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Everything posted by Wyrdern.4092

  1. Yea honestly I don't see why the volcano cant also just pulse part of the AoE damage, would make the skill less rng as well.
  2. Honestly we really don't know that much for sure about Harpies in gw2. Are they inherently evil? What intelligence are they actually capable of? Are all Harpies female?
  3. Dzalana might also mean getting some new lore for harpies beyond generic enemy race that wants to kill everything that walks on the ground ...
  4. Meteor Shower still does this as well, casting ANY skill will interrupt it rather than queuing like most skills
  5. I noticed being hit by this attack many times despite clearly being outside the indicated cone AoE, so I let a Veteran Avatar of Regret attack me to test. It seems that the initial impact cone of the attack will rotate to face the targeted player even though the indicator is static. However the lingering AoE effect is placed in the correct location. This appears to affect all ranks of Avatar of Regret that use this attack.
  6. you also can no longer toggle backpieces to show them during emotes ... because apparently no fun is allowed
  7. Condi staff weaver works well enough for open world play. Basically the same as the regular condition weaver build but with a staff
  8. I just want the old dagger 3 skills back the weapon was way more fluid with the untargeted dashes ... and you can easily solve the dashing off the platform issue by ... not pressing that button when facing a cliff edge
  9. Unravel basically solves all the of attunement issues with weaver and can allow for some interesting combos but unfortunately you have to sacrifice a utility slot to take it. Idk if it would be to OP if it was made to be a F5 skill though ...
  10. It may just be because Guardian longbow 3 is ground target, almost all of the ele staff ground target skills work the same
  11. I am honestly fine with condi sword doing slightly more dps than condi sceptre. I would still probably play sceptre anyway because it is just easier to execute with higher ping and slower fingers, and the range flexibility is just nice in general.
  12. IMO, self root on more powerful ranged skills or certain defensive skills (e.g. Fortify) is fine as a trade-off as long as the reward is worth it.
  13. I made a harpy character and the lore for harpies in gw2 is pretty thin, idk if they even have naming conventions apart from the titles been somewhat bird related. Personally I just worked around the issue by having them just adopt their human given name to try blend in more.
  14. Basically the collision box of the boss is big enough that it blocks line of sight to the actual target point for the boss ...
  15. seriously considering just quitting the game and getting my bank to chargeback the expansion purchase so i can at least recover that money ...
  16. I'm OCX not SEA but having similar issues ... and I can play other multiplayer games based on NA servers fine so idk what is up
  17. was able to log in just now so give it another try
  18. Also currently getting this error so I guess something is broken somewhere. Internet connection is working normally otherwise.
  19. I feel like shoehorning auras into another ele spec was a mistake with how many things are tied into auras, and adding more auras via signets just causes even more problems. It just becomes a balance nightmare because there are so many interactions between traits and skills that it becomes hard individually adjust things ...
  20. not saying that cata shouldn't be nerfed ... it is an abomination of a build ... but swirling winds has already been reduced to 4 seconds in pvp only
  21. well at least spectacular sphere is swiftness in pvp instead of quickness ... probably because air sphere already has quickness in pvp
  22. Noticed that my mech HP did not change when using the Birthday Cake Feast, double checked and none of the Jade Mech's stats were changed. Other foods/feasts appear to work as intended.
  23. The only time I think I've ever seen that many burn stacks in PvP is people accidently pulling a bunch of burn to themself with Unholy Martyr (or other similar traits/skills)
  24. I think others have already suggested this but Stoneheart should just be "Gain immunity to critical hits for X seconds after attuning to earth". Ill leave it up to the actual balance people to decide on suitable value for X. The trait just goes against the whole concept of the ele spec mechanic of attunement swapping by encouraging staying in earth for extended periods. (It is fine to have small permanent buffs while in an attunement like the 150 power from fire traitline or the 7% damage reduction in earth)
  25. Honestly I feel like I get my self into trouble with this new version than the old one. Before it was way more predictable you always moved directly forwards a set distance.
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