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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 11:59 AM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    Sure. But there's a difference between drama which goes on around you and can be ignored, and drama which boots you from the community of your friends with no way back. Servers don't force you to leave and not play with your friends again. Guild leaders can and inevitably will under WR.

    I can't think of a single player I know, and I know a lot by now, who has been kicked from a guild as a result of drama.

    I've been kicked, amicably, for inactivity occasionally. That's already a thing, for good reasons.

    If you've often found yourself a part of communities where guild drama and guild kicks are a regular thing, experienced by yourself or others, then perhaps you're making poor choices.

    Guilds under WR should be no more or less benign places to be than they are now. Same people, same friends, same guild leaders.

    On 5/29/2024 at 1:52 PM, Thea Cherry.6327 said:

    What confuses me is, that some people think the change will be positive which can be true for them, but they don't see that for many others it will be the death of the game mode and as we have seen the past years, we don't get new WvW players easily. So the overall WvW population will sink, not enough people will be coming back for this mode, because many left due to core WvW problems which are not adressed by the perma beta.

    Let's wait and see how good/bad the change is in around 3-6 month (the playtime in the summer is usualy lower anyway), but right now i have a very bad feeling about this.

    The very nature of the the new WR team and match-making mechanism will mean that any reduction in overall WvW population numbers should be fairly unnoticeable to the remaining players or their experience of the game.

    In a specific sense, of course, you may miss individual players or guilds if they stop playing. But that erosion won't leave increasingly deserted servers, if it does happen. It will simply result in fewer matches being created at each rematch.

    Of course, any dwindling population may then reach a point where the tier system itself becomes a little less populated. Maybe eventually they have to move to a single league, and endgame would be just three competing teams, the component parts of which are shuffled each month. But by then we might be playing GW3. And anyway, by now people only care about winning or losing matchups insofar as by doing so they might avoid playing against WSR 😛 

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  2. A lot of the catastrophising you're doing, OP, is in your own head.

    There are already several, well articulated responses in this thread, and I haven't even read the whole thing.

    I was tempted to come at you harder, because your level of hysteria about this isn't helpful. But then I figured you were, understandably, just afraid of the monumental change that is about to happen to your favourite game mode.

    I get that, we all do.

    But take some time to actually read, and digest, the calm, considered responses some people have taken the time to provide here.

    It's the end of servers.

    It's a new era for WvW.

    But there's a view of all this which should acknowledge that Anet are placing greater agency, into the hands of players, over who we choose to play with, and when. We just have to be prepared to make some effort, individually and collectively.

    Good luck.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

    If you're of the opinion that stealth and ports are garbage and represent poor game design you may want to accept that this just isn't the game for you . . .

    But you are  correct that it's irrelevant since neither has anything to do with exploits which is the subject of the thread  . . .

    Stealth and ports are legitimate game design features, it's just that neither is well implemented in this game; stealth especially, and the classes that rely on it, are poorly designed.

    And you're right, I'm certainly at a point right now (of not playing) where the current state of the game, including but not at all limited to the kitten implementation of stealth, means that this may no longer be the game for me. Which is heartbreaking, because I used to love it, but at the same time as neglecting elements that already badly needing fixing they've continued to make one poor design decision after another.

    It's a shame.

    One of the few remaining ways in which I engage with this game - which is no less foolish a thing to do than picking at a scab - is to suffer the indignity of visiting this ghetto of a forum from time to time.

    The end of any relationship can be an ugly thing.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