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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. xCristo explained it well. At instanced content, for hardcore players trying to either push speed runs or just delete content as fast as possible and cash in, the choice for dps dealers would always be either a) the spec with the best dps in game or b) the spec with the highest dps which which is easier to play. In that regard, Vindi can't place himself high due albeit relatively easy to play, has a relatively low dps compared to the competition and is pure mele. At instanced content, for less demanding groups, the star will always be offensive support builds, since they already provide very high value though boon sharing and decent dps. And in that regard, qHerald overshadows any other Revenant spec, since has lots of boons (including quickness, the most powerful one), lots of cc, plenty of utility and good raw damage. So Vindi is not the ideal choice (which is well different from "not being good enough") for speedruns and lacks value in the offensive support role. Now, in Open Worl PvE, things are way different: For not demanding content, as most of Hero Points, most of Champions, most of events, some mild bounties, etc... Power Vindi is great since can one-two shoot most of foes, has good AoE, good mobility and can delete enemies faster than Herald or Renegade (both power and condi). I recently completed all the quest and achievements for Aurora playing solo 98% of the time, using cele Renegade 95% of the time and yet for some hearts I swaped to power Vindi due how fast deleted foes completing hearts. ...But then, when a harder fight emerged, or when you have to do bounties for some reason, celestial builds are better. Soloing Siegemester Immelhoof with cele Renegade was easy and fast due with Jalis you ignore cc, you have over 3k armor and 24k HP, insane regen and you do damage at any range. I had problems soloing the Shark Champ in Lyssa temple at Siren's Landing with a power Vindi due the cosntant AoE damage, whereas with cele Renegade or Mirage was easy and with cele Vindi was a joke. So is Vindi a thing in PvE? Well, depends: power Vindi is good at instanced content but far from being a favourite, so scores low (still better than pHerald, tho). qHerald beats both in popularity due the value that provides to a group. Non instanced content? Well, I think that power Vindi is slighly better than pHerald but is matter of tastes; for most of content if you're playing solo work well. But the hybrid builds with cele stats are WAY stronger. Cele Vindi has arguably low dps, but can tank and kill almost every bounty/leg bounty in the cap time and survive any OW boss which doesn't require more people for specific mechanics.
  2. Vindi is largely unafected by the greatswords nerfs since they got buffed in their traitlines. So the goal was making dps with gs worse in Herald and Renegade, nothing else. It doesn't matter in the big scale of things since qHerald still has very good dpos with god tier boon generation at 0 invest in boon duration gear. Is still best in slot, albeit for a niche (instanced content) game modes. For OW I don't think it changes much. Power builds are worse than celestial builds at that. Sustain in Vindi remains untouched, killing ability is mostly the same.
  3. Celestial is funny because was deleted from PvP due was operpowered, while at the same time in PvP we have Rune of the Lynx which is essentially a better optimized version of the Rune of Surging we have instead in PvE. I already spent over 50 gold coins and thousands of tokens replacing Fireworks with Surging, and so far rune variety in PvE has been reduced to: * You run power: Dragonhunter runes (unless you need precission then is Scholar, Eagle or Ranger but at that point better just to reroll to a class with crit cap you loser!). *You run condi: Trapper runes (unless you rely mostly in a single condi source so then is Balthazar, Tormenting, Krait, Perplexity... ) ...So much variety. At least before some runes have niche use; now niche means support builds with Water or Monk... Related to the short bow reworked as a condition only weapon, just no! Hammer is a garbage weapon with almost no use in the whole game; is slow, is clunky, is bugy, lacks impact and is not even particulary fun to use. Short bow is the only decent way to play as a ranged Revenant in the game and there's plenty of events in which being mele only sucks so don't touch sb versatility. In fact, as was said more than once, whole class will benefit is as happens with the shortbow or the trident the weapon skills would work with any stat and even mute based on your legend of choice.
