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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. Ten months ago I tested the range without a target in a environment wich makes easy to verify the distance (each tile in that WvW has a size of100 x 100 "units", aka inches): The range against selected targets seems to reach 900 units, but didn't search a landscape at which could be easily measured vs environmental foes. Aside from that, since Phantom's Onslaugh is a straigth rush over the surface in similar way as Warrior's Rush and not a leap as in Ranger's Swoop, changes in the elevation or slant angles in the terrain could lead to bugs (I still remember when Renegade was introduced in the game and short bow's Spiritcrush refused to work in most of PvP surfaces!). So, yes: the tooltip is wrong and even used against selected tagets sometimesPhantom's Onslaught can fail. But usually works.
  2. Go Ele for WvW and PvP; currently Rev has only a single high tier spec for PvP so is at a little nerf away to fall in complete oblivion, as happened with Willbender. For PvE both have strong builds, but to be honest condi Mirage with double staff kills things faster than either my condi Herald or condi Renegade without even using the heal skill, and I don't even known what Mesmer's skills do (I just evade, stack 60+ conmditions on foes and they die... ).
  3. Phantom's Onslaugh has a deceitful tooltip. Since the EoD beta, should have read as this: "Select a target, rush toward your opponent up to 900 units range and deliver a cleave hit; if no target is selected you only rush up to 450 units and deliver no hit". Has been told to ANet for over a year that they should either fix the tooltip to reflect the reality of what really does or buff the range, but they don't care/known how to fix the problem or the text. Honestly: they never fixed bugs as Unrelenting Assault randomly attacking supplies in WvW or the downstate skill Forceful Displacement being able to lauch your target across the wireframe of walls in PvP (caging them, forcing the player to disconnect and reconect, which has happened recently even in the MAT tournaments and usually ends with the team of 4 players losing a match that they were winning), so probably Phantom's Onslaugh will remain unde the rug as it is for a long time, and best case scenario would be a tooltip fix, since every time they touch a Rev mechanic they break 2-3 things in unexpected ways...
  4. Population is low, matchmaking doesn't work with such small numbers, the meta builds are orders of magnitute above the non favored alternatives (specially in terms of mobility), toxicity is only 3.6 roentgens...
  5. I can't make these gretasword users better at the game, but on the other way I can maybe ease your obsession with big swords: * Historically swords have been a side weapon (like pistols in modern armies) with very limited performance once your foe wears any kind of armor (even cloth as gambeson heavily reduces the chances to deliver fatal wounds from swords). * Before the arrival of gunpowder, most of the work in battles were done with spears or bows & arrows. If the armors included chain mail and full metal plates you'll rely on halbards, poleaxes, maces and hammers to deliver significant damage. And if you still want edged weapons, things as dane axes or bardiches were still overall better vs arnored foes. * Both literature, cinema and other arts have delve and fall in this obsession for the overrrated swords, from the mytihical Excalibur and the sobrenatural ability of katanas to cut any substance or the appealing of the rapier duels in the romanticism... And lately the childish fixation with "even bigger" (see at Pretty Hate Machining Youtube channel the host forging a 150 Kg replica of Gut's Dragonslayer sword from Berserker -He previously did a 16 Kg version of the "classic age" model- ). That bullcrap just has to stop: swords were essentially overrated toys with very niche military aplications and modern fencing would be as effective in historical combat as karate katas in modern MMA...
  6. I'm not telling anyone what they must do, I'm telling that they don't need to do if they don't want. And as a player which was in a WvW guild for 4 years, and which has been playing outside any guild since ~2018, when the lack of content in that game mode made the guild fade away, that anyone can find out success in GW2 playing solo. Again: 1) You don't need to play in a guild to unlock the warclaw and the 1226 WvW levels you need to have access to all the abilities; by the way if you play in WvW do it due you enjoy the game mode, since in terms of rewards is the worst place in the game and in terms content once the Alliance is implemented will be abandoned content for ANet. 2) You don't need to play in a guild in PvP nor master all the classes and builds; ranked Conquest doesn't allow to queue with more than 2 players and rewards outside ranked are relatively weak. PvP is also abandoned content and as a whole, very few teams try to improve their own level. Most of guilds in GW2 do care 0 about PvP, anyway, and the ones who care won't admit new members unless they are outstanding playing on their own. 3) Instanced PvE content is the focus of most of guilds, and some devote strong efforts trying to teach these to the newcomers, but the thing is that you can earn similar amounts of gold and rewards playing solo content with a single class the whole time. So, there's nothing wrong about socializing and "trying to be accepted" in groups if you want, but IF you don't want, if you don't want to be at the logistic requirements from others, GW2 offers plenty of worthy content for lone wolves.
