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Everything posted by Bollocks.4078

  1. Submit a ticket to Customer Service. That's what I had to do to get my glyph selection boxes on both of my accounts.
  2. I still don't have mine yet on either account. I'll wait until tomorrow. If I still don't have it yet I'm going to submit tickets to CS. It would help a lot if they would actually communicate what's going on. Everything everyone is saying about how they are handling the fix is really just speculation.
  3. I did not get any mail from support on either of my accounts. I submitted in-game bug reports but I did not directly contact CS. I guess I have to contact CS to get my glyph boxes?
  4. Wait, scratch that, it's both accounts. I just took the tools out of my mail on my main account and as soon as I did they disappeared on the Black Lion Exchange Specialist. I only got the tools, not any glyph selection boxes.
  5. I have this issue as well. On my alt account I had used the tools but the vendor has no option to trade the tools in. On my main account I haven't taken them out of the mail yet but I do have the option to exchange at the vendor.
  6. It's just the whims of RNG. I once got Transmutation Charges 17 times in a row. Also keep in mind that the 5 racial towns, LA and Southsun Cove don't give keys for map completion.
  7. I got XP only the first time I completed the map. That was Nov 11, 2023. I do have Skyfarer now but I have never received a chest for Inner Nayos map completion.
  8. Same here, no map rewards at all and didn't get Skyfarer either.
  9. You know full well I was talking to RoseofGilead and not you so what's the point of this response?
  10. Ah right, I was confused. I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out!
  11. Testimony of Heroics item gives you Proof of Heroics currency. You can use Proofs of Heroics to buy https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notarized_Scroll_of_Central_Tyrian_Heroics. I know it gives a random heart but basically the scroll lets you bypass 1 random heart. If you do some heats first you can essentially pick which hearts you don't have to do.
  12. I completed Echovald mapping a while back. Later I unlocked the Dichotomy collection. I don't have credit for Vindicator's Cache. Has anyone else seen this and know how to fix it? Do I need to submit a ticket to CS?
  13. I specifically recall feeling like I mostly got drops I couldn't use in the early days. I've been playing since day 0. I think lucky accounts/chars is really just a perception due to the nature of RNG. This is especially true for very rare things. I've always felt like I have better than average luck in sone areas and worse than average luck in other areas. For example, for all the hours I've played I've never gotten a precursor from mob drops, chests, etc. But I have gotten 5 precursors from the Mystic Toilet. That may be a completely invalid comparison anyway depending on what precursor drop chances are for the mobs, chests, etc vs for the Mystic Toilet.
  14. Dungeon armor was originally exclusive to PvE. The only way to get it was to play dungeons. The WvW reward track was added later. It's always been my understanding that the reward tracks were added because WvW players wanted PvE rewards without having to go to PvE to get them. Pact Crowbars can only be used in PvE. They have no use at all in WvW.
  15. You're clearly avoiding what I said. When you're ready to respond to my point we can continue. Otherwise I'll assume you realize I poked a hole in your argument that you can't address.
  16. I still didn't say anything about gatekeeping. I'm commenting on "Do the content for the rewards you want" and nothing else.
  17. I didn't say anything about gatekeeping. I'm refering to the "Do the content for the rewards you want" concept. That's clearly not how GW2 works. If it were you would have to go to play dungeons to get dungeon armor. You would have to play in Verdant Brink to get Pact Crowbars. You would have to go to Inner Nayos to get Calcified grasps. The list goes on and on. How does "Do the content for the rewards you want" hold any water with so many PvE rewards available from WvW reward tracks?
  18. This argument doesn't work unless they remove all PvE rewards from WvW reward tracks.
  19. I've been having this issue on T2 and T3. I'll get the Kryptis Rift Extraction when applicable but not the other rewards for the rift boss. Was getting really bad today for me in Sparkfly Fen. Had it happen on another map recently as well but don't recall which map. edit: it's happening on all tiers. Just did some T1s in Sparkfly. Got normal rewards for first two, then nothing for boss on the 3rd. That seems to be the pattern. No rewards for rift boss starting on the third time of any tier.
  20. I like to craft fine Essences of Luck into Masterwork ones for the WV Daily when it comes up.
  21. Are you sure about that? Based on the wiki they are research salvageable. Others have already said they are research salvageable. If they aren't then the wiki is wrong and ANET made separate versions of those armor and weapon chests and different versions of all of the armors and weapons in them.
  22. How do you resolve that against the policy on unattended game play? https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay The first bullet specifically says while "not actively playing the game." If you are actively doing something else then you are not actively playing the game.
  23. I think you can answer that yourself. How do those situations relate to unattended gameplay? Would you consider either of those to be unattended gameplay? The list really does not go on. If it's unattended game play then it's not allowed. If your character is getting loot, XP, Karma, etc while you are doing something else then it's against the rules. This is clearly a different scenario. If a player responds when a GM checks on them then they won't get banned because the GM can't tell if it's attended or unattended game play.
  24. Not true at all. If they respond to GM messages then the GM has to assume they are actively playing even if they are not. Unattended gameplay is still against the rules. It's just super easy to get away with it due to very lax enforcement. It's like using a radar detector to avoid getting a speeding ticket. If the cop didn't see you speeding they can't give you a ticket. It doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law otherwise.
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