  4. I've been playing quite a bit cele Vindi with short bow + greatsword in WvW roaming and PvP (power variant in PvP) the last 8 days and I must conced Shagie that Vindi short bow > Renegade shot bow. Lower burst and cc due no Bonbardment and move from Jalist to Alliance, but the mobility is way stronger and the sustain through vigor/evades/ regen makes eaier to survive. With greatsword the mele damage is way better and Scavenger Burst + Spear ads quite a lot to the ranged pressure. WvW roaming has been specially impressive. So yes, Rene needs some buffs (or everything else some nerfs).
  5. You need the skyscale with the masteries unlocked: In EU oftenly you see Mesmers helping players at weekends. One did most of teleports for me this evening. I rewarded him with lots of gold since I'm finishinga Aurora and this was being tricky.
  6. The usual way to chose crafting skills is based on your profession. Ideally, you want to unlock armorsmith and weaponsmith in a heavy class (any of them), leatherworker and huntsman in a mid armor profession and tailor and artificer in a light armor class. Take also in consideration that crafting provides some xp (around 10 levels x a maxed crafting skill). The system is rather easy: most of the pieces you craft would requiere 3 components (example: for a boot you'll need the sole, the sheating and a insignia which will provide the stats; the same with weapons: a handle, a blade and the inscription). You get max xp the first 3 times you craft a piece, so to maximize your progress you craft 3 boots with vitality, then 3 with power, then with precission... or alternatively you craft 3 times the same stats in different armor pieces or weapons (as 3 helms with vitality, then 3 gloves... or 3 hammers, 3 spears... ). Every 25 levels or so a higher grade of materials to craft superior versions of the same stuff gets unlocked and you progress until 400. 400-500 is the same but you end moving from exotics to ascended, which is more expensive. Since you can sell or salvage most of what you craft the final cost isn't as high, but you can expect to spent 20-30 gold coins to s¡rise a crafting skill up to 400 and another 30 for the last 100 levels up to 500, but largely depends on how much stuff stacked you have in the bank.
  7. Saw last matches in the NA MAT. No Rev in the final, one Vindi in quarters running vanilla gs + staff. I need to wait to see the EU MAT as soon as someone uploads it but so far seems that Weapon Mastery, the changes in runes and the relics didn't shake the profession at all. Plz ANet nerf hammer 🙂 .
  8. Oh, I never had a problem with Ventari or Kalla... Because I never use them. See: the legends are competing for a slot in a profession which can't freely chose skills from 6 to 10, so they have tradeoffs. You value what a legend provides across all its skills and then compare with the others and finally you make your two choices, and in general for those two the value was never there: there's better choices. Is like the hammer: a weapon which has 3 skills with no damage in PvP, so it isn't even take into consideration. People doesn't need to "adapt" or "learn to use it", they just ignore it and move towards better choices. The same rules applies to profession choices.
  9. Roy was not the main designer of the Rev, a guy which has been out of ANet for very long... Lots of things weren't set in stone, also: originally Rev was meant to use a single weapon (which would have been terrible given the current design of them) and was released with a single aquatic weapon with 2 autoattacks. Some weapons did change entirely (off hand sword), some partially (hammer), the way in which Mallyx and Shiro utilities worked is entirely different now. I think that at PvE the energy costs are fine, since Charged Mist do wonders there and some builds rely mostly in autoattacks. In PvP the problems are different: Charged Mist is garbage there, but the problems have other roots: Herald lacks condition cleanses, Ventari lacks a breakstun, Vindicator has no cc, Jalis is too neutered. Herald has been op for 6 years and half until the release of EoD; since then Rev have been extremely inconsistent, changing from being op for small periods while ANet played with the Vindicator dodges to the current state in which is just too weak tho showcase any impact in the MATs. By the way this evening is the MAT; I wounder if the changes in runes, relics and weapon mastery would have any relevance in the class...
  10. ^ I though that the initial access expired after the first ten hours of use as in the free accounts. Anyway, the raptor (as the other mounts) without the unlocking of the masteries has less mobility than is its "final form", so my advice still will be to unlock and evolve the mounts and as soon as possible, since they are a game changing experience.
