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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. Very useful, thanx for the effort 🙂
  2. On the contrary, is fairly fun to play against. In 2 v 2, if lacks support and is focused, is killable. If has support, you usually need to focus first on the healer and then you can kill him. Takes long, but can be done. In 5 v 5 is not a problem: is durable and has lots of cc and mobility, but doesn't deliver as much damage as a Holo, which instead is a bit more frail. Call me biased but I do prefer to fight vs Spellbreakers, Berserkers, Holos and Eles of any kind instead of trying to guess where's the f****** thief...
  3. CMC said that wants to put in use some Revenant builds which were meta in PvP in the past, specifically condi Herald. The thing is that isn't gonna work: aside from the changes in Resistance which was what made it tanky, the build lacked mobility, so the reason it worked was the self sustain + AoE cc and condi damage. As has been discused, the latest changes won't make it back: lacks the sustain to face the ranged damage from EoD, but also the mobility of the new specs. But the thing is: even if worked, it would only do through being an annoying tanky bruiser, with lots of cc. Which means that the moment it becames popular, people will want it removed because is unfun to play against. So buffing cHerald is just wasting time chasing our own tail... Is meaningless: the moment it works is the moment you have to start to think in deleting it again. Instead, buff Renegade: has mobility and damage, and the sustain was already tamed before EoD. But the nerfs in Forced Engagement or Planar Protection just pre-EoD release sinked a build which was working well despite not being meta. So be realist: pHerld won't work outside conformed teams due no stability, plus crapy condi cleanses; core is meh and cHerald is doomed by nature. Vindi is already replacing Herald due better the cleanses and teamplay potential. Wan't a different Rev spec working at player vs player? Buff Renegade. I'm talking mostly about FE for WvW.
  4. Necro has the advantage of having a very mobile spec (Harbinger) which lots of cc and ranged damage, which, if you change your opinion, still can be played at mele as a heavy hitting Reaper. The same happens with Engineer, which goes from bruiser Scrapper to a pure dps with Holo and the very versatile Mechanist.
  5. Instead of stolen animations from other's auto attack now we have stolen animations from Bladesworn. I guess is an advance... Edit: by the way, I don't understand why sword #3 keeps randomly attacking supplies in WvW TEN years later. I don't undertand why our downstate push can still cage people through walls in PvP TEN years later. I don't understand why the PvP joining screen still fills the center of the screen while playing in other game modes: imagine the riots if while playing PvE the "server empty, please change map" would have the same placement and real state...
  6. Remember also that the part 9 of the EoD story gives you a teleport page to Echovald-Arborstone which you can use in any of your characters to grant access to these maps. The 1000 Seas pass also gives you access to EoD maps.
  7. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlxycZdsXWMOuLfxfA-zRJYiRRfZEYCURBo/AA-e Swap to flamethower when facing enemies that reflect/block projectiles; the ft AA also provides permanent stability. Runes that work well are Golem, Ogre and Pack, to name a few. There's builds stronger in both damage or sustain, but nmone are so a¡easy to run as Rifle Mech...
  8. I think that what they did making tome pages shared across all virtues was right, but increasing the cost of the skills was totally not ok, since the first change already means reducing the output in 2/3, whereas the second means halving ~55% the output again. That's crushing the total amount of pages beyond 80% of the original capability. All the new trait changes with pity effects seems artificial: a band aid for a problem which didn't exist, and the whole FB traitline now feels filled with floppers. In the last 3 years FB went from op in damage, sustain and support, to being mediocre in damage, weak in sustain and ok-ish in support. The changes greatly restraint FB's support, but none of the dps nor sustain got enhancements to balance the support potential the spc lost. FB is absolute garbage in WvW roaming compared to both core Guard, DH and WB. For OW PvE none of them would be my "go to".
  9. Dueling in WvW a Virtuoso with my Vindi He was able to kill me in a burst of less than 5 seconds, but I was also able to do the same. My first advice to power WvW roaming players would be to not run fully berserker builds: a 4 stat gear as Marauder offers a 8% stat increase, and some builds are already able to cap crit without running full Zerk or Assasin thanx to the use of trait synergies, runes and sigils. Then the second advice would be to play reactively instead of memorizing burst combos: the best way to prevent damage is oftenly dodging, blocking, using blind or other skills to prevent the pressure. Being said that, some classes and specs are better built for WvW, and things as access to stealth are huge in WvW. Is just the way it is, and we most deal with it...
