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Everything posted by Balsa.3951

  1. the Dreamer shoots unicorns so Horses are something Tyria know. I can only imagine anet dont want them bcs they are to hard to animate ... or they are to common in other games and anet want be different
  2. there was a lack of skimmers in game before as wll... i also never saw a skyscale, a warbeast or a springer
  3. U already can make an lagos just be creative with sylvari. Besides that no new race plz we already barely get new armor
  4. If I loose all my progress and need start from zero for gw3 than I just quit mmos. Gw2 is the only game I play. And I reached the QOL bag space legendary gear and other items which make this game more fun to play. Giving all up only for an engine which will be outdated 1 year later anyway not really like that idea
  5. I think the truth is having a class with great mobility and be able to burst enemies down and be able to disengage is the key most of the time. That allows u to help out where ever the action is. Sadly not all classes can do that.
  6. The boss from Arab lupus I forgot the name was till someone found out how to one shot him the hardest and most fun boss to solo. It involved some skill like we later on only got with liadri from the crown pavilion. That boss was so feared ppl bought dungeon runs and used map breaks to get around him. And there was a lws where we played as caithe and needed to fight centaurs I think that was also hard to solo
  7. Why ppl want explore stuff they kinda know what they will get. I prefer something new, which gives the artist more freedom
  8. Why not? Anet could use the opportunity to have beach chairs and some chairs which can float on the water. Nothing I would buy since we don’t have beautiful beaches and nice beach volleyball mini games In general mmos should not underestimate the power of relaxed zones. Where u can just enjoy the view
  9. Yes give every game mode a legendary armor. Geez player are their biggest enemy to get cool stuff to this game..... Almost acting like it’s they loosing money if something new joins the game
  10. In what game would it be a small add-on? In Diablo III the adition of build templates was done in a very minor patch in 2.5.0. No expansion, new character, new zone content or anything significative was made to that patch. Making the arena map selection smaller (and moving it to a corner, as happens with the display of "map almost empty, please change to other") should cost them almost nothing. Build templates I do understand the complexity due how their network had to manage the placement of the items in the inventory, but as far as the PvP screen is related, this 15 months of nothingness speaks volumes about how much ANet cares for WvW/PvP.the sad thing is ARC DPS can do that already, Maybe Anet just invite a developer from there over for a Bottle of Whiskey to steal their secret formula of build templates
  11. why does a small thing like this always be so hard for anet ? We having this NPC next to the bank and ppl complaining when they press F it opens the dialouqe instead of the bank. ANET response YEs we know the issue we working on it4 years later NPC was not moved a milimeter
  12. I would add Legendary Weapons to it as well without special skins but swap able stats
  13. Not for certain someone went this map and changed it can also be a general rework of code who had side effects on the flames. Happen before so those kind of braziers could also be a sign that nobody looked
  14. never had trouble with naming a char the trick is be creative and don’t try name ur character shadowkiller or Swordmaster :) Just try be different and there are thousands of never used names out there
  15. How many builds are u using at 1 character? Belive me, using multiple builds while having leg armor is kitten without build templates My light classes have Ascended Viper, Celestial and berserker gear to swap around depending on what I'm doing.. My Mediums have Valk and Berserker to play with. My heavies have Minstrel and Berserker to play with. I have 32 characters and play what I feel like at the time and after each session I bank everything..Sometimes I want to be a norn, other times I want to be asura, sometimes im male and sometimes Im female, just depends on the mood. @sephiroth.4217 said: How many builds are u using at 1 character? Belive me, using multiple builds while having leg armor is kitten without build templates My light classes have Ascended Viper, Celestial and berserker gear to swap around depending on what I'm doing.. My Mediums have Valk and Berserker to play with. My heavies have Minstrel and Berserker to play with. I have 32 characters and play what I feel like at the time and after each session I bank everything..Sometimes I want to be a norn, other times I want to be asura, sometimes im male and sometimes Im female, just depends on the mood. And u lose shiton of time on that, that's why this qol is needed. Changing each gear is 2 min. Do it 5 times per day and u lost 10 min. Do it 6 times a week and u lost 1 full hour on only changing gear.And again, this change is rly needed for ppl with leg gear I dont lose much time at all actually..Where I waste time on this game is emptying bags, opening a box to get 4 bags, 3 satchels and a box and open those to get more bags, satchels and boxes, takes about half hour just to clear inventory so I can continue playing.. This is where I get lazy and delete all my loot even if its exotics or something valuable, I even wish there was an option to turn off loot so I could just enjoy the game play for what it is. So I stick with my previous opinion, Im fine spending 2 minutes at most to switch gear and traits on the fly. U can turn off auto loot ... but I highly recommend u loot and get bigger bags instead all of my toons are capped out on bags, probably why it takes me so long to empy them.Do u us invisible bags for the unidentified gear ? I do this makes me collect a lot than open them when I feel I have time. Ps By capped out on bags u mean u have 32 er bag slots ? That’s pretty impressive
  16. How many builds are u using at 1 character? Belive me, using multiple builds while having leg armor is kitten without build templates My light classes have Ascended Viper, Celestial and berserker gear to swap around depending on what I'm doing.. My Mediums have Valk and Berserker to play with. My heavies have Minstrel and Berserker to play with. I have 32 characters and play what I feel like at the time and after each session I bank everything..Sometimes I want to be a norn, other times I want to be asura, sometimes im male and sometimes Im female, just depends on the mood. @sephiroth.4217 said: How many builds are u using at 1 character? Belive me, using multiple builds while having leg armor is kitten without build templates My light classes have Ascended Viper, Celestial and berserker gear to swap around depending on what I'm doing.. My Mediums have Valk and Berserker to play with. My heavies have Minstrel and Berserker to play with. I have 32 characters and play what I feel like at the time and after each session I bank everything..Sometimes I want to be a norn, other times I want to be asura, sometimes im male and sometimes Im female, just depends on the mood. And u lose shiton of time on that, that's why this qol is needed. Changing each gear is 2 min. Do it 5 times per day and u lost 10 min. Do it 6 times a week and u lost 1 full hour on only changing gear.And again, this change is rly needed for ppl with leg gear I dont lose much time at all actually..Where I waste time on this game is emptying bags, opening a box to get 4 bags, 3 satchels and a box and open those to get more bags, satchels and boxes, takes about half hour just to clear inventory so I can continue playing.. This is where I get lazy and delete all my loot even if its exotics or something valuable, I even wish there was an option to turn off loot so I could just enjoy the game play for what it is. So I stick with my previous opinion, Im fine spending 2 minutes at most to switch gear and traits on the fly.U can turn off auto loot ... but I highly recommend u loot and get bigger bags instead
  17. I don’t think bts need restrictions in. Wvw compare to pve. Most ppl know also what game type they want join Zerg roam or defending. There will be not many who swap builds often no matter how easy it is after we have that ability. It’s more for u come to wvw sees map is empty than roam sees commander goes Zerg mode or just simple joint from pve and now switch gear
  18. With the u gear change I wonder how the shoes drop in an extra chest ? Now it’s giving ugear and I don’t know if the shoes having a chance be inside that now
  19. The Mesmer attack in lake Doric this shattering extreme loud sound
  20. Numb Pad Keys on the far right 789456123 very easy i have space for 2 more mounts
  21. Funny it’s almost like Anet need more ppl show interest in wvw before they invest more money.... To bad they tried with an mount and it worked on me Came for the mount stayed for the roaming fun with mount and so did many other
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