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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. greatsword should feel big and meaty!

    1 (auto): i'd slow it down a little and increase the damage and cleave range (further reach and 180 degree arcing sweeps)

    2 (hundred blades): as you said, allow slow movement.

    3 (whirlwind): replace with a channeled whirlwind! hold the key to spin around for up to 4 seconds blending everything around you. (you can move while channeling)

    4 bladetrail: replace entirely, hold the key for up to 3 seconds to charge up an attack, when complete or button released slam your greatsword down infront of you dealing damage to enemies in a line infront of you (massive damage to close enemies and moderate damage to enemies further away.)

    5 (rush): replace with a bull rush, hold the key to charge forwards for up to 4 seconds, damaging and knocking aside everything in your path. (you gain stability each time you hit an enemy and you can turn to steer the rush.)

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  2. On 1/12/2024 at 6:07 PM, JDub.1530 said:

    Am I misreading something? The changes to Radiant Fire are stated to enabled off hands other than Torch, but it seems like it's packing all the benefits into Torch instead.

    yeah "we're making radiant fire less dependent on torch by making it do absolutely nothing unless you're running a torch."

    madness...there goes most of the condi damage from my hybrid build that doesn't run torch...thanks anet.

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  3. hey guys, so i have read the balance preview patch notes and this struck me as weird.

    "We've also reworked the Radiant Fire trait to be less dependent on always having a torch equipped"

    this got me thinking a nice buff might be coming for those of us who don't run torch.

    But then below we see what Anet have planned: 

    "Radiant Fire: This trait no longer grants Zealot's Flame when critically striking an enemy, and instead it grants an additional ammunition to Zealot's Flame."

    so can someone help me out here? because i fail to see how making the trait do NOTHING unless you're running a torch is making it less dependent on running torch...

    for my hybrid damage build who doesn't run torch and was relying on Radiant Fire for burn dmg this will be a big fat nerf.

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  4. On 1/17/2024 at 11:56 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

    That seems really clunky, can't imagine that one 😅

    it was actually GREAT if you had a burn proc build (so every 3rd hit you deal causes an aoe burn)

    you could pull a load of mobs and auto attack several times to absolutely melt everything 😜

    also the cone hit things through walls!


    but back on topic, yup it would be nice if staff 1 had some form of a healing component!

    i'd just make the 2 exploding projectiles in the chain grant a little bit of healing, or make the first exploding projectile grant flat healing and the 2nd projectile grant 1 second of regen to make it a little more interesting.

    after that maybe also give staff 5 some form of support component, an obvious choice being when you run through it you gain a buff (regen/prot/resolution or something) with a 10 second cooldown per player so you can't just keep running through it for repeat buffs.

    • Like 1
  5. hey gang!

    happy new year all! i'll try to keep it short but sweet, i've recently been getting back into GW2 in a heavy way, binged it hard recently and i'm having a blast,

    i've got a meaty new PC so i'm able to run reshade and make the game look amazing, the only problem is that reshade makes the UI difficult to see [example]

    with things like depth of field and bloom effect it, i did see an old guide which went through step by step on how to get reshade to skip the UI layer

    and this seemed PERFECT, exactly what i was looking for! but alas, it seems to have been for DX11, i've followed the guide and it doesn't seem to be working on the newer DX12 GW2.

    so my question is simple, has anyone got reshade to skip the UI like in that reddit thread above?

    i see there are some guides to draw squares over the UI which won't be effected by the shaders, but imho that would just look bad, so i'm trying to find a way to make the reshade skip the UI layer.


    EDIT: as many have pointed out GW2 still uses DX11 and not 12! doh!

    and after much tinkering i managed to get reshade to skip the UI!

    turns out i was missing a pretty important file from download! 😅

    thanks for people who responded and let me know it was still DX11!

    • Confused 1
  6. i just find it depressing that even my glassiest staff ele, oneshot by PVE mobs can't put out anywhere near as much damage as my other characters.

    even my warrior would can just sit there and take punishment forever with high health and passive heals can pump out more damage.

    so yeah, i sign this 100%, we need a staff rework! glasscannon eles are the squishiest thing in the game, they should be rewarded with colossal damage.

  7. i've been suggesting this for years! i'd call the elite spec "Acolyte" and we basically focus on an element and choose to be an Acolyte of Fire/Earth/Water or Lightning.

    this would disable the stance-dancing of current ele and focus everything on that one element.

    i'd make staff the weapon of the elite spec and dial up the power of the skills (since you only have 5 instead of 20!)

    being an Acolyte of Fire would see you focused on large area damage, becoming the quintessential RPG fire mage!

    an Acolyte of Lightning would get massive single target damage, (skill 1 would be replaced with a super-buffed version of scepter 1.)

