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Everything posted by Balsa.3951

  1. what makes u think anet ever want balance?
  2. smaller guilds like in 1 men guilds. bcs thats what i made. still enjoy my crazy personal guildbank
  3. invest in a new game. using ai for content creation. milk gw2 as long as possible. keep ppl till my new game is done with minimal effort. Bring all players from gw2 over by promising a cool looking armor skin and a Horse. build the first AI based game company, to build systems for other game companies. ....but in reality take the money and run
  4. i definitely miss the time when guilds did stuff together. its good not being forched for guild stuff but maybe maybe a little more push towards guild would be nice. I have nice casual chat with guildmates but we have zero reasons of comming together
  5. would be cool if shes a preview of a new class ps; confused ppl i know u don't want anything new added to the game gotcha
  6. thats a odd one to complain about. but i probably don't know how important cats are
  7. thats written very well. In general i feel the mmo market has a lot make money potential. its seems just no one has figured out yet a way to provide content fast enough. and once content flows in to fast population get spread thin. the solution to this issue might come with ai, which may or may not can make the dream of a real living MMO world come true. now MMOs stuck sadly a lot in grind and everyone has different expectations. I watch ashes of creation which formula seems to be very old school MMO style. Im sure after this game comes out we also hear the same complains like for every other contender.
  8. delusional is u maybe since u said anet took content away by adding SOTO.
  9. again Whats more 5 or 6 apple? i don't know how more simple i need say that. before soto u had no soto so now u have more
  10. its not less its more now. i tried explain math. what everyone of us want is more stuff. but cant lie and say we have less now.
  11. its a question if the game improve and it does with whatever anet added so far. ur issue is u want more faster but that doesn't say game is better than ever wrong.
  12. it its simple math. u have 4 apple now u got one more apple thats 5 apple. u have more now than when u had 4 hope that helps u
  13. game is obviously better than ever now. do we wish for more ofc. what more? more everthing but anet cant do it not enough fans to bring in the money they need. new technology has arrived finding a cheaper faster way to create content is the main goal. once this is archived mmos will be much bigger than now
  14. u run away and pray no one chase u. ur 25 running speed will not get u far. blink to a team mate... others can do solo. 3 blocks from focus thats insta gone
  15. ya i guess historic is when u can change the outcome. totally how history works. to be historic it needs actually be time travel. if u think a little buddy u may see the logic try also.SOTO clear shows that fractals can be any alternative outcome. in EOD that Asura even said it killed multiple versions of itself over and over again
  16. The Fractal Multiverse is a concept that describes the universe as an ever-expanding sea of inflating space-time dotted with “island universes” or “pocket universes” like our own where inflation has ceased. The universe becomes a multiverse, an eternally growing fractal consisting of exponentially many exponentially large parts. The fabric of the multiverse is an inflationary field that's filled with quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations can interfere with each other, creating high inflation at the peaks. The low points of the interference are where stable universes can pop out of the field. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope that helps fractals are not based on time travel but multiverse
  17. ok lets be super clear here historic event ur grandma goes buy a ice cream thats historic. now fractals ur grandma is not there but its u buy the ice cream instead of her. thats alternative even so it looks like everything that day ur grandma buys ice cream looks the same. it is not. because instead of her its u and instead of buy vanilla u choose strawberry taste. every fractal is an alternative universe. do they have similarities yes. are they the same? no
  18. i think super simple solution u proof everyone who say stealth is op wrong. play thief reach platnium rank without ever use stealth. bam u win
  19. u go now buy SOTO than u come and delete ur post. fractals are not pure historic they can be manipulated distort changed
  20. hmm depends as usual who u ask. but ask google how many species go extinct every day and it looks not so slow. Its ofc numbers someone wrote down so its always with care to take it seriously. i personally can't imagine its that bad but once a invasive species /class/ build appears there will be extinction events
  21. nature is not and ever was balanced. species extinction happen long before humans existed. also humans are natural as well. unrelated but getting tired ppl think humans are some outer world event. in about 250 million years a super continent will form and destroy alll life on the surface thats nature as well its steady unbalance that drives evolution. and in game in creates content for pvp
  22. some guy in the forum makes obvious sarcasm post some guy comes and don't gets it
  23. focus on legendary. its a long time goal but u will get there
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