Vindi and Herald cap might stacks in matter of seconds, and greatsword's AA stacks vulnerability, so claiming that gs hits like a toy doesn't seem veridic. Unless you're farming bristlebacks* and then I would argue "yeah, vs heavy armored foes run condi builds". *Power is fine vs the ones in HoT; against the ones in WvW no so much.
  22. Celestial is huge in OW PvE (and sometimes WvW) due offers a increse in 74.38% in stat points compared to 3 stat gear, so as long as your spec benefits for every stat is a ver strong choice for gear. How do works for Guardian? Well, the problem with Guardian is that in the Firebrand and Dragonhunter specs their traits don't allow you to buff at the same time dps and sustain, so you must chose. The strongest spec for Guardian balancing dps and sustain is Willbender, and yet the damage and sustain is a bit low compared to other celestial specs as Mirage (which has huge dps and good survability albeit is a bit risky) or Vindicator (which is massively tanky but a bit weak in dps). In general, celestial Firebrand is fabulous for OW since benefits for direct damage, condi damage for the burn procs, boon duration, armor and vitality. Since the array of tools is superb (stability and aegis on demand, projectile reflection, good cc tools, etc) celestial Firebrand melts regular PvE content with ease. You just NUKE foes: cc with axe or Heated Rebuke. Purging Flames + Scrocherd Aftermath & Ashes of the Just... The only problem arrives if you're facing a hard foe as some Champs and Bounties, which usually you can't burst fast due the amount of HP... Then the fight becomes an atrittion war, and you'll notice that your dps tools and sustain skills have a limited number of uses and sometimes your will burn (pun intended) your resources trying to survive dealing low damage or doing burst with decent damage but leaving your resources exhaust for a while... Would I recomend celestial stats for Firebrand? Yes! I run cele FB in OW and WvW, and I like it. But is not as powerfull as Renegade or Vindicator, IMO. I also run power (Marauder/Dragon) Willbender while roaming.
  23. I guess this is a sarcasm. There were times in which being over 30k was considered overpowered. Now 42.5k is bad due there's broken builds nocking near 50k? Obviously the power creep is insane. You known what is the hardest thing from soloing Immelhoff in Lake Doric for the Aurora achievements? That you known that you will kill him in less than 90 seconds of combat, but you need to hurry when spams since if there's two players there it will die in less than 60 seconds, and then you need to wait hours to trhe next respawn. The patch is susrprisingly mild for Revenant: yes, short bow damage got nerfed (which isn't that important since is usefull due the range and skills, not because were aour best dps choice), and dps fell a bit for non Vindi builds. But they didn't nerf boon duration in Herald or Renegade, so you don't need to regear your builds, which remains functional. I'm not saying that is a great patch (doesn't adress PvP nor WvW, shield or hammer remain weak, bugs still exist...) but could have been very bad and everything for Revs remains stable.
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