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Posts posted by Caysadia.7405

  1. Snappy, fluid combat has been a core of Guild Wars 2 since its inception, and so far each expansion managed to build on that base while introducing fun new mechanics. Fast forward to End of Dragons, and it feels like that core has been ejected to the wayside. 


    Willbender and Bladesworn both suffer from obtuse animation locks for PvP combat, and the reward isn't worth the risks taken. Long drawn out skills that can be cancelled, at the cost of the skill never firing. Trying to land virtue of justice, or chain dragon triggers, both feel really bad in the current iteration of both classes.


    Then you have Catalyst and Vindicator, whose new mechanics are interesting, but add a crazy amount of odd bloat to both classes. Why do the jade spheres operate on both an energy and cooldown system? The spheres may be functional in PvE, but in PvP modes someone can just turn 360 degrees and walk away, forcing you to cancel early as both you and the enemy reposition. Then you have vindicator, which feels annoyingly energy hungry, and feels as if it has a crazy amount of downtime. 


    It feels like the design doesn't want to swing back to the frankly broken state PoF specs released in, but it feels like the pendulum has swung too far left, and are instead left with classes that may be unique in gameplay, but do established things several times worse than previously released specs.

    • Like 3
  2. On 8/28/2021 at 8:36 PM, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    Do you think the F3/synergies on the Bender will stay? It feels highly unintended. I hope they don't gut Shattered Aegis further just to keep that trick for the Bender. The trait still has some other application today, plus I don't think the forums could handle the avalanche of posts from Caysadia if they did something sloppy like putting an icd on the rebuke 😉.

    I will kitten fury

    • Haha 3
  3. We are quickly approaching the apex of our persistence. One thousand days, slowly creeping over the horizon. Only one hope remains for our people. I imagine the next time I convene we will know the elite specializations offered in End of Dragons, and it is then we will know if our patience will be rewarded. Until then, we will continue to stand in defiance against an unfair existence. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    why did you decide to take up this crusade brother?

    My burning heart of justice couldn't stand such an atrocity. In one patch the land of world vs world went from a glorious battlefield of which the tenets of honor and integrity ruled, and in one swift patch those ideals were squashed. Such glaring depravity made me sick to my stomach, and so I swear to continue on in my everlasting journey to see good triumph over evil.


    4 hours ago, Fatherbliss.4701 said:

    Cay I'm curious how many of your 119 posts talk about this topic. That is the most important question. Keep the fight going.

    In a way all conversations lead to shattered aegis my good Bliss

    • Like 2
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    • Haha 1
  5. It has now been 767 days since shattered aegis was nerfed, and with a new year comes new resolutions.

    Resolutions to rise above the failings of the past, to overcome our torment, and thrust ourselves into the new year with vigor, knowing that there can and will be justice for those who seek it.

    I look forwards to continuing my crusade into the year, and I hope you will all join me in seeking to right this horrible wrong.

  6. As of today, December the tenth 2020, it has now been 2 years since shattered aegis was nerfed. We've gone through a president, a global pandemic, patch upon patch upon patch, an expansion announcement, and now we come to today. Past the precipice of it all. 2 years. 730 days. I will not rest. I will not relent. I will reclaim my right, not just for myself, but for all those who have come before me, and those who will arrive into a world without shattered aegis. I do not want my children to be born into a world of pirateships and 1200 range. I will continue to fight this good fight for as long as it takes, that I promise you.

  7. All i feel is the dark. The endless dread creeping along my back. It has been so long since the light has graced us with its presence. How long can our souls survive in this turbid maelstrom of muck and filth. There is no glory, no hope, no justice for the people of our lands. A great and terrible power has wrought us asunder, and the only thing we have left to answer to is our own demise. Death is coming, and I embrace it.

  8. @Zexanima.7851 said:

    @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Had to answer yes. You talk about oppression, yet ban travelers and immigrants to DR. Can't support someone who is like that :p :p :p

    Arenanet has DISPUTED my travel ban and has CENSORED my decree from all official channels. My rights as the leader of my land has been violated.

