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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. forget new weapons, i wanted STAFF back.

    ele is the quintessential "mage" class, we should be standing far away hurling deadly spells from afar.


    i was really hoping the new spec would be an "acolyte" type of spec,

    were you focus on one element and lose the stance dancing.

    so for example you could be a pyromancer and become the ultimate fire mage with heavy nukes.


    instead we got another melee spec, making this the 3rd CQC elite spec in a row...

    • Like 8
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  2. the only time i want outfits is like you said, when levelling (which i haven't done since the very early days of GW2...)

    in every other situation armour is just way better for getting your own custom look.

    i wish they would chop the existing outfits into pieces and sell them as armour skins, i'd probably buy nearly every single one, they all have atleast a piece which i'd like to add to my skins collection.

    • Like 1
  3. its way too easy, i just rifle AA and watch things melt.

    i'm going to enjoy it in pve

    (i play a golemancer engi with the asuran golem elite and rune of golem, so it's gonna be amazing for me there.)

    but for pvp i think it might be a little too good.

  4. literally noone was playing hammer warrior in pvp, and Anet come along and utterly obliterate it in feb2020

    because apparently hammer isn't allowed to be a thing.

    now here we are and they're adding OP hammer specs to the game...

    but leaving warrior hammer utterly useless.

    c'mon Anet, even from you this is puzzling.

    • Thanks 3
  5. they ruined turrets when they made them activate their abilities one single time when placed.

    turrets should be placed in strategic spots preemptively,

    so this silly "use once and then just low damage" goes entirely against how turrets should work.

    we need the activateable abilities back.

    if i could redesign turrets i'd make them ground target placeable with a short range (how they were years ago),

    i'd give them slow constant health regen ticks,

    once placed i'd toggle the skill to the ability to use the turrets "overcharge" with a short CD (as it used to be)

    i'd have the toolbelt skills as 2 part skills, activating the toolbelt skill will use the toolbelt skill as it does now,

    but while the toolbelt skill is on cooldown it toggles to the turret detonate skill.

    and i'd have the turrets scale more with the engies stats,

    so if you're stacking power and crit your turrets will be hitting harder and critting more.

    i'd also do away with the self destruct after 5 mins, that just seems like an archaic relic of the past,

    i think it was to prevent afk farming bots, but we already have MMs doing it, soooo....

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, ViBonacci.5802 said:

    And plat 2? Anyone can reach it too?

    That game is from last season (28).



    in both of these videos you're just not doing anything that another class couldn't do far better, 

    staff just isn't good anymore,

    gz on plat, but having only seen these 2 videos it seems like an awful lot of carry must

    have been done to get you there. (if you only played staff ele)


    note: i'm not saying you are bad, i'm saying staff is,

    so please don't think i'm criticizing you as a player,

    you did the best you could with what you have to work with! 🙂

  7. staff is indeed in a sorry state, its kinda funny how a melee focused heavy armour class like rev or guard can play a long range nuker better than what should be the archetypical mage class.

    meanwehile the archetypical mage class gets nothing but melee spec after melee spec after melee spec.

    glass cannon staff ele used to be one of my favourite things to play in pvp, you did huge aoe damage but you were also squishy as all hell, pretty balanced imho, but nerf after nerf all seemed to pile up, until we are left with this "thing" we have today.

    • Like 2
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  8. i'm kinda peeved that we have ANOTHER melee ele elite spec...

    meanwhile i'm still waiting for ele to have a spec that actually allows it to fulfil the "mage" archetype.

    core has seen too many nerfs over the years to be viable, i used to love playing fire staff ele.

    i was really expecting to see an elite spec that lets us focus on one element.

    maybe call it "acolyte" and it would allow us to focus entirely on one playstyle like a true mage instead of being a stancedancer.

    instead of having 4 buttons to swap between elements we get 4 new spells for our chosen element.

    example being "acolyte of fire" granting huge bonuses to power and ferocity and granting 4 aoe high damage/burning skills.

    • Like 2
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    • Confused 2
  9. step 1. revert the feb 2020 abortion of a patch (which nerfed cc skills to 10 damage.) i'd then balance the cc skills individually, if a particular skill NEEDS a damage reduction, i'd reduce the dmg.


    step 2. i'd make toughness effect conditions.


    step 3. i'd buff up the damage of some previously nerfed specs which have been left behind by powercreeps (like staff ele.)


    step 4. i'd take a look at everything that necro has and balance accordingly, make scourge and MMs less annoying to fight.

    • Like 3
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  10. i do miss the old 8v8 so perhaps 15 might be even more fun! 

    (although my fond memories of back in the 8v8 days might be skewed by not having the over-nerfed stale meta junk we have now-a-days.)


    only issue with 15v15 would be the queue times, even queueing for unranked is getting slow now, and thats only 10 players.

    • Like 1
  11. On 8/18/2021 at 8:01 AM, jwhite.7012 said:

    Not sure if this has been asked, but why does CC still do zero damage when the bunker amulets have been removed?

    because its Anet.

    they wave the nerfbat around in the dark and then turn on the light to see what they've broken,

    they then rename the shattered broken mess "a balance patch", pat themselves on the back for a job well done and then go on holiday for another 5 months.

    • Haha 8
  12. 14 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    what he ment is that stability used to be useless, as CC skills did so much damage you HAD to avoid them anyways, if throw rock deals 12k damage, using stability to avoid CC is not gonna help if im going to lose half HP to the skill anyways.

    so you nerf that skill.

    what you don't do is nerf EVERY CC SKILL IN THE GAME because some of them are doing too much damage...

    you nerf the things that need nerfing.


    how many warriors did you see using hammer before feb2020? maybe 1 per hundred games?

    yeah that weapon definitely needed to have all of its skills absolutely destroyed...


    feb 2020 was about the worst 'balance' patch that ive ever seen for any game i've played,

    and that includes the smite boon garbage from back in GW1.

    • Like 4
  13. they need to undo the feb 2020 junk, and that is just for a start.


    in that patch they nerfed all cc skills down to 10dmg and promised that we'd be seeing them go over and balance them all at a later time.

    but that never happened, weapons like warrior hammer (which noone ever used anyway) were nerfed when they didn't need it.

    all because some CC skills on other classes were dealing too much dmg.


    rather than nerfing the cc skills which needed damage nerfs they nerfed every damaging cc...

    it wasn't nerf bat, it was nerf nuke, with no thought or concern about casualties.

    like killing a wasp in your house by blowing up the house.

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