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Posts posted by TheDetective.8172

  1. If you aren't familiar with the term Roguelike, think games where you spawn, collect powerups, fight through different rooms, defeat bosses, die, lose all your items, and start over! Hades, Slay the Spire, Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain, etc. are some examples. My idea is to leverage the lore of fractals OR even the Super Adventure Box Virtual Reality technology to create some sort of Roguelike gamemode in Guild Wars 2 where the player fights enemies, collects powerups, and defeats bosses (perhaps with some glitches/instabilities that make them stronger).

    ##How would it work?##

    Imagine entering this new roguelike fractal (or Virtual Reality) mode and you spawn in a random instance. Before you appear three cards, each having different buffs with some being specific to the class (and even the elite spec) you're playing. Some could be a general increase to your stats while others may be super new and random like summoning an army of Skritt to fight alongside you once per zone when you use your Special Action Key. Some random ideas I have include a card that make you summon twice as many minions as a Necromancer, reduces the time between swapping Attunements on Elementalist, adds another bar to your Adrenaline for Warrior, increasing the total amount of energy you can hold as a Revenant, allowing you to summon an additional clone on Mesmer, allowing both of your pets out at once on Ranger (one is active and you can command them while the other just does its passive attacks, but swapping pets keeps both on the field but lets you choose which one's skill to use), and more! These class-specific cards would only appear when you are playing that class. Many more cards would exist that allow you to build a multitude of different ways. Maybe some cards increase the damage you do with a specific condition, so you can home in on poison or burning.

    From there, you fight through some trash mobs for 2 rooms before coming across a boss room.

    Now the boss room could be any instanced fight in the game that exists in the story. So maybe you're fighting the ice brood construct with Braham and frozen Rox, or fighting Bloodstone charged Caudecus, or Horrik and Mai Trin, or even some dungeon bosses! All designed to be killed solo. It would be such a cool callback to replay a fight from when you were level 30, something you've forgotten about, only now it's a REAL challenge! Once you defeat them, you gain a reward (currency) and another set of cards to choose from. You also gain a reroll dice that lets you reroll the cards once per dice.

    You then move on to the next room, with the goal of beating all the rooms available. Some rooms may be more trash mobs, some could be puzzles to solve, maybe some are BEETLE RACES, some could be in the WvW battlegrounds and you have to capture a point while avoiding death, some could be a 1v1 against a bot in a PvP battle, others may be jumping puzzles! After each room, you get to pick which one of three rooms to go to next, kinda like you're choosing your path on a map. Don't like JPs? Then don't pick them, or alternatively pick the card that summons a mesmer to portal you through the JP. Don't wanna PvP a bot? Then choose a different path. Don't like puzzles? Skip them or pick the card that summons an Asura to solve a puzzle for you. But the important thing to note here is that you get to choose your path from some options. Eventually, you may get 3 choices you don't like and you have to choose the one you hate the least, but most of the time you're choosing the one you want the most! The faster you clear each room, perhaps the better the rewards. Keep going while fighting a boss every 3rd room. Once you pass, say, 9 rooms (easy mode) or up to 18 rooms (hard mode) you must challenge the FINAL BOSS who has instabilities that make them more challenging.

    As a raider myself, I would love being able to solo Conjured Amalgamate somehow or Giganticus Lupicus for you dungeon lovers. WvW lovers could head down the paths where it spawns them in a Keep and they have to take down the Keep Lord while their army defends them from the enemy. Take too long and enemy units may start pushing through.

    Now imagine each month or two a new theme! Maybe Krait are the themed enemy, or perhaps Joko's minions seem to be the common enemy and boss, or Grinth's followers and you're fighting mostly Necromancers and spirits. There could be a buff tied to each theme as well such as this month Kits, Summons, and Minions deal increased damage. Now you have a reason to play Engineer, Necromancer, and Elementalist more! Then next month maybe the buff is that your movement skills (teleports, skills that move your characters forward, backward, sideways, etc) now unleash a giant AoE of damage when used. Now you can do a funky build of just movement skills instead of worrying about doing "optimal" damage with a "real" build because, guess what, in this game mode, all movement skills IS a real build!