  11. Did end buying the game 3 weeks after the release eager to take advantage of the cross spec weaponry. Was initially busy since crafted my second Conflux ten days ago and Metheorologicus five days after (spent 600 and 250 in raw gold, and I'm currently finishing Aurora and in the middle of Vision). Waypoint to a friend didn't work to unlock the wapon mastery so had to complete the first story chaper (a bit more than an hour) to unlock the weapons. So far have spent already over 80 gold replacing runes, but still none in relics (did use ~8 from the 54 chest I got). Relic truly killed rune variety and some of the replacements are expensive (too much alt to feed). Now, about the weapons in Rev: short bow is fantastic, but kills any interest in running power Rev builds in solo OW. Doing Aurora achievements spent most of my time in cele Renegade, except when had to farm elementals (power Vindi was suoperb there since most of things died in 1-2 hits). But tried soloing some champs with both builds and while both were fun the sustain in the condi build isin another level (also the utility). This weekend almost completed the SotO maps with power Vindi and overall was doing well until I met a champ with unstabilities which also stacked explosions as the fight progressed... At 80% the constant pressure ended killing my Vindi. Swap to a cele Vindi build with Mallyx + Alliance and mace & axe + short bow and was melting the content: much more tanky, stronger re-sustain and way better cc. For more light content like regular champs I still prefer Renegade since there I run Jalis and can ignore some mechanics, plus is great if in a event someone joins: you provide alacrity, stacks of stab and very strong cc. But if the foe is really cele Vindi is just better. And that's a problem, since as I found doing lots of achievements for Aurora, most of the time you need to do an specific event you will be alone, or maybe some will arrive at late stages of a fight when the oportunity to get a good leech arises. So yes, qHerald is godlike in instanced content and pVindi a decent choice (and Herald runs now gs as meta and sb as optional back up for ranged phases) but none of them are truly strong choices for solo. Still testing sb in condi Herald and power Vindi at PvP, but so far had only time to ~15 matches and is too soon to get conclusions.
  12. Another vote for power Bladesworn. The spec loads most of its damage and re-sustain in the Dragon burst attack; this means that you must known when a foe could interrupt or evade you so you need to anticipate that in advance, using Triggergurad (aegis), Flicker Step or stability. A poorly played Bladesworn goes terrible; a kenshin played Bladesworn looks and feels like an anime character, with huge numbers filling the screen. Thief and Willbender are also very rective, in the sense that if you play badly your cards your damage will suffer a lot, and they are less tanky/more exposed than other specs.
  13. Another vote for power Bladesworn. The spec loads most of its damage and re-sustain in the Dragon burst attack; this means that you must known when a foe could interrupt or evade you so you need to anticipate that in advance, using Triggergurad (aegis), Flicker Step or stability. A poorly played Bladesworn goes terrible; a kenshin played Bladesworn looks and feels like an anime character, with huge numbers filling the screen. Thief and Willbender are also very rective, in the sense that if you play badly your cards your damage will suffer a lot, and they are less tanky/more exposed than other specs.
  14. You can get access to dungeons from level 30, starting from Ascalon Catacombs and then a new one each ten levels or so. Dungeons have a story mode (usually easier) and ~3 explorable paths which get unlocked once you finish the story mode (you can enter in explorable modes without having the story mode, but you can't start a group for the explorable mode unless you did the story mode). Dungeons are a bit hard if you're new with the game, but trivial if you're a seasoned veteran. Some explorable paths are soloable (other require more people to do some mechanics) but in general the power creep after 4 expansions is so big that a well made OW build would smash the content playing alone. Leveling is really easy and fast. Aside from using boosters or knownledge tomes, a character will rise from 1 to 80 in ~20-24 hours, just exploring maps (vistas, points of interest, waypoints... ) whitout even doing the hearts. That's a good way to earn familiarity with a class or build; it usually allows you to complete 75% of the world map when you finish the last three ones (Straits of Devastation, Malchor's Leap and Cursed Coast). Task to do: * First rise a character to 80. * Rise a couple of (related) crafting skills to 500. * Gear your character in full exotics (berserker for power builds, carrion or dire for condi builds, celestial works for almost every class). * If you have expansions, unlock the Raptor in the first chaper of PoF, then gliding at the beginning of HoT, then Sringer in PoF, Skyscale in SotO. Farm Hero Points in PoF and first map in EoD since most are easy to navigate (HoT requires a lot of Masteries to reach some points). * Play Fractals and other instanced content. If you like PvP/WvW, those are fantastic places to get knonledge tomes, trasmutation charges and lots of stuff. * Start developing alts. Even if you main a single character, alts arte excellent mules and good earners as parking farmers. * Once you get access to Season 3, 4 and Icebrood Saga maps get your ascended trinkets from there. * As end game goals start to work into crafting your first legendary armor set. As with the mounts and other masteries the quality of life of legendary gear is amazing. It takes time, but that's perfect because you have choices and allows to progress while having FUN.
