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Posts posted by kuteykathy.8123

  1. @frareanselm.1925 said:

    @frareanselm.1925 said:When I play WVW this crazy thing happened multiple times, I was on the top of a tower defending as a ranger, and a dragonhunter who was on the floor pulls me out of the tower to the floor. Cmon this has zero logic, how can a chain have so OP range that can reach to the top of a tower???This is has no sense, in real life a tower may have at least 12 meters!I hope anet understand hgow OP this is that looks like science fiction. At least the range should be shorter!So throwing a spear with an ultralight titanium chain attached to it for 12m is less realistic than a guy with a bow casting magic, being abble to make himself invisible and commanding animals that are casting magic too?

    Btw.: an exploit is the usage of game mechanics in an (by the dev) unintended way. Quite the opposite of what you think it is. That skill is made to pull you off that tower.

    I doubt this is intended to pull a player off a tower. Devs didnt imagined that this skill would be misused in wvw.As a ranger with my longbow skill n4 I cannot throw a npc guard off of a tower, I remember in beta 2012 I could throw them and then was fixed.All attacks that trespassed walls have been fixed except the DH pull because doesnt trespass literally, but the range is absolutely not justificable, and overpowered.

    1.) Why do you consider this skill misused? Does your view of a pull skill being "misused in wvw" extend to every other pull skill in the game?2.) No NPC can be pushed or yanked off a ledge, but you are not a NPC. You can freely knock other player off a tower with your longbow 4.3.) What do you mean by attacks that trespass walls? As you mentioned, you were not pulled through the wall but off the wall.

    4.) Why do you feel the range is not justifiable and is overpowered? On the contrary, 1200 seems quite standard for active pulls (Thief's Scorpion Wire, Ranger's Iboga pet, Engi's Magnet, etc.)>

    @frareanselm.1925 said:

    @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:Spear of Justice has 1200 unit range (

    That's 1200 units whether you are standing on the top of a tower, keep, hill, etc. Also can't help giggle abit at the irony of a longbow tower ranger complaining about an ability having too long a range. Good thing players aren't reporting rangers for hitting people with longbow beyond 1500 units heheh

    A Ranger by definition has to have the longest range in the game. A guardian, with heavy armor, tons of blocks and heals, shouldnt have that long range.

    A base guardian does not have access to that long range pull--only the Dragonhunter specialization.

    Keep in mind that the Dragonhunter specialization toolkit has elements quite similar to the archetype of Rangers--they gained access to Longbow as a weapon, Traps as utility skills, and a throwable spear. It makes sense for them to have access to range (plus the DH range is still lower than the range available to Rangers).

  2. GW2 is not real life, so I hope you understand that it makes no sense to try to compare the skills and abilities in-game to what exist in real life. What could exist "in real life" is not a good foundation for trying to nerf the range of a skill.

    When I play my ranger, it certainly makes no sense either that I have a never-ending supply of arrows drawn from thin air that can pierce through multiple people and travel further than a bullet. Magical arrows? I certainly hope they don't implement a limited count/ammo system on our longbows to conform to real life :)

    For a better tower defense experience, I strongly encourage you to try to have stability before you walk up to the edge of a tower or cliff--otherwise you put yourself at risk of being pulled/pushed to your death. At the very least, scan those below you to determine if any of them pose a risk of pulling you down (thief scorpion wire, DH spear of justice, necro grasping darkness, engineer magnet pull, mesmer, etc.).

  3. I play Power Druid in WvW and enjoy using Smokescale and Wolf :)For underwater, I like the Shark and Reef Drake.


    • Provides smoke field for stealth and blindness combos
    • Can stick to target more easily with smoke assault
    • Has a CC in its attack chain


    • AoE fear as its f3 skill
    • Has a CC in its attack chain


    • Has a CC in its attack chain
    • Lets me have a shark named Nibbles :)
    • Nice mobility when merged if you're running Soulbeast

    Reef Drake

    • Creates a dome that reflects projectiles --> Useful for defense/escaping

    Armored Fish

    • Also a nice option for on-demand CC through its f3 skill
  4. If you're looking to roam on a druid, both power and condi are still viable to run (though you'll still certainly feel the nerfs that have been applied in the past).

    http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POjAMZlFwwYdMPGKO2Ptt6SWRaA-zRhYBh78JigtoAEDCrUaLByMEioA6NCscWqyMC-eThis is the power longbow/staff build I run -- longbow for damage, staff as a utility weapon. Just some notes about it:

    • Very squishy but has decent survivability through kiting and weaving stealth. Feel free to change up the stats to your liking.
    • 3 stunbreaks on the bar since we lack stability :tongue:
    • Decent condi cleanse--particularly useful with the popularity of condi right now in WvW.
    • Most importantly, it's a lot of fun!

    The majority of my WvW playtime is still logged on my druid, so don't lose hope on druid :)

    I've also made some quick videos of the build in action if you're keen to view how it plays:

    If you're looking for a condi build, Paper Roll has some thorough explanations on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3kkLvqJICIc5DkMtieV8g

  5. @TwoGhosts.6790 said:HoT is still, by far I think, the best content Anet designed (not including the lamest boss fight conceivable).

    HoT was where I first started learning how to play this game properly. It killed me over and over again, and it taught me that I was lazy, and that I didn't really understand what my skills did or how my build worked.

    It was a watershed moment in my relationship with this game.

    I hated it, and I loved it.

    My first foray into Tangled Depths was terrifying. It is a fiendish, brilliant map. Anet have never managed to recreate that sense of exploration or jeopardy, but doing so just once was an achievement.

    Stick with it, and follow some of the good advice in this thread. HoT remains some of the best content in the game.

