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Everything posted by PervMonk.4891

  1. did you get downed during the fight ?there is a bug report on the wiki that the buff can get removed when u get downed
  2. Expansions are pay to win for this game. If the new specs weren't called Elite (which by definition is better than the rest) and didnt out perform its predecessors by a large margin and only content was added, then it wouldnt be pay to win. Guild Wars went with the model that not only added new content but gave significant power creep to those who purchased said expansion. Other games like Stellaris, Battlefield, STEEP, Railway Empire and some more only release content with expansions, they dont add a steroid injected character to go with it. Just content. For those games, saying that buying an expansion is p2w is laughable but this isn't the catagory that GW2 fits in. Gw2 has been P2W since HoT and even more so now that PoF users have a huge combat advantage in WvW over those who dont via mounts. 3 extra dodges, immunity to CC, faster travel times and list goes on just based off that 1 example. So if Arenanet made expansions a necessity and disallowed access to endgame content and game modes to people who did not buy them, would that not fix the issue? It would definitly not be pay to win any more right? Also all of those games you mentioned are neither MMOs nor in some cases even multiplayer. A bit apples to oranges or? Its simple it shouldn't need to be explained. It applies to all expansions for any game. Did the purchase of an expansion provide you with better equipment, tools and or characters to use that involves Player vs Player? If you answer yes, its pay to win. Did the purchase of an expansion provide you with more content and nothing else that provides an advantage to a Player in a Player v Player environment? Not pay to win. Its really simple to understand that it doesn't require any nit picking. Now our expansions came with Elite specs, look up the definition of Elite and its basically something better than the rest. We didnt get 1 steroid injected toon, we got 9 and content. BY ENGLISH DEFINITION: its pay to win. Thats by English definition though.lol u even dont know what's p2wgo do ur research kidif you want to see real p2w look at bdo or archeage. this games doesnt even come close to having p2wjust keep whining cuz u want every thing free
  3. imagine calling cosmetic loot boxes p2w or that expacs are p2w feelsweirdman
  4. I was able to craft the 6 Dragonsblood weapons within 4 days, but I'm not even able to buy the recipes for the Astral weapons yet. It takes a 7 day quest just to get started. Just yesterday we talked about this in guild chat and we all agreed that in comparison, the aquisition of Astral weapons is out of line. You need 500 kralk ore, 10 times more than Branded Masses. But you only get 5 times more from Heart vendors. Ok, I got a lot from mining meteors on multiple maps. But in comparison to Dragonsbloos weapons, it's a lot of standing around waiting for stuff. In Thunderhead Peaks, I used 13 characters to do the Gorrik Heart, which takes less than one minute to complete, and buy the item to get into the dungeon on the TP, for the gems. I think there was a quest for the recipes as well, but not time gated. For Astral weapons, I have to do a 7 day time gated quest and wait many hours for meteors. I will do this, but in comparison to the othher stuff you have to do for the collection, it's not equal. Maybe that was never the goal, but it's like that. Its terrible, that game offers longterm activities. One more time, you DONT have to do it. Most of the activities are optional. So stop searching for problems, where they are not. If I may suggest search for bugs which are in some collections, much more meritorious. My post was rather neutral, I don't see how you feel triggered to lecture me on how I'm supposed to play the game. I stated that the Astral weapons are more tedious to get than Dragonsblood and I said why. Do you have a different opinion on that?they are not difficult to getfor dragons blood weapons you need 18 exquisite jewels and you can get 3-4 per day if your lucky to get 1 from the meta so that's 5-7 daysthe astral collection requires 7 days of simple tasks per day that wont take 5 mins and 3k powder and ores, and you farm those in 3 days easily with out farming hearts if you take 2-3 hrs per day to farm with a multi map squad. so they both take around 7 days to do and even the powder you can buy it from the tp and you cant buy the exquisite jewels and the plate will rise up in price when the map dies. im sorry but you are the one that chooses to see it more tedious and difficult when it's far easier than dragons blood, it's literally going in different maps press 2 then 3 then move to the next map and repeat until u hit the cap when the dragons blood one requires 2 successful metas which by time will die and no one will do them but the powder and ores you solo farm them if you want to get more loot then 5 ppl are enough not a full squad
  5. That would be correct if you knew what you'd be getting ahead of time when you purchased the expansion. But to say you paid in advance for warclaw is bs. It's a WvW exclusive mount with the only thing PoF bringing to WvW is imbalanced elite specs. It wasnt a expansion centered around bringing mounts to WvW, it was strictly a PvE decision. The fact its behind a p2w wall is poor planning and implementation. Almost feels as though those who say "I paid for it" really need a elite spec + a fast moving, CC immune, 10k shield to have an advantage against f2p core class players. It's pretty pathetic. So, the fact that Gliders were added into WvW after HoT was not a clue that WvW was going to get Mounts after PoF to you? I hope you have an adult managing your money. Or they could balance there game, not force players to purchase a expansion for elite specs that are supposed to be choices and not direct upgrades and encourage players to purchase the game for better PvE content and interesting events. Just a thought. Or, you could realize this is a MMO and not a MOBA/Fortnite game and that Xpacs are expected part of the game. F2P is NOT expected to be the whole game, it's a very extended free preview. This is why I never wanted it to go free to play, because this kind of entitlement was what we were going to get. Buy the Xpacs, support the game, and stop being free bags in WvW. It being a MMO has nothing to do with anything. This is a game that adds expansion packs with no level increase so no matter what everyone will be able to interact with eachother. Meaning games that do offer expansions packs add the content after the previous level cap which seperates interaction from players who own and dont own the expansion. WoW is a great example of this. Again f2p players arent asking for the entire game. Even when Gliders were added to WvW it was met with controversy and even then it wasnt a p2w feature as everyone was able to fight it and wasnt as much of a balance breaking feature since it only worked in places you owned. Mounts on the other hand are the opposite, they offer a far greater advantage because it comes with a burst attack, cc immunity, and a 10khp buffer. They also have the option of not paying, finding another game, and letting your game population go to a bland state which would actually require the non realistic alliance system. The thing that may never come. What is pay 2 win then?Is it paying for a advantage?If you purchase Expansion packs are you not receiving those advantages?Is there not a gem store in the game to rake in the support of players without forcing its players to pay for a advantage in WvW? The game is free. The balance breaking expansion pack isnt. i can't continue discussion with someone that thinks buying expansions is pay 2 win lolif you want to see some p2w games take a look at black desert.and again gw2 has never been f2p, the core game is just an infinite demoyou're just a leecher who wants everything for free and when the game shuts down due to lack of revenue. you just move to the next game and demand them to give it to you for free.and as i said again if you want free games go play free games
  6. That would be correct if you knew what you'd be getting ahead of time when you purchased the expansion. But to say you paid in advance for warclaw is bs. It's a WvW exclusive mount with the only thing PoF bringing to WvW is imbalanced elite specs. It wasnt a expansion centered around bringing mounts to WvW, it was strictly a PvE decision. The fact its behind a p2w wall is poor planning and implementation. Almost feels as though those who say "I paid for it" really need a elite spec + a fast moving, CC immune, 10k shield to have an advantage against f2p core class players. It's pretty pathetic.you clearly don't understand the difference between pay 2 win and pay 2 playthis game isn't free, the core game is just a demo if you want to play, pay like the rest of us. and stop whining you aren't getting free stuff cuz u want it, if you want to play f2p games then go play f2p games
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