  15. Spudzie released a video with WvW cele short bow Vindi: Very similar to what cele Renegade and cele Vindi already ran. Has no direct translation to PvP for gear reasons. I've been trying in PvP wizard Herald with sb + mace & axe, Mallyx + Shiro and Corruption + Invocation. Not sure: good cc but weak defenses. I guess maybe shout run Salvation instead of Corruption, but then would be more a power build, and in that regard Vindicator or Renegade would be a better choice. Not related but I can't resist to ad: for OW PvE I really don't like short bow in Herald; we lose a ton of AoE burst from the Citadel and the lack of Heartpiercing. The short bow is a great adition to power builds in instanced content and soft content, but power in general suck big time dealing with really hard task (I'm ending the Aurora achievements and almost everything was soloed with cele Renegade).
  16. Since the thread got resurrected for some necromantic troll let me quote myself and make a small updated here: In reallity, I ended crafting the other two PvP legendary armors which combined cost me less less than the first one, and fits very well with my legfendary PvP back piece and legendary amulet and the two WvW Conflux rings and the other eleven legendary weapons which crafted until today (Meteo and the second Conflux just a week ago). By the way I'm finishing Aurora and also doing Vision at the moment...
  17. If you'll playing as a roamer my advice would be to use a power Willbender, since does plenty of AoE damage, has good cleanses and a lot of mobility. Alternatively a Thief has even better mobility but usually much more limited AoE damage and is harder to play. Warrior would be in the middle but the best mobility tools are oftenly linked to weapons and those weapons affect your builds. As example: a hammer + dagger & shield Spellbreaker can be very good at 1 v 1 and small scale fights due the cc chains, but will have less mobility than tha same SB running a greatsword. If you'll playing in zergs then support core Guardian/Firebrand or some Warrior builds would be the best choices.
  18. I don't known about the speed, but Vindi has perma fury, vigor, regen, 25 might and a wide access to quickness as long as you have the chance to cast it each 4-5 seconds (which ends being annoying), whereas Herald has proably the same boons but can keep quickness passively (as long as your maneage energy wisely). Herald maybe has the advantage in vulnerability. So based on that, I'll guess that Mirage is probably the faster at farming solo, since cele Mirage delivers ~22k dps which is 65% more than cele Herald. A pure viper Mirage should be a flash, albeit less tamky.
  19. I haven't seen them in PvP and I have played 141 matches this season. Maybe two Vindis and none Herald with short bow in 18 days since the expansion release. In WvW? Shagie was taling about PvP; in WvW saw some Renegades, but in roaming most of the foes I met are Necros, Thieves, Mesmers, Rangers and Engineers: heavies are the least amount of roamers I found. Noticed the Holos running Scrapper hammers, and Catalyst using Weaver's sord and all kind of Necros running pistol now. But not much Revs.
  20. Surely you're not the only one. The animations and visuals and sounds from the mantras are truly BEAUTIFUL, but I refuse to use skills which require a precast every time you move from a map, abandon an isntance, etc. So amongst my two Guardians, with 7 templates of which 4 of them are Firebrand builds, there's 0 mantras in use. Is not exclusive from this spec, tho; since the changes in Rev's hammer I refuse to use that weapon, and with the new Weapon Masteries hammer is just doomed to oblivion...