    These "cards" I mentioned could also allow you to gain a new sigil or relic effect for the duration of your run. If the theme for a month is Krait enemies, then a Krait Slaying Sigil effect would be great for you to have.

    I could keep going, but I think you see the point! I think something like this would be really fun and the roguelike cards that strengthen your characters could make any class and specialization viable. I'd definitely take one that gives my Ele two health bars, lol. Having a theme of enemies also makes it more thematic and having buffs that apply could make builds that never existed before suddenly viable in this gamemode.

    Maybe easy mode also gives you a baseline of stats, so your currently equipped gear doesn't matter. But medium and hard mode take the stats of the gear you enter in with. This would help promote this mode being accessible to anyone!


    I'd love to hear some ideas for cards, themes, and buffs from y'all, and if you think this would fit best as a "fractal" thing or a Super Adventure Box VR thing (like that one instance in LS3 where Taimi has you fight something in VR). I'm not saying the enemies or environment LOOK virtual, but rather that could be the lore reason behind this game mode.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Butterfly Kingdom.8349 said:
    • Darkrazor's Daring: Grants protection to nearby allies when summoned, then performs a skill that dazes nearby enemies. This skill also grants resistance to nearby allies when enhanced.

    Please do not take away the amount of Daze that Darkrazor's Daring used to do. If this skill is being nerfed, this should not go through. Having a lot of Daze on this skill made Renegade relevant. I understand you're buffing the skills in general, but if the amount of CC is going down, please do not go through with that change. If the amount of Daze is the same, then I think this is a positive change. 

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  3. Is it possible to make the visual indicator for bullets on Elementalist appear on the UI anywhere **but** the buff bar?

    That location is already so incredibly crowded. I feel like Ele would benefit from some sort of Mesmer clone/Deadeye Malice UI indicator so you can tell at a quicker glance which bullets you do or don’t have.



    - Day 1,000 of the Catalyst Jade Sphere AoE attack indicator being the wrong size when taking the radius increase trait. 

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  4. 36 minutes ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

    I can never get past the boxes after the paths converge, no matter how many times I try and I have to do the easy path, because both the the dropping icicles of the paths and boxes just after cause me too much anxiety to be successful.  My Q-bert skills from my youth have not aged well.  I'd be more willing to keep practicing it after falling if I were reset to that bonfire, but being reset to the beginning each time is too frustrating. 

    It also doesn't help that my graphics are still washed-out from the dx11 migration, that's never been fixed, and so much of the JP is a overblown washed-out headache to be in for any length of time.

    Thank you for the vid, though.  I always enjoy your content and encouragement. 🙂


    Regarding your graphics, you may want to open your graphics card profile settings and adjust the sharpness there. The game is probably not the reason your graphics are “washed out”. I believe it’s your graphics card profile settings. 

    As for the presents, it’s very consistent to just run straight down the middle and spam jump. 

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  5. Deploy Jade Sphere has the incorrect attack radius indicator when Spectacular Sphere is equipped. It indicates that the skill radius is 240 instead of the 360 it actually is when placed. This makes it impossible to accurately anticipate where you sphere is going to be placed, affecting all game modes but competitive PvP and WvW the most. This has been a bug in the game for over a year now.

    • Haha 1
  6. There is no way to bind the new fireball skill for skyscale. The skill is set to be button 2 and there is no way to change it. This prevents me from using the ability because my "Mount Ability 2" skill is also set to "2", so whenever I press it, I use "Descend" instead of Fireball.

    I could rebind "Mount Ability 2" but that should not be the answer. I have always set that to "2". There needs to be a way to rebind Fireball instead.

