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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. it is indeed a problem, and the solution you layed out is a good one 🙂

    like you i've had the idea to ditch attunements and instead become stronger at a chosen thing.

    the "choose two like a revenant" idea is pretty cool!

    i've pitched the idea for an "Acolyte" elite spec a few times which takes it even further, letting you select ONE element to focus on, removing attunement swapping entirely

    but massively increasing your potency with that element, Staff would be the weapon of the elite spec and all of the skills would be either buffed or replaced,

    (only buffed/replaced while using the elite spec! so standard eles will still have the original skills, but acolytes will get the stronger skills!)

    for instance an Acolyte of Air would have a new staff skill 1 which would be a bigger beefier version of Arc Lightning with chaining,

    the knockback from Gust would be merged into Lightning Surge, freeing up a slot and the slot would be filled with an aoe skill similar to Lightning Storm


  2. signed!

    if my character is holding two axes i want to see them swinging them both!

    perhaps part of Janthir Wilds release could be a refresh of very dated animations.

    another example is looking at the auto attack for guardian scepter spamming the same single animation,

    would be nice to get some flurrishes and backhand swings, kinda like playing tennis.


    the only reason i think the devs might be weary of adding dual wield attack animations is how they might need to vary based on your weapons.

    for instance a warrior wielding a dagger in the main hand might have more "stabby" or "slashy" attacks, which would look silly with a mace in the offhand.

    and vice-versa using a mace in the main hand might give you pummeling and smashing animations which would look silly with a dagger in the offhand.

    and it would be a lot of work to make dual wield animation sequences for all of the possible combos.

    but still, i'd really like to see the auto attack chains receive dual wield animations.

    • Confused 6
  3. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's because in reality that daily isn't "dodge 3 enemy attacks", but "press dodge key 3 times while in combat". You can jump from a random staircase to take fall damage which puts you in combat and any dodge in that short time will also count for daily. Necro can put itself in combat by applying self-condies. It's not really some unique rev interaction -it's take (or deal) any damage and dodge.

    ah right, thats kinda silly XD

    • Haha 1
  4. hey gang! this is just a quick PSA!

    so i was fiddling around with builds in Lions Arch and i've been dabbling with Replenishing Despair

    and i've discovered that while you have an active upkeep skill and Replenishing Despair every dodge roll will count towards the "Dodge 3 enemy attacks" daily!

    so next time you have the daily, log on to your rev, activate an upkeep skill and roll 3 times! 😄👍

    EDIT: apparently anything that puts you in combat works, such as taking fall damage! (thanks Sobx for this information!)

    • Haha 3
  5. 2 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    mmm I prefere more choice when I want to reactivate which one, also for WvW and pvp this would a terrible change 

    thats a valid opinion 🙂

    perhaps it could be baked into Elevated Compassion

    since that is the trait which you'll be taking if you want to have permanent boon spam.

    Heal allies when you grant them boons. Grant boons to allies when your upkeep cost is equal to or higher than the threshold, Currently active Facets will automatically activate when you switch to Dragon Stance.

    • Confused 1
  6. hey gang! this won't be a long post as it is mostly what the title says!

    i love Herald for open world solo (and small group) play, i have several of them!

    but one thing that is always a minor inconvenience is when swapping back to Glint you need to reactivate all of your passives,

    it would be cool if when we switch out of Glint the game would remember which Facets we had active, and then when we switch back it will continue where we left off!

    i'm sure i'm not the only player who doesn't really Consume several of the Facets, as having their passive effects active is very useful (especially if you are using them for perma quickness)

    so having them remain toggled on whenever we switch to Glint would be a wonderful QoL change.

    anyway, thats all folks! thanks! 😄

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
  7. i'm honestly suprised that we haven't had fist weapons yet.

    it'd be a perfect fit for:

    Thief, getting martial arts style skills, rapid punches and kicks.

    Warrior, getting slow hard hitting brawler skills like haymakers, pounds and slams. (HULK SMASH!)

    Guardian could get palm strikes like wise master monks.

    ele could infuse their fists with elements and change styles, water fists would flow fluid like a shaolin, lightning fists would focus on rapid hits, earth fists would offer a more defensive boxing style and fire would be a more furious offensive style.

    ranger could go full feral with swiping claw attacks rapidly inflicting bleeding and poison in a wide arc.

    Mesmer would probably use illusionary fists giving them great reach.

    i'm not too sure about necro and rev though,

    perhaps necro could get vampiric claw swipes and rev could maybe summon spirits that also punch the target when you punch!