  7. Yeah, that's what I was thinking; thing changed and is way easier to take the decission now since I don't need to spent laurels agains... Thank you!
  8. I known that at the release of the game having a character with 500 weaponsmith unlocking a Zojja recipe to craft a berserker sword wasn't shared across other characters with armorsmith leveled to 500, so if you needed to use the same chacarter or to pay for the recipe in the new one... Is still the same? I'm thinking of rebooting some characters which have craft skills up to 500 and I'm wondering if I would need to unlock the ascended recipes again...
  9. Closest thing here to that would be either Mesmer (has most of those weapons outside whips, mele and range, good mobility) or Holosmith (wery high keystroke x minute requirements, mixes up mele & ranged attacks, plenty of mobility).
  10. No you not; you can just play roaming and unlock everything that game mode has (which in terms of rewards is the less bountiful game mode) without even moving from a class, and pretty much the same can be said for PvP and PvE. The notion that you "need" to migrate to other professions just due the meta changes is just ridiculous; even if GW2 is fairly accessible in terms of alt gearing due the horizontal progression and shared gear, most of MMOs don't work in that way and you usually have to grind just to keep a single character "on track". Sure, you CAN multiclass IF you want, but if you want to remain 100% focused in a single profession in GW2 you can do it and have plenty of success without much troubles. I think that the problem Doctor Hide has is more related with the lack of defined notion of what He wants instead of a "fear" of chosing a class He's worried about being nerfed. GW2 currently has 9 core classes + 27 specializations, so is really hard to find out a class which is 100% garbage at every game mode in every of the iterations available.
  11. I don't agree. I have 17 characters + an empty character slot, with all professions and races represented, 3 full sets of legendary armors, Trascendence, Conflux, The Ascension, 10 legendary weapons and Aurora and Vision in the making. But usually I play Revenant builds 70% of time, Guardian builds 25% of time and a bit of Warrior and Necromancer builds. Lately have been playing a bit also Mechanist, Mirage and Deadeye, but being honest: outside Revenant and Guardian most of my characters are just alt-parking stations. The fact that balance patches can nerf or buff the specs is ultimately irrelevant, since I have strong biases to play certain classes and when one of their specs gets punished I just move towards a diferent build from the same class. Must be noted that plenty of top players usually main a single class despite they knownledge of the rest could be large. The leader of Red Guard always played the same toon in WvW, and was the first player to reach 9999 WvW rank with a 12% PvE map unlock; Tage only played Guardians, Sindrener only plays Thieves, etc. Is also laughlable the notion of "you're set up for failure regardless of game mode" if you don't play every class, given that I for example never do instanced content (aside dungeons and mid level fractals) and I'm fairly mediocre at PvP/WvW yet was able to craft roughly 2 legendary items a year, full equip in legendaries/ascended all of my toons, including the ones which I don't play. I would name a more extreme example: in Diablo III I struggled to remain interested due the initial release lacked my fav, the Paladin. Then the RoS expansion provided the Crusader and I ended playing that class 95% of the time. Diablo IV is set to be released in June and yet I known I won't buy the game until 2024 or later mostly due it lacks the only class I'm interested to play (lack of end gaming content also doesn't help). Another examples: I play mostly Sigfried in Soul Calibur series, and Mishimas in Tekken. If I struggle to play the character I like in these games due my lack of skill or balance patches I just stop playing the games, since I play to have fun and I ususally don't have fun playing gaming styles I don't appreciate. So, maining a class is really easy to me. Don't forget also that GW2 is mostly a solo MMO, in which you can have plenty of success with 0 interactions with others...
  12. Pretty much except I'm a bit more slanted towards Sharur due the AA as a light source projectile despite Aurene's Weight design is overall more appealing. I have time to meditate about it since probably I'll craft it in the second half of 2023. The sad part is as you reflected, that hammers aren't very used by Revs and Guardians (Warrior's got buffed recently, but I only like their hammer build for PvP/WvW), and I really don't play Untamed or Catalyst (which I use for alt parking and not to really play). Thanx everyone for your opinions.