    So like a chump, 2 wrongs make a right and because you have been violated you deserve the right to violate others, like a 5 year old child who was just scolded and is now hitting others out of anger?

    Leaders like this is what creates a dictatorship and has no place here good sir.

    How dare you speak heresy of our glorious shattered leader Caysadia who was shattered so by the shattering of shattered agies. Down with the nay sayers!

    Years of oppression has blinded him to the truth like so many others. We have nothing to lose but our chains brothers! Shattered from our wrists as we move towards a better future.

  9. As I look onto the Eternal Battlegrounds from my perch on Stonemist, and reminisce about the battles I've fought and the wars I've won, it came to my attention that there is currently something rotten in the state of WvW. I sat there in agony, wracking my brain as to what could have been the issue, when finally it came to me, in a fit of brilliance. With gusto I rushed to my quarters, and retrieved my calendar from beneath a mountain of my belongings. With fanatical speed I flipped past the months dates blurring together as I reached my goal. December of 2018. Scanning the page my finger lands on a date I've circled in bloodstone red, the 11th of December. Inscribed in the small square which seemed as big as the world to me at the time, were the simple words, "Shattered Aegis: The damage of this trait has been increased by 20% in PvE only. This trait can no longer critically hit.". With a blur it all dawned on me, as if the revelation was in front of my eyes this entire time. Throwing away the calendar I rushed to the Siege Provisioner and pleaded to borrow his abacus. As the small beads clicked and clacked and my finger carved through the dirt, my maths came to a final conclusion. It has been Four Hundred and Three days since shattered aegis was nerfed. 403. Three small digits that opened my eyes to everything in such a simple way. I come to you today brothers to inform you of what I've discovered, and that without the trait to bind us, we will continue to spiral into depravity.

    • Like 1
  10. For me its shattered aegis.

    The subtle curves of the aegis effect, the simple yet clean artwork on the trait icon, the dichtomy between offense and defense, two opposites brought together to create something more than the sum of its parts, its just true art really.

  11. Dont forget the stellar balance updates, arenanet really made sure we got our moneys worth out of PoF with how great scourge and firebrand are. Im happy they nipped toxic and annoying builds like boon mesmer and shattered aegis guard early on.

  12. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

    @Caysadia.7405 said:Being that we'll shortly be entering the new year, I wanted Arenanet to

    Understand that the current state of NA WvW is still floundering, and I

    Fear the mode that I love and enjoy wont exist as 2020 goes on. I wanted to take a moment to bring forth some ideas as to whats plaguing wvw, and

    Failing that at least bring attention to some of the more fatal flaws.

    Seeing as Arenanet isnt exactly sure

    How they can bring the game back up to its former glory, there's

    Always a few ways they can

    Try to

    Turn things around. NA WvW is somehow in an

    Even sharper decline, and alot of its

    Radical drop in population can be attributed to its decline in able commanders, the

    Ephemeral lifeblood of WvW. 2019 was a

    Disastrous year for the pugmander, with

    Almost every server seeing longtime commanders leaving, as the

    Ebola of the current wvw playscape evolves into its final

    Glorious form, as it all marches on

    Into oblivion. I hope the new changes they'll be pushing in quarter 1 of 2020 can

    Shake things up, as WvW in NA truly feels to be on its final legs.

    Did anyone tell you that you’re a genius.

    On the issue of shattered aegis I got no issues if they buff it somewhat. Perhaps with burn on aegis

    May I know which server you’re on.

    Devonas Rest class of '14 born and raised

  13. @Abyssisis.3971 said:Last thing guardians need are more buffs, aegis or otherwise.

    Im not sure what guardians have to do with this post, but while we're on the subject id have to disagree, and say that some of the guardian traitlines, especially the zeal one, could use some love and care in regards to wvw, to help give some variance to the builds available to guardian in large scale world vs world.

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