    • Like 2
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  8. its a common theme it seems with war that if you want to do damage you're pigeon holed into berserker.

    get used to glowing red because thats every dps spec!

    • Like 1
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  9. someone commented it elsewhere but i think the best solution would be for the different equipment tabs to remember what you have checked to show 🙂

    i too have the same issue as you, different equipment tabs have different transmogs and sometimes i'll want backpack to show, or head gear or gloves,

    but sometimes not, and i don't think it should be too troublesome for the devs to have the visibility setting tied to the equipment tabs.

    • Like 7
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  10. things get better over time, the devs learn new tricks.

    hence why you look at asomething from release like 100 blades or orb of wrath and they just seems so clunky and old fashioned

    but spears get fluid multi-attack animations and melee/ranged crossovers.

    • Like 1
  11. i actually don't want a GW3.

    i've been with this franchise since the early days of GW1, i spent thousands of hours of my teen years and 20s playing that game,

    seven years of progress, but then i moved to GW2 and all of it meant next to nothing, but now i've spent thousands of hours playing THIS game.

    and after 12 years of progress here i don't want to go through the motions of throwing it all away again to start off all over in a sequel.

    with nothing to show for the tens of thousands of hours spent over the past 19 years.

    the graphics and mechanics are good enough in this game that i really don't feel like we need a sequel either.

    • Like 2
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    • Confused 2
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  12. ele, its good that after 12 years, 4 new melee/close weapons and 3 new melee/close elite specs

    Anet have realized that people picking the mage class might have picked it because they want to stand back and sling ranged spells...


    still disappointed that we need to play the mage class hurling spears instead of getting a staff rework, but hey, we'll work with what we have.

    now if they can just make overloads 1200 range ground target skills we might actually have a functional ranged ele.

    • Like 3
  13. yes, yes and yes again.

    i'm so sick of EVERYTHING since release trying to push ele into close quarters.

    ele should be the quintessential mage class, staying back and slinging spells.

    instead ALL of our new weapons are melee or close range: sword (melee) hammer (melee/close) warhorn (close) pistol (close)

    and ALL three new specs are focused on being in the thick of battle.


    Storm's Reach

    Air and Fire Overload become ground target skills but can no longer be cast while moving.

    Range: 1200

  14. quick request, could we get more armour that changes charr tails in the future?

    they're extremely rare to come across, with only a small handful in the game.

    armour like Flame Legion is awesome because you get a fiery tail which really helps sell the pyromancer vibe of the set.

    meanwhile you can wear Vestment of the Lich to look like an avatar of death and destruction...

    but you still have a cute kitty cat tail sticking out of the back...imagine how cool it would be if it gave you a bone tail?

    so yeah, quick suggestion, more themed armours that change charr tails!


    extra request: hide Aegis effect out of combat or make the effect only show for a few seconds when Aegis is gained!

    its impossible to take good guardian screenshots when your character is hidden behind a permanent silly blue shield!

    here is Lexxi the Librarian trying to enjoy a good book, too bad she can't see half of the page!

    (or change the effect to something more subtle like every other buff.)

    • Like 2
  15. it did feel very underwhelming, especially the boss fight.

    they should have used Epoch in his big spider form like in the meta.

    i had a theory about a cool final battle, but nah, we just hit him repeatedly until his health bar goes down and its over.

    no interesting mechanics or anything.

    • Like 3
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  16. 13 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    To be fair, Warclaws just look like that once you remove the cool armor and fur shape.

    maybe, but it doesn't look "pouncey" it really looks like someone just hurled it and it trying to fall on its feet.

    maybe if it had a jumping animation at the start, a better mid animation that looks more like leaping than falling and a claw swipe at the end it wouldn't look so silly.


    I hopefully it's just a semi placeholder and they will refine the model to be more detailed once we give feedback


  17. i'll never get why so many people leave "confused" reactions on posts like this

    (though obviously saying this i fully expect incredibly witty folks to leave them on this comment.)

    but its a good idea, +1 to the ability to dump acclaim on something, its not top of the list of changes i'd like, but any QoL is good 🙂

    • Like 1
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  18. there are plenty of good PVE builds for thief,

    P/P deadeye with the right build and gear spamming unload will make you almost unkillable in open world (thanks to hits/crits healing you)

    there is also staff power or D/D condi daredevils who spam dodges while putting out good amounts of damage

    and specter also has a nice mix of damage and support.

    i can't personally speak for raiding because i don't do it, but for open world i can confirm thief is awesome, with many viable builds 😄

    • Thanks 1
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