  21. The real question is for which kind of gameplay in WvW: dueling? solo roaming? havok groups? 15 v 15 guild skirmishes? zerg vs zerg? late night incursions vs empty servers? Because every scenary has different optimal specs and builds, and finding out balance for everything is nigh impossible. Doesn't matter also due won't happen. But understanding the dificulty of the task helps to notice why won't work.
  22. Thanx. I have all the PvP legendaries, the WvW ring, ten weapons and currently doing Aurora and Vision and was asking to myself if after that I should get a second Conflux or grind raids to get the whole set PvE trinket visuals, but after hearing that I think I'll just spent my stacks of WvW tokens, pay the gold and ditch Coalescence. No wonder why people don't play raids: one of the least profitable activities in the game which as main carrot has korean level grinds for the ring and armors with lesser visuals than the gemstone suits...
  23. The times I did it the methow was simple: a molten sickle (fastest animation along with the Consortium one) with volatility glyph . No paths of farming for a map, INSTEAD: only farming in rich nodes, complete list: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Node_farm But I didn't farm in all. of them I farmed in the most dense ones: Sandwept Isles, Dry Top, Drizzlewood, Seitung.... Or the ones with more valauble stuff (falx, seaweed, etc... ). I did a fast run in 5-6 of those then swapped character to do it again. After some trials, I reached the conclusion that doing fewer (2-4)with the larger crops was better than doing 5-6. the distance from waypoints, the existence or not of enemies around while farming were also taken in consideration. How profitable was? Well, in Sandswept Isles rich farm you can get ~125 volatile magic in 90 seconds (the value of the crops is low, ~25 silver coins at most). With 16 characters you can get 2000 VM in 24 minutes, which would allow you to buy 8 throphy cest, which at the current rate would provide 6,8 gold coins (8x 0.85) + ~4 from the crops, so that could be maybe 10-11 gold coins or 25 minutes in the best case scenario? Not terrible, but you need characters and thw will to grind that and is worse in the other maps and nodes... My current farm method is faster and provides similar benefit in 18-20 minutes. Volatile farming is still useful but very dependent in materials fluctuation (was as low as 0.35 x chest before the expansion); ultimately is a good way to get legendary tier 5-6 stuff without paying taxes in the market, but in optimal conditions as single Dragonfall or Palawadan farm can deliver similar profits in 15 minutes...
  24. Are you still talking about PvP? Because shield is unused outside Herald and Herald was a waste of space in the last two MATs. The Alliance has two heals... for 714 points each 30 seconds in PvP. Has MUCH better acces to regeneration tho. But loses Citadel Bombardment each 15 seconds (has Reach each 20). I think that Vindi's evade is currently weaker than the regular one since is more telegraphed and foes place their cc better against... Maybe. But don't se Herald: the condi build is too slow for the pace at the game moves now, is not tanky and doesn't have the re sustain nor mobility to survive being focused (unless you devote your traitlines to survive and then your damage is so bad you doesn't belong to a match). Can power Herald benefit from short bow and or greatsword? Well, greatsword is for cleaving, which implies teamfights, and power Herald doesn't last in teamfights aside from hit and run. I think that Weapon Mastery benefits condi Herald in WvW due they can now run a second weapon set with hybrid damage at range to they can now deliver pressure at any range and chose between off hand axe for better cc combos, shield for sustain or off hand sword for mobility. But I don't see that being better than Renegade as a roaming build.
  25. ^ While I agree in those points I don't see how makes a different case for Renegade compared to Herald or Vindicator, since most of these PvP nerfs affect all Rev specs. Sure, Renegade doesn't benefit much from shield (but neither the other two), but I didn't saw Heralds or Vindis running bows in this two last weeks. And yes, I saw some Heralds running greatsword, but mele builds with no access to stability and near 0 cleanses utterly suck in the current meta. So: Rene is weak in PvP, but also H & V. That's also true for half of the classes and 80% of the specs.
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