  10. This is a very good guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/xny0gm/just_a_guide_to_help_get_mastery_points/
  11. I tested all af them and some more a few weeks ago and Agressive Agility worked with every mobility skill I use (just pushing the hotkey of the skill involved instantly removed the root, even before the cast animation concluded or even if was interrupted): Didn't test it post N29th patch but can do it soon, but I guess will work as before. EDIT: tested it again this night, same results, works ok.
  12. The dps nerf is ok, not that important. Still carries amazing value x the effort output. ...But the new combo of slow animation + smol firecracker sound in the AA is annoying as hell.
  13. So Core Guardian is now the stronger support build for groups, as in PvP?
  14. Read Scarlett again: "Is there a different profession besides those three that would make casual solo play simpler? " Any of the builds I linked fit the goal. And Mech is perfectly fine also due: A) Even without management, the damage will be great. Much better than from any well played defensive support. B) You don't have to worry about being accepted in groups since you can make your owns and get them filled without problems. At least in Fractals, which are the only instanced content which makes sense in terms of rewards. And anyway this is beyond the point since Scarlett asked about simple, efficient builds for solo content, not instanced groups. C) It doesn't matter, anyway: I've never done Fractals beyond level 60, only completed 2 Raids, and never did a single Strike Missions. Yet, I have 3 full sets of legendary armors, Trascendence, Conflux, The Ascension and now I'm working in my 10th legendary weapon plus the other legendary trinkets... All of them barely touching that overrated content called instanced content (outside Dungeons, which I farmed until the nerfs in rewards made them irrelevant). In GW2 you can chose the way you like to play (solo, in guilds, in pug games), the areas you want to play (OW PvE, Instanced PvE, casual PvP, conformed PvP teams, WvW roaming, WvW zerging... ) and ACHIEVE SUCCESS playing what you enjoy with 0 care about what others do o what they consider "the meta". My general advice for newcomers: this is a game, people used to play games for fun; so find out what you enjoy in the game, set your goals and achieve them through the activities that YOU enjoy, not playing what OTHERS chose for you in the game departments they chose that you had to do.
  15. 1) Scarlett Dreamer asked for core builds, and I provided 3 under the requirements of being easy to play and effective. As a bonus, I had to call also the Rifle Mechanist build because the insane value: is easily the easiest spec to play in the game and performs amongst the best. 2) Before the patch of tomorrow the Rifle Mechanist build I listed easily delivers above 20K dps at range just auto attacking; after the patch of tomorrow probably will still deliver near 20K dps auto attacking at range, and will keep delivering well over 20K dps at close range. That puts to shame any other alternative in terms of dps x keystrokes. Yes, core Engineer is mechanically complex, and Holosmith even harder, but Scrapper is ez pz and rifle Mechanist is autopilot mode... 3) Anyone thinking that the November 29th patch will remove Mechanist or Firebrand from being the two top choices in the PvE meta is being delusional: dps nerfs are irrelevant when what most of people do is just chosing the lower effort path which still has the work done (which is the Mechanist) or the most versatile support build (which is and will remain as the Firebrand). So that's my advice for Scarlett: take a core condi Guardian or Revenant, rise it to 80, unlock FB or Herald/Renegade and if you want even larger performance at lower effort rise a Mechanist: with barely any work it soloes bounties in exotic gear as players as Teapot recently showcased.
  16. The initial design was horrible in content involving fighting vs other humans. I'm having hard time using Viktor due is in the F3 instead of the F2. I understand that F2 for Energy Meld has sense due if you don't want to use the Alliance the Energy Meld mechanic is available for any Vindicator build and is always in F2 the same as regular legend swap is always in F1. So the swap between Archemorus and Viktor is only in F3 if you run the Alliance legend. ...But is a problem for me since my mouse has already 7 hot keys in use and hitting F3 in the keyboard is harder than F1 or F2: is not that hard with Guardian due Virtue of Courage has usually a long cooldown, but in the Alliance both at PvE and WvW you want to move from Archy to Viktor oftenly. Having Viktor is important due the heals in the Alliance are tiny, and if you run Shiro, you absolutely need to use the three heals for sustain in WvW (in PvP the cooldown nerf was so massive that I rarely swap to Viktor, which in reality doesn't matter because usually don't run Vindi in PvP, and lately don't PvP that much anyway). The other important factor is Tree Song, since Revenant has been traditionally weak vs conditions, and that skill changes that. But the thing is that I never use the Urn... The thing is that albeit the energy cost of half of the Alliance skills are low, since swaping doesn't provide energy, the Alliance is most expensive legend. I would prefer just having Archemorus with no swap, with Scavenger Burst replaced by Tree Song, and the Spear replaced by a cc skill. Now that the range of the spear will be cut in 40%, is time to ditch useless ranged skills in a mele brawler. Won't happen, but hey: then don't wonder why Vindi isn't used at instanced content... But I don't want to be entirely negative: Vindi for me is rather good at WvW roaming and solo PvE content (not that good at large events due lack of ranged weapons, for that Renegade is the way... unless you prefer a Rifle Mech). What I do find out entirely redundant is Energvy Meld: since the August patch, I never use it.: Song of Arboreum + Fireworks runes + Energy sigils and you never will need that crap. That's why I find out EM filling F2 so frustrating... I don't want a buff neiter a rework, I just would love if they REMOVE Energy Meld from the game.
