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Posts posted by kirk.6753

  1. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:This may have been the issue:

    When Aerin activates his shield and becomes invulnerable, you'll need to pick up a sun crystal. Then be sure to face Aerin and target him, and use the Light Dash skill without interrupting it. When the dash ends Aerin will become vulnerable again. The skill is finicky so if you interrupt it or just use it without targeting Aerin, you will be pushed back and he will remain invulnerable. During the final battle this may take a few tries - picking up multiple crystals can help with this.

    Good luck.

    Well, wen I was doing this, I tried many times. For a good 15 minutes or so i tried varios combinations:Interrupting it or not;Targeting him or not and etc.

    Since i was able to finish the chapter I'm fine, it was a bit annoying but it's done. My conncern is that happened because some bug that could compromise other part of the game.

    Anyway, thanks for the reply! :)

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  2. Duduring the "Cornered" Part of Living Story Aerin activates a shield and we're suposed to use a sun crystal hability to break that shield. For me what happened was that no matter how many times i use the crystal hability Aerin shield never broke.Luckily i was on my thief and shortbow 4 skill is unblockable. Took some time but i was able to kill him.

    So we have 2 problems.

    1st - something prevented me to use the sun crystal to correctly interrupt Aerin shield.2nd - I was able to exploit thief's shortbow 4 skill to workarround that, which isn't intended imo.

    • Thanks 1
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