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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. On 6/14/2023 at 2:52 AM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    this is a 2010 game made with 2000's technology. Your meme build can't run it better than any 2010's pc.

    check the video someone posted above of the old effects.

    we lost these effects because of people playing on potato PCs.

    and yes my "meme build" (is it meme to have a decent PC? O_o) played the game just fine,

    we all didn't need to suffer a graphical downgrade for the potato people.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    A lot more people play open world than instanced content, and there's meta builds for that too. So even if the skills are open world only, if any of them are half decent, someone somewhere will feel like they're forced to pick a certain race to get the most out of their class.

    That's how you end up with 328975692 norn rangers and 2 charr rangers disbalance scenario (for example).

    but all of the racials are already subpar.

    norn rangers vs charr rangers won't be fighting over which is more meta between charrzooka and norn forms when they have:

    Strength of the Pack (tons of might, and fury)

    Spirit of Nature (ticking AoE healing and AOE resurrect.)

    Glyph of Stars (AoE heal, stab, condi cleanse and ressurection)

    One Wolf Pack (meaty damage increase)

    because the answer is NEITHER.

    i don't see a reason not to allow these things to be toggleable, since only people who care more about RP fun will use them anyway

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    They're open world toys, nothing's stopping you from immersing yourself in your character and using them in metas and open world.

    the cooldowns do!

    thats what i'm saying though, i don't think any of the racial skills offer too much to make them competitive "meta" choices anyway, so i see no reason not to remove the durations and/or cooldowns on things like norn forms, asuran golems, sylvan hound and hounds of balthazaar.

    i do run the golem on my golemancer (along with golemancer runes and mechanist golem)

    but it would be REALLY sweet if it didn't have a short duration and ridiculous cooldown.

    i would LOVE to use the power suit all of the time, even though it is weaker than rifle, it would just be harmless fun.

    Taimi gets to do it!

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  4. ok ok the title was a little bit of a joke i don't need racial skills to be "Great"

    but wouldn't it be fun if they were atleast DECENT? 🙂

    i have an Asuran Golemancer and would LOVE if she could stay in her power suit all of the time! (even if the skills are weaker than weapon skills),

    likewise the golem summoning elite skills shouldn't have durations, they should work like Necro minions, you summon it and it is simply there until it dies! (its not like they are even particularly strong.)

    i also have a big gruff norn warrior who i would love to be a werebear, but the forms are just so bad (very old skills that root you), and they don't last long and then have massive cooldowns...

    wouldnt it be GREAT if norns could simply switch to their forms at will and have them last until cancelled? (again, even if the skills are weaker than weapon skills)

    same for Charr who should be able to use their Charrzooka all of the time if they want too!

    and Sylvari being able to have their Sylvan Hound with them all of the time.


    its sad that racial skills are so forgotten and abandoned, because there is a ton of potential for more character flavour.

    i propose racials be revisited and refreshed to be way more accessible! i would also like them to be made better, but i know a lot of people are less fond of that idea, so i could settle for them just being way more useable.

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  5. yeah this was about the most boring episode to date.

    listen to this audio recording, listen to the next audio recording, and then the next 10!

    now head to several other continents to listen to some more talk!

    lets throw in some mandatory fishing before the next talk!


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  6. perhaps it would be good if the game remembered where you've been on your characters and unlocked it on all of them,

    i'll agree it is a little annoying when you want to do the next living world content on character X,

    but you did the previous one on character Y so you don't have any of the map unlocked.

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  7. i too am happy to see the tattoo sets being added.

    FINALLY my male norn can be bare chested!

    2 things i'd like though:

    first i feel like the loincloth is way too high up on female characters,

    it looks like they've been on the receiving end of a super-wedgy!

    for reference here is the gladiator set, and here is the recently added savage scale loincloth, as you can see they sit nicely at hip height, it would be GREAT if the loincloth from the tattoo set sat at the same height!

    i mocked up an example here!


    secondly could we get a version without the tattoos?

    it would sell SUPER well, as i said above i've been wanting to make my norn male bare chested for ages and i know a lot of us enjoy the more savage looks for our warriors! and the loincloth is perfect for that!

    • Like 4
  8. i totally agree with this, i want the next elite to bring ele back to its roots as a long range spellcaster.

    not a hammer wielding bruiser or a sword wielding swashbuckler, A STAFF WIELDING WIZARD!


    imho the next expansion should be "acolyte" and allow us to focus on an element for more powerful spells of that element at the cost of losing in-combat stance dancing.

    for example a Fire Acolyte will focus their talents of dps and stay in fire attunement and would have enhanced effects with fire spells, not just damage boosts, but effecting the spells themselves, like larger lava font, more meteors, a volley of fireballs instead of 1 etc.

    now we can finally play a pyromancer, hydromancer, geomancer or aeromancer!

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