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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. reason not to use speed runes? because celestial is love, celestial is life! 🙆‍♂️ edit (oopsie my bad, gear =/= runes!)
  2. if this was ever added it would need to be CRAZY expensive because there are some incredibly rare skins and also skins that take a lot of work to unlock and it'd be kinda ridiculous to just let people click a button and get them.
  3. had me very confused at first with the title (HoT "greater than" PoF) 😄 but then i read what you said and completely agree, PoF was a near perfect expansion. the story was great (you're going to go kill a god! what could be more bad@ss?!) the maps were new, different and beautiful, the sprawling desert theme was great, new elite specs? awesome! MOUNTS! great! the only thing i would like more of from GW2 expansions is more armour skins, GW2 always seems to be lacking in that department when it comes to expansions.
  4. would be cool if we could get celestial dungeon armour. would also add some more people to the dungeon delving crew! personally i love the dungeons, i prefer them to fractals and i am a little bit disappointed that Anet gave up on the concept.
  5. you can trait to get 3s of resolution when you activate Justice and Justice resets every single kill. (AKA permanent openworld resolution.)
  6. just checked and this is true, i haven't touched DH in a looong time because of how lackluster i remember it being, but with buffs over the years it does seem to sit a little above Zeal. but even running Virtues, Radiance and Dragonhunter for the maximum ranged damage build, longbow is still extremely lackluster ranged damage.
  7. i was trying to think of ways to both make guardian longbow ranged play a viable option (currently it just doesn't have any DPS) and also a way to stop Dragonhunter from being pushed into melee to use traps, this seemed like a way to fix both of those issues, and i thought if we just make the traps ranged it still doesn't leave us with a reason to use longbow 😄 so whereas we have traits like Radiant Fire that only offer bonuses too Torch we could have this one only offering the effect to Longbow. 🙂 it would also give you a reason to actually take Dragonhunter when using a Longbow too! because currently if you are planning on trying to make ranged Longbow guardian viable it is better to go Core than Dragonhunter, and i find that just weird! 😆
  8. why not? Dragonhunter was given a longbow, but it is a fairly weak weapon, and the other skills of Dragonhunter are traps which pushes them into a melee role. this trait would finally let Dragonhunter play as a ranged longbow user.
  9. Hey gang! i'll get right too it, i love to play longbow, its a great fantasy weapon and when Dragonhunter was released i looked forward to playing guardian like some sort of mythical archer, but alas, Dragonhunter's main niche is its traps, and traps only trigger when an enemy steps on them, this pushed Dragonhunter into a weird situation were they had a Longbow with fairly poor DPS and traps which forced you into melee range, so longbow kinda became a forgotten weapon. so i have an idea of a way to fix this, a way to make Dragonhunter a true ranged spec and also make Longbow viable. replace one of the Dragonhunter traits (Hunter's Fortification?) with a new trait: so if you have a longbow equipped and take this trait your traps work like extra longbow skills. the animation for firing one of these ranged traps would be a slow arcing longbow shot (basically a blue version of warriors Arcing Arrow with the trap being placed where your arrow lands.)
  10. not sure why this was necro'd, but i agree 😉 whenever i get a daily for "complete a heart" i usually go to a low level place, but i'll make sure that if there are others in the area i won't just oneshot everything within 1200, such as a certain escort quest in queensdale, i'll make sure too tag the centaurs but let the low levels fight them.
  11. +1 for this, i love having a Siege Turtle on my rangers for the bubble, but its such a pain in the butt getting too Dragon's End, waiting for the meta, hoping enough people turn up to start it and then needing to go through it far enough to get the Turtle, its a lot of work just to unlock something that i've already unlocked!
  12. I'd like a simple Bo Staff for the classes that use the spears in melee (notably Thief)
  13. ah, well to be fair i don't pvp or wvw any more so my experience with it is exclusivly pve, BUT we could always fix those clunks so it misses less often, the guardian staff AA chain as a whole feels really nice to use, the animations are fluid the projectiles look cool and you see lots of AoE and damage ticks, it feels way better than necrotic grasp (which misses a fair bit even in pve), so i still think we should get a dark version of the guardian AA chain with a little life steal thrown in there!
  14. i've never had issues with guardian staff 1 missing 🧐 are you thinking of guardian scepter 1? 🙂
  15. i'm in the other camp, i'm one of those who isn't a fan of healing skills that don't heal unless your enemy chooses to heal you. its similar to A.E.D, great when your enemy decides to be nice and trigger it, terrible if they just stop pressing buttons.
