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Posts posted by itslenh.1205

  1. Dear Users!I dont want to ask for this item (cus I CANT - in the past someone already helped me with one glider, and Im not want to begging or exploiting the rules), but I really really want to know this:Today I be able to topup my account with gems to purchase the ninetail mount skin, but I think IT will be out of the store (or already gone/removed).

    • question: anyone know when it will be purchaseable again to buy it?

    thank you for your reply!!! <3

    Best MMO community ever :) <3

  2. Dear Kind Souls!!

    ! I Really, I mean REALLY love to get a Glider skin, since I bought the HoT Expac, I can't keeped the ammount of golds, to purchase any of the gliders.! I don't want an expensive 700 gem one, Id just like to get one different glider, the default one is really meh.!! Server: EU! Desire: Glacial Glider (price: _500 _gem) OR 130 GOLD to let me exchange it to the GEM for my wanted glider!! My Desires Goal:! - 500 gem: Glacial Glider! or! - 130 gold: (0/130 gold)!! IF Anyone can help me with this glider OR with some golds, please don't hesitate, I Really appreciate it (and ofc when Im be able, i will return your favor - when you in need / or ingame help, anything what i can do).!! Thank you so much!

    EDITED:Thank you so much, I've got my "gift"!I'm really happy about it, thanks!!!!

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