  13. A year ago I asked about which legendary short bow was the best to craft, and the answers helped me to take a choice (which I'm happy about). Now I'm 6 days away of finishing Eureka (when the last 7 mystic clovers from my monthly track arrives -I known that I can craft them, made some, but I'm not in a hurry- ) and the last non undewater weapon from the Rev that I not have is the hammer. So I would like to ask your preferences and why? My preliminary thoughs: Overall I don't think the legendary skills of the legendary hammers are very good, with dozens of other skins eclipsing them: Entropy, Genesis, Glacial, Magmaton, Shimmering Aurora, Fox Fire, War Machine, Devil Axe, Dragon Decade, Flame Serpent... and even the more subtle and realistic approachs as Lightward or Gallant. So aside from the convenience, the main appeal is on the effects. Based on this: * The Juggernaut; I dislike the skin and splashes but the chrome effect on armors is nice unique, and the crafting following the second gen model allows to create a potion which grants the armor effect without the need to use the Juggernaut skin. Is also the cheapest to craft. * Sharur; decent shape but not fan of the lacklusting effects, but this one has a peculiarity I didn't saw in any other: when used by a Revenant, the auto attack bolt projects light across the environment that is crossed. For a Rev that alone makes it different to any other contender. Has a cost in the middle of the other two. *Aurene's Weight/Jormag variant; I think this has the most elaborated and detailed fx of the three, and I love the Jormag varaint the most in any of the third gen legendaries, but is also the most expensive one to get. This is a mid term goal for 2023, since I'm currently working on Vision & Aurora (which due the low usage of hammers in the game in general take preference) so, what are your thoughs? Which one would you craft and why?
  14. Of course it is. There were times in which CoR was the main appealing until they wreck it enough to not being the selling point and the same can be said about PS. And by the way I don't think that hammer needs a PvE rework because that's a cause lost beyond any hope: hammer would never touch Renegade's short bow in PvE and Renebow isn't even the best ranged spec you can run in PvE. I personally would like a total redone of the hammer as happened with off hand sword but that won't happen because that probably would delete Revs from WvW zergs (despite ANet is anyway in the track to kill WvW in 2023 as they succesfully did with PvP in 2022).
  15. Done: Not entirely apples to apples but fairly close, a few details: * Gear legendary or ascended, and the stats are almost entirely berserker in both cases, except the long bow being marauder. * Didn't equip any sigil of damage. Removed most of the infussions since my Rev has a full set and my DH not, so they ended fairly equal. * Selected traits and skills oriented towards passive damage, but didn't use any active ability or with upcost since overall Revenant has way better access to fury and crit chance. Finds: Took DH 51 seconds to remove 10% HP from the heavy golem in the Armistice Bastion using only autos, whereas took core Revenant 53 seconds to do the same. Heaviest single hit auto with DH was 2176, and heaviest True Shot skill 9016 (albeit didn't do it enough to be consistent). Heaviest hammer auto with core Rev was 2674, with heaviest Phase Smash at 3570 and long range Coalescence of Ruin ~3500 also. For solo auto any of the Rev specs would upgrade those numbers (specially Vindicator, which would increase damage in 25% just adding a evade each few seconds), but being realist both weapons suck at PvE and the main source of DH damage in PvE are the traps and not the weapons. Compared to other ranged damage dealers, as condi Renebow, power rifle Mechanist or condi double staff Mirage they are terribad. The redeeming factor of DH's longbow is that vs humans has good synergies with the rest of the DH kit (traits, traps) since the cc that provides enhances the chances to set a burst damage, whereas the hammer is just weak in 1 vs 1 and only used in WvW to stack AoE damage (still, albeit in the recent Teapot Guild vs Guild tournament some Heralds were present in the finals, I'm not sure if they were running hammers). For PvE both are terrible, and the only reedeming quality is that those weapons allow to tag foes at range. In the case of the Guardian, that's not a must since they already have staff and scepter, but for core Rev, Herald and Vindicator is the only alternative. But Renebow makes them irrelevant.
  16. I known that you're trolling but the heal part must be discredit: Alliance heals for barely 726 hp each and has a 30 seconds cooldown, so a zerker Guardian has better passive healing just farting. Vindi was designed with poor healing skills compensated by short cooldowns and heal/barrier mechanics in dodges. Then in PvP they nerfed those heals like 4 times in a row and finally when in the summer the heal cooldown was increased from 10 to 30 seconds I entirely stopped playing the spec in PvP.
  17. You can camp the three large chest in Bjora Marches and get 140-150 ice shards a day just doing nohing. Then you spent 75 ice shards + 2688k karma to get 10 of the desired Living Season 3 materials, so you can get ~20 a day in less than 2 minutes. Since there's 6 materials and a stack of 250 required, you will get the 1500 materials in 75 days just alt-camping 3 characters (or moving one between the three chest). But the real number will be lower, since some of the LS3 maps are played a lot and you'll only need the ones which you played the least. By the way, the Skyscale is overrated: has its uses, but the Griffon is better and if you known how to use it is just night an day.