  17. This are by no means the ones which work but the ones which work and I'm familiar with so I would use if I had to rise a charcter from 1 to 80 level by level: Condi Guardian: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABk6t3lVwAZIsP2IO+OmrMA-zRZYLBTGpM2oCKjEqgMTB9OAhrHeNn4TD-e or http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAk+ZlVwqYdMM2IO+SnrMA-zxIY1ojvQSoAyMFKNC07AEuC41ciPNA-e Condi Revenant: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAkeZlhQHMJyhFRNMI6hBSfMBKgjuSfKD-zxIY8o7vUSoA6KByMC6ME8fA-e Both also can work well with celestial stats. Now, if you have access to EoD expansion, and since you can unlock the specs in any order I would go for Rifle mech ASAP: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlxycZdsXWMOuLfxfA-zRJYiRRfZEYCURBo/AA-e Has huge ranged damage, a very strong pet(s) (you can replace Golemancer runes for Ogre or Battle and works also fine), lots of cc, good mobility and utilities, plenty of sustain and if you face foes which reflect projectiles you just activate the flamethrower kit: the auto attcak is a channeled attack which can't be reflected and also gives you perma stability. That build is easier to play than the two before, kills faster and Mech can fit any meta just swapping traits and sometimes weapons or gear (celestial also works very well):
  18. Hi, I have a ticket to exchange for a mount and one of the choices that I'm considering is the Luminous Roller, but I can't find out a video showcasing the luminous version of this specific mount. I would like to known if this leaves a temporal footprint in the terrain the same way as happens with some of the other Beetle Rollers. Thanx in davance.
  19. What's the context? In PvE Herald Mallyx is the tankiest Rev build, with very good AoE damage, cc and sustain, a truly solo powerhouse; only drawback is the lack af a ranged condi weapon, which means that in some OW team events as Dragonfall runs if you lag 8-10 seconds behind the group the champions will be killed before you even reach range. In WvW zergs power is the meta, so Mallyx is very unusual; at roaming and small skirmishes works very well, albeit stealth users and ranged builds most of the time should outplay you. Still, works very well vs "unkillable" Weavers, Rangers and some Engineer builds designed to achieve crazy self sustain. PvP... is abandoned content. 100% dead, I hope you cashed it while lasted (for sure I did), becase is not coming back. Sure Mallyx would benefit from some balance fixes, but already is too late.
  20. The tooltip is misleading since when you don't have a target Phantom's Onslaught just performs a 450 unit dash, whereas then is a target on range it delivers a 900 range dash with an AoE hit. By reference, each one of the tiles in the floor is 100 x 100 units (and a unit in this game is an inch, aka ~2,54 mm : I think that is neither a bug nor a typo but a retaliation for when ANet arbitrarily halved the Phase Traversal to 600 gainst foes outside 1200 range and the outrage for the injustice was so loud (not other class was forced under the bus with similar skills, as Guard's JI) that they had to backpedal it in less than a week. Lately they also seems very focused into turning most of their specs into mele stacking piñatas (Forced Engagement halved from 1200 to 600, Spear of Archemorous from 2000 to 1200, Deadeye's rifle skills from 1500 to 1200... even Elementalist which essentially is their take on a classic mage is mostly a mele fighter nowadays...).
  21. All the armors (heavy, medium and light) the back piece (The Ascension) and the amulet (Trascendence).
  22. Remember the August Mechanist nerf? Mechanist remains as the most popular spec for instanced content... Post patch FB will be a easier to play FB, which is the reason why Mech and FB are popular. For the average player how much dps a Bladesworn, Catalyst or Virtuoso can aouput is irrelevant if they require complex rotations or are clunky to use.
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