    Acolytes of Water would be capable of main healing for a raid through very potent water healing spells.

    and an Acolyte of Earth would be able to tank with the best of them!


    the only thing that would be tricky is the trait tree because typical trait trees have 3 choices, obviously with 4 elements we'd need 4 choices.

    perhaps we could get REALLY crazy and make the elite specs all have their own tree? basically 4 elite specs. 😄

    like the Acolyte of Fire elite spec would give you options for condi (spreading blazing fires around) power damage (enhancing the direct damage of the massive metoers you'll be hurling around) and maybe a 3rd hybrid that would enhance both condi and power to a lesser extent, maybe this 3rd option would also be where you would get a bit of survival.

    • Like 2
  8. 18 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    I play a male character. I'm extra grateful Anet lets him show some skin now. Skimpy lads rejoice!

    yep! i mostly play ladies, but i'm glad they're giving the sexy to everyone 😄

    11 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    All we can do is keep asking for more skimpy options and hope they deliver. They should start with the elite druid ranger armor from GW1 for starters. I'm also still waiting on my awesome battle thong that is the warrior's elite kurzick armor. And let's not forget the Elite Sunspear armor for elementalist.

    if they keep making them, i'll keep buying them! 😉(and yup i did love the 15k druid armour!)

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  9. Hey gang! i've not played in a good while and i was delighted to see the two "new" gemstore sets Savage Scale and Leather Straps!

    For a long while it had seemed like we were heading the way of long coats and full plate,

    which i personally found to be a shame having seen some of the wonderfully sexy armour sets that the game released with (female human cultural armour will always hold a special place in my heart!)

    so i was very glad to see some sexy sets being added once again! they were both an instant purchase from me,

    so this post is very simply a big thank you to Anet for bringing sexy back! 😁

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  10. so apparently this bug has been around for TWO YEARS. [ 1 | 2 | 3

    how has this not been fixed yet? kinda a big deal if people buy the expansion and then crash before they can even get to Cantha...

    i remember playing EoD back then and i didn't crash, but clearly some people were crashing, and i've just tried to get to cantha on a new character, and now its happening to me.

    i've done the annoying airship jumping mission three times now and always crash after the cutscene on the beach.

  11. 22 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Have you not read my previous response on your other thread? :classic_huh:

    Deactivate Post-Processing in the game's graphics settings and use ReShade for a more beautiful look.

    i'm starting to think they aren't actually after advice and just wanted to complain, i totally agree with you about reshade, my game looks absolutely beautiful!

    and thanks to the DX upgrade it also runs a lot better, in short i think the game has improved overall.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    They removed all the summoning Rune effects as well.

    I don't understand why they thought it's a good idea to straight up delete these.

    They didn't hurt their beloved melee boon pile in any way, shape or form.

    aye! I had a golemancer who i loved playing, she was asuran (obviously!) with the golemancy runes and golem elite,

    last expansion getting mechanist was really cool for her! since jade bot is kinda like an extra golem.

    this expansion pretty much destroyed the character since ti stole her main golem away.

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  13. C'mon Anet, give us back our builds that you broke in the expansion!

    before the expansion i was playing a tanky warrior build using Rune of Aristocracy and mace for weakness spam

    (the 6th bonus made applying weakness give you 5 might stacks) i also threw in skale venom for even more weakness,

    basically i was spamming weakness which was in turn spamming might and healing (thanks to warrior traits that heal on might application), the sustain was awesome!

    i logged in for the first time since the expansion today and it only took a few mobs before i realized that something was wrong, my weakness=might had been STOLEN.

    so now i'm disappointing, and looking for a different build...

    my golemancer would also like her golem back! (from rune of golemancy)

    reminder, EXPANSIONS should not REMOVE CONTENT.

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  14. aye, staff received nerf after nerf in the early days and we've seen a lot of power creep over the years leaving staff ele feeling weak.

    my glassiest staff ele build with like 8k hp can't do anywhere near as much damage as my other glass chars,

    literally ANY other class i can put out more ranged DPS than my staff ele, even the ones with far more HP like guard and rev.

    and imho staff ele should be the epitome of glass cannon, the quintessential mage! so its just sad to see them falling behind.

    • Like 6
  15. personally i didn't even want a new weapon,

    i want a new specialization, The Acolyte.

    Acolyte would revisit Staff and basically turn ele into a more typical fantasy mage,

    you'd give up the in-combat stance-dancing of GW2 ele to focus on one element,

    but you would be much more efficient with that element than standard ele.

    for example Acolyte of Fire would let you focus on becoming the ultimate fiery damage dealer, Acolyte of Water would focus on healing, boons and cleansing etc

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