  16. i think the 1 skill should be changed to a dark version of Guardian staff 1, firing big dark shadowy orbs. guardian 1 is a nice AA chain that feels good to use. maybe add some lifesteal to it for some necro flavour! other than the auto i'm pretty happy with the rest of the kit. 🙂
  17. todays suggestion is one i've bought up several times over the years, spruce up the racial skills! they haven't been touched in 12 years! unroot the rooted transform skills (such as Maul and Gatling Fists) increase damage of racial attacks to sit a little below current levels (so while still not optimal, racials would atleast be somewhat viable) then sort out the kitten durations and cooldowns!!! these racial things aren't competitive with normal specs anyway so i see no reason not to allow us to use them much more often! for example turn Charrzooka into a Kit that charr can freely switch too, allow norns to remain in their animal forms for as long as they choose and give the form a short cooldown upon exiting, same with Asura, allow Asura to stay in their power suit permanently, with a small cooldown if you leave, and as for elite skill companion racials like Sylvari Hound and Asura Golems allow them to remain until killed.
  18. sure, trade you for Woad armour. imho everything should be obtainable with equal work from all game modes.
  19. wait another tonic without a jump? what year is this?! c'mon Anet... i get in older expacs tonics for things like boneskinner might not have had jump because there was no animation for boneskinner jumping (though it would have been nice if they could have made one for the tonic) but Warclaws are already player controlled, they have jumping animations, there is no excuse for this tonic to be missing a jump.
  20. its not terrible, granted we already knew the story was going to be a lot less "world ending" than the last, i love the new maps, they are beautiful and its very nice getting some new music for a change (i love the old GW1 stuff, but kitten i've been listening to it for 20 years! its nice to have some totally new nordic themed tunes!) but yeah i would have loved more armour sets, waaaay more relics (still waiting for my Golem.) more vendors with fun stuff (i see a warclaw tonic but thats about it!)
  21. a long time later, but this is still a thing. has anyone figured out what exactly triggers this? i have it happen sometimes but not others, and when it does happen i actually really like it! i run fire and earth with staff for AoE in PvE with Pycroclastic Blast, and when this bug happens i get to keep meteor shower too! i know its something to do with mounts but i haven't yet figured out how or why it happens, it seems pretty rare.
  22. for a few years i was pretty much exclusively a PVP player, i'd do the living world and expansion stories once when they came out but other than that i was only playing to PVP a few nights a week. now i've flipped entirely, i just can't be bothered with the fast pace of PVP anymore and only play for PVE.
  23. its problematic because many of us don't want to engage in PVP, and the Woad armour is locked behind many many hours of it. yes the ugly Titanplate set can be bought from TP for 145g but the Woad can only be obtained through PvP/WvW. what would be so wrong with also having vendors on the pve maps selling Woad Armour for map currency? or having PVE achievements that can unlock it? its a set of primitive/scavanger looking gear, imagine how cool it would be if an NPC tasked you with hunting certain creatures for their bones/fur etc and once you collect the required things you unlock pieces of the set. but nope, you must grind for dozens of hours in wvw of pvp, long gone are the days of Anets "play your way!" philosophy.
  24. i was editing to say "main story" before some smarty pants came along to say "har har but you just did the story!" but i guess i was 20 seconds too slow clicking the save changes button! but the fact remains, i've never played through the STORY of an expansion in an MMO and not been able to get a single new armour skin before. just look at the previous GW2 expansions, EoD for example, a vendor in Seitung Province sells awesome hand and foot wraps and a headband for map currency, a vendor in New Kaineng sells Oni hands, and the Antique armour and Ancient Canthan armour can both be gained from WvW and PvP tracks or a vendor for map currency (with the later also being a random drop from chests.) even SotO gave you rift hunter armour each time you completed a story chapter, but this expansion? nothing. you've gotta play WvW or PvP, or grind map currency to buy recipes and then grind mats to craft it if you have a max rank crafter. (i don't, never been into crafting in MMOs) i should also add that of the three sets that this expansion "offers" i find 2 of them pretty ugly, looking like Dark Souls rip-offs, the only one that is moderately interesting is Woad for that savage primitive look, and as the OP said Woad is locked behind many hours of WvW or PVP.
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