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  7. The Priority Strike listed when interacting with the Asura Gate in Eye of the North is NOT the actual priority strike as listed in the daily tab in the hero panel.


    It currently says "Today's Priority Strike: Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen" but the actual daily is Boneskinner.


    It's been like this since Old Lion's Court released.

    • Thanks 2
  8. I think it would be a cool idea if Blowtorch (Pistol 4) interacted with Glue Shot (Pistol 5). For instance, using Blowtorch on an enemy that is coated by your Glue Shot would set the Glue Shot on fire and inflict more stacks of burning. However, it would instantly remove all stacks of immobilized that were applied by the Glue Shot as the glue is burned up.

    This would offer a risk and reward style gameplay of choosing to remove the immobilizing effect of Glue Shot in favor of dealing more burning damage. It also offers options of how you want to play. Do you want to use Glue Shot from afar and trap the enemy away from you? Or do you want to wait for them to get up close and then combo them with Glue Shot into Blowtorch? Or maybe you Glue Shot them from afar and instead of keeping your distance you run up to them while they're trapped and set the glue ablaze.


    I think it would be fun. I can see it as turning the Glue Shot into a fire field of sort? Rather than tracking who was glued maybe they have to be in the glue AoE when you Blowtorch it to be set ablaze. Or maybe it can apply a special condition onto players that stepped into it called "Glued" that lasts for 1s but pulses each time the Glue Shot field pulses and they're still standing in it. Blowtorching a Glued enemy would remove the glue (and prevent new stacks of Glued) and burn them.

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  9. On 7/7/2023 at 10:00 PM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

    I believe Rifts will add more replay value to core maps if done the right way like a better version of Rift MMO's Meta Rifts. But if done lazy, it would be a problem.      


    Also hopefully this mini expansion set up the next big expansion for more fun stuff.

    There are no more “big” expansions. 

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  10. Spectacular Sphere increases the radius of the Deploy Jade Sphere skill. However, this increased radius is not shown in the attack indicator (The green highlighted circle that shows where you are about to place your skill). The attack indicator is still the small size instead of reflecting this increased radius.

    Last time I posted this, it was acknowledged that a fix was being looked into. That was nearly a year ago. 

  11. On 6/30/2023 at 12:34 PM, thetwothousand.5049 said:

    While you're right that sw/wh weaver is going to be quite good, I want people to start pumping the breaks on the 50K+ numbers. While it is true that that total can be achieved, its happening exclusively with Huge Hitbox enemies. These are pretty rare to find in game these days, and theirs only a handful that are instanced content. Most instance bosses are normal or small hitboxs, on which sw/wh weaver is putting up ~44K. Certainly great numbers, but generally in line with what pure dps classes are currently doing.

    I think its also worth pointing out that in SCs discord there is back and forth if warhorn will actually even replace offhand dagger for most small enemies. Because of the way they tend to move its likely OH dagger will still be the better choice in real gameplay because it will be much more consistent than warhorn will be able to pull off. And personally I think that's a best case scenario where warhorn and dagger will both have encounters that making them ideal to use, without either being directly forced out of the meta.

    I want to add that the catalyst elite wasn’t properly set up to work with warhorn yet. Now imagine if it was. Two Lightning orbs is quite frightening. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Skyroar.2974 said:

    Heavily disagree.

    Hammer's dual skills streamline the weapons' playstyle to the point that it actually makes it enjoyable to players who dislike the orb mechanic.

    If they were to be entirely new skills, then mantaining orbs would be HELL. You would be forced to dual-attune to every single of the four attunements under an extremely strict rotation in order to get the 4 orbs going, as otherwise they get easily buried beneath the new skills.

    Dual orb skills are a (much needed) QoL upgrade.

    Well, in my opinion, the orbs should be removed entirely because they're a lazy way to give insane buffs and are going to continue to break the game. Catalyst would get compensated somehow via traits and it would actually open up more possibilities for Catalyst to not have to take hammer because of the buffs it provides.

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