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Todd.6573's Achievements

  1. I have the same issue. Crashes as soon as it starts, so i guess no story for me today.
  2. Having the same issue. Tried multiple characters, multiple times. "Thorough Investigator" is impossible to complete at the moment.
  3. Yes, of course its higher than dedicated Support specs. However, if you look at, say, a DPS firebrand. A dedicated, 100% DPS focused firebrand. He still has easy, non disruptive access to: Tons of Aegis, Stab, Regen, Swiftness, Reflect, Might, Quickness, Resistance, Healing in general, Increased healing, CC on demand, Evade, Condi Cleanse and i can keep going. Using any or multiple of these will not significantly impact the DPS of that guardian. Now, lets go back to the Weaver - You have easy access to: Damage. Like, thats it. You can swap into water for an evade and after a second swap (so several seconds in) you get some condi cleanse. Want some CC? Sure, go into air, then earth, then whatever and use your 3 accessible skills. Its asinine to say Weavers or Eles in general should be the same DPS as that Guard. They dont have to buff Weavers or Eles, but they definitely should nerf Firebrand and Scourge that have extreme value in a team comp.
  4. It's actually starting to get absurd. There is no correlation between impact and DPS anymore. Usually the aim for a glass cannon class/build/character is to deal massive damage at the cost of survivability, but now it's much more logical (for some absurd reason) to have classes that literally CAN NOT DIE in PvE deal the same amount of damage on top of massive support abilities as a class with an insane rotation, zero survivability and zero support when built to DPS. Maybe some communication* from the devs about what the plan is? Because it seems like the plan is bringing a shotgun to a board of skills and just nerfing whatever gets hit. Because unless they are deleting Elementalist or just adding metric tons of support capabilities to base ele and weaver there is zero logic behind anything that's been done lately. Absolutely insane. For your convenience: *Communication: A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
  5. Here's a thought, how do you justify having an expansion that most would say lack rewarding content, and then, a month after release, you throw in a patch adding 31 mounts and various other skins, all behind paywalls, but NOT A SINGLE one added as base content.Seriously?You're heading down a slippery slope real fast, and even people like me who don't mind spending some cash in games are getting worried...
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