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Everything posted by Pretor.5193

  1. That's a good remembrance, just discovered today, in Baruch we have the same, two of our comanders has sleeping :( Misterius and Bloodhell, who worked for our server a lot. In our guild Hall [bAY] we have remembrance monuments for those. Rest in peace.
  2. Hello, i'm checking the option to disable public activation on tactics, but it automatically enables without anyone marking is that bug? ActivationIf slotted (configured), both Tactics and Improvements that have completed building become available when the timer for their tier expires. Improvements are passive and become active immediately, but tactics require manual activation using the corresponding Tactivator. Anyone from the claiming guild with the correct permissions can activate an available tactic . If the Public Tactic Activation box has been checked then any allied player can activate an available tactic. Activations generally have a cooldown of 15-20 minutes after use. Anyone knows why? no one that has rights is doing the activation... Thanks!
  3. I posted that on spanish forum, about all the messaged exposed by Andrew to me the best is... "I can't go into a ton of details on episodes three and four because, you know, spoilers and all, but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting". But... i'm worried about we never talk about the vanilla dungeons... why not include a new dungeon on some HoT or PoF map... Fractals are funny and i think that is supplement... but I never understood why the development of dungeons was discarded... Another point really interesting... why since 2012 the housing system isn't modified? Why don't revamp the guild housing? the current system have many deficiencies... All Guild halls are huge but its space is not usable for anything other than a jump puzzle or a bettle track... "and honestly the reward about the time spent to make that, it's nothing..." Some weeks ago we have a chat by twitter talking about guild halls and follow i show some ideas... Improved access to the hall, everyone knows that more than 10 users on a house is a madness to be all in the same map...Why no include an improvement to rent or purchase a black lion merchant? Why no include an improvement to rent a workshop for other disciples in same hall, "there are only scribe workshop..."?Why no include an option to purchase more nodes? maybe by quests, gems or gold...A basic thing... more NPC that fill the room with life, some conversations... random things... now it all focused at same location... it's boring to be on hall...Improvement to guild arena ... in order to allow that to use in Guild vs Guild of 10 or 15 users ... currently the terrain is very small despite the guild hall is too large ...Changing the point... Activites... why this content is forgotten? why you doesn't use it on festivals or make with some of them an olympic games? There are so funny dinamics like Southsun Survival "hunger games" wasted... Maybe a guild tournament with Keg Brawl with some toys like reward? Talking in lore... new reputation system on orders... "Priory, Whispers, Vigil", making a focused missons on the speciality of every order and growing your level to get skins, or some special item from them... It can involve you more whit the orders. "New order?" And finally... Guilds... Please, make the meaning of Guild a reality! Now a days be part of guild doesn't reward you... the guild missions doesn't changed since HoT... the range system is very broad but impractical... some samples... Why not include a system that to raise the level of the guild depends on the experience donated by its members?Why not include some guild skill or domain?Why not include a mode "Siegue castle" to fight guild vs guild?War system between guilds to make pk on maps? "maybe that is some lol sample hahaha".All news about changes and improvements is welcome, but there are so many forgotten things...
  4. Finally, we have mates on WvW welcome vabbians let's go!
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