  18. For Open World PvE Guardian builds I would always chose to run either full Trailblazer or full Celestial stats, except if running a Dragun Hunter, in which case I would chose any combo between Marauder and Dragon stats. Still, condi or hybrid choices as core, Firebrand and Willbender variants are better choices than power Dragonhunter,¡ specially at Heart of Thorns, since most of mobs in HoT have large HP with very high armor values, and condition damage ignores armor entirely. Since you swapped to Willbender I'll show you the build I use with that spec: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABw+t7lVwUZdMM2IW2WbxUA-zRZYchRGMbMlRpVQHpgDHgw1DvlH90AA-e That build has ~20k HP and over 3k armor and over 2k condition damage and is based on burn damage. The highest burst I've achieved was stacking ~39 burns, and while don't last, that makes ~20k burn damage x second. Normally you stack 15-25 burns constantly, but may vary according to what the foe does (foes with dangerous attacks which must be avoided forces you to break your multi hit chains and that lowers the burns you can stack). It kills a Desert Giant in ~8 seconds and a WvW Bristleback in ~11 seconds, and the Champion Mordremoth Vinetooth in ~53 seconds. Condi Firebrand is easier to play (less active, lower inputs x minute) and has more "tools", but is significatively lower in dps and time to kill. In exchange, has good cc. Then, if you want to try something else, Trailblazer (or celestial) double staff Mirage, power (Marauder) rifle Mechanist or condi Renegade/Herald can trample thrugh HoT effortless. A couple of days ago I did a HoT HP solo run with condi Mirage and I didn't use the heal a single time (and I don't known how to use Mesmer).
  19. Hammer #4 doesn't ever interact as combo field with any other skill of the game outside hammer's AA, I've read that projectile from allies doesn't interact with it, and probably remains unfixed. Edit: to ad some confusion, according to Red Blood Arachnid calculations Rev's hammer AA delivers 11.6k dps whereas Dragon Huner's long bow AA delivers 9.5k dps: I'll test it myself later comparing the two with dps DH and a dps version of core Rev and Vindicator.
  20. I mean, in Conquest the last chest (Bizantium) always rewarded with 20 raw gold coins, in 3 v 3 with 15 gc, and in 2 v 2 10 gc, but now I find that in the repeats of the 2 v 2 season I'm only getting 5 gold coins? Was always this way or did they just stealth nerfed it?
  21. I don't see much point. Vindicator is not a easy pick to make for PvE, since is way harder to play than dps specs as Rifle Mech, double staff condi Mirage or condi Renegade, and as a healer/support, is more clunky than a Firebrand which already is losing real state vs other healers with more convenient gameplay. Also, as very little ranged damage, which means that in instanced content which demands to move away, your dps loses are huge. Really, is nothing special, and I don't think that would replace current top alacrity choices (where Renegade isn't even meta).
  22. Self sustain in FB is really bad and the damage low. That's regarding to any hope of running a dps build; meanwhile the support variant can't compete against a core Guard which has 3 traitlines and doesn't have to waste 1/3 in "Firebrand" (and despite that, core Guard isn't as meta as Tempest).
  23. It does matter because lots of cc from other players have 1200 range, so forces Renebow to eat them/waste resources in avoiding damage before reaching 600. And 600 is already a place in which you usually don't want to be with your short bow, because puts you to one gap closer away of being flooded by mele attacks...
  24. My oder was: Twilight> Sunrise> Eternity> The Flameseeker Prophecies> Bolt> The Ascension> The Shinning Blade> The PvP Legendary Heavy Armor> Astralaria> The Bifrost> Conflux> Trascendence> The Dreamer> The PvP Legendary Medium Armor> The PvP Legendary Light Armor> Eureka (almost finished). My recomendation is: the armor set for your main, then the amulet, one ring, one accessory and the back pack, then the weapons of your choice, then finishing the accesories and rest of the armors, then less relevant weapons and finally the runes & sigils. The reasoning: ascended trinkets are extremely easy to get and even to reset stats in some of them, so you don't "need" the full set too soon; but the legendary armor of your main class has huge value due allows to replace runes without destroying them, plus the qol addition of stat reset and freedom to reaply skins for free. I chose PvP as the origin of most of my gear since you always progress in PvP, they are really cheap to get there and some key components can be crafted avoiding time caps.
  25. A small actualization since I was testing a pair of builds yesterday soloing HPs and other things in HoT: If you want an easy to play and extremely well performing ranged specs to run those would be my current choices: * Light armor: double staff condi Mirage, in both trailblazer or celestial flavours: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PijAYZlRwiYVMEmJW0P+PNA-zRJYkRFfZ0VFkZKo9hIQ7hXDI+0A-e http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PijAYZlRwiYVsEmJWyP9PNA-zRRYVRFPZEMFSmpaHVQIBlwHCBNFK8TFkHNgYaDA-e * Medium armor: power Rifle Mechanist. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlxycZdsXWMOuLfxfA-zRJYiRRfZEYCURBo/AA-e * Heavy armor: condi Renegade, in either trailblazer/viper or celestial stats: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAUlflhQLMJSjFRbMIKjBSjMBygjul+LF-zRZYkhZGMbUDFSCRQHJQIFgwzyieaA-e
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