    This reply accurately sums up my experience quite well too :smile:

    I don't play in open world PvE much anymore, but I still find myself returning to HoT maps periodically to learn a new profession better

  6. @NovaSpiral.7186 said:Great video!Really enjoyed it, gave me a good laugh =)

    Thanks very much! Glad to spread around laughs :grin:

    @Turkeyspit.3965 said:I mean, if you choose to zone in to Desert Borderlands, you're just asking for it.

    Couple of SMH moments there though - watching people gliding over water while you flak-cannon them to pieces....

    Yes :tongue: that one could have dropped into the water to access his underwater skills.

    Most people seem to hope for the best that the gliding will save them--which makes these moments possible!

  7. @bigo.9037 said:

    @"kuteykathy.8123" said:Just getting back into the swing of things after a nice long vacation <3

    Hope you enjoy! :)

    Nice video. Liked your knockbacks on the rev off the cliff :)

    I couldn't help but notice you're very squishy though. You should probably get a bit of armor in your build so you're not at risk of dying to burst builds. Perhaps some commanders stats?

    Haha, thank you! For this druid, I get a kick out of the squishiness and high risk :tongue:I do have a soulbeast build I run as well that's far more durable than this druid. Depends on the mood I'm in! :lol:

  8. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:OP: Mind sharing your build?

    Happy to! I've left the elite slot blank since it's fairly flexible.Link:

    Started running druid in WvW and ive received sooooooo much salt (streamed some of it). Its hilariously sad. Used to main staff/lb so this brought back memories. Still hard to catch me unless you have epic mobility, the jukes I can do and very very few ppl expect a DPS Druid. Mind you my DPS is good (not great), I can typically outlast in a fight (stalemated a lot of times). 2v1'd a ranger and soulbeast and 3v1'd those two plus a berzerker (received salt after these fights)

    Thank you for making me realize how entertaining running my Druid can be.

    ps. juked out and outran 12 people at NC that was t3, turned around and cleared the camp and capped it before they came back to the circle.

    Haha, happy to hear that the video encouraged a returning druid to WvW! Sounds like you're having a blast, and congrats on your NC flip! :lol:

  9. @Kovu.7560 said:I'm not sure what is worse, the soulbeast that let you down him with staff auto while trying to pew through your flower wall or the soulbeast that ran away from you the entire time instead of engaging and then dropped you to under half whilst you were stomping.That said, its nice to see some druid play.

    ~ Kovu

    I'd say the latter is worse :lol: Maybe next time he'll try and just fight instead of unsuccessfully flee

  10. @"LughLongArm.5460" said:Great video, loved the gameplay, loved the music.

    At current state of druids in pvp, it is laughable to talk about "toxic environment" in any correlation to druids .

    I don't like the design of AC either, I actually think the AC is weak in most cases, especially after they introduced the resistance boon to the game. Between Stability, resistance, and all the imob defense traits/skills, I think this trait is very inconsistent.

    I would prefer AC had no CD(like it was initially introduced) but only the caster druid's daze effect could proc the trait. This would make much better fit and synergy with the druid's kit(traits and skills).

    And BTW, Getting KD by smokescale is much more passive and annoying .

    Thanks very much! Agreed with the idea about druid's daze and the comment on smokescale passive KD. I think druid overall could use a bit of rework, but it'll probably be lower priority since they introduced other changes in the past patches :pensive:

  11. @anduriell.6280 said:

    @kuteykathy.8123 said:While Ancient Seeds is very good though, I wouldn't consider it the make-or-break factor in a fight with how quickly it can be broken out of or ignored. Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow are both much more useful to keeping the druid alive to secure the fight.

    I agre with you Celestial Shadow and Druidic Clarity are the traits which keep the druid alive,
    but is ancient seeds the one which secure the kill.
    Without that trait and just relaying in entangle to immob the targets you could not land any of the big damage package, and druid would fold into the total irrelevancy.

    Just saying, the only reason a condi or power druid may work depends only in that trait.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree :) To say a single trait is the only reason a condi or power druid may work is just too broad a claim.

  12. @anduriell.6280 said:

    @Dragonzhunter.8506 said:I don't know how good or newby your enemies were, but your vid made me try Druid again, just for fun :). Usually, a good player who didn't die from the first burst of a glass cannon should kill pretty fast that glass cannon. Don't get me wrong, you played well and I enjoyed your vid, still, some of your enemies seem to be or new, or just surprised by a Druid on WvW :) .Good video and playstyle ... keep it up!

    Glad to hear you're going to try Druid again! That's what I'd love to see--more druids again :) You're right that a glass cannon will die pretty quickly if the first burst is survived. I find that the CC, stealth combos and staff 3 are really useful, though it's really difficult to do anything if it's like a spellbreaker all stanced up with reveal / tethers :tongue:

    Actually the only trait that make druid (condi and power) to work is the extremely passive Ancient Seeds. Remove that trait and you wont be able to secure any kill.

    IMO that trait should be removed and that effect to be push into staff#4 and the spirit elite active. While reworking the druid in its entirety of course.

    Immobs procs in passive traits are very unfair, any class with low access to immob removal are free bags.

    I like the idea of Ancient Seeds being a proc I can rely on, such as with the staff idea or even if it was a trait that only proc'd on my weapon CCs. Excluding the first CC casted in a fight which always procs, it's annoying when one expects the roots to pop and then realizes it's still on cooldown from a pet's earlier interaction :(

    While Ancient Seeds is very good though, I wouldn't consider it the make-or-break factor in a fight with how quickly it can be broken out of or ignored. Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow are both much more useful to keeping the druid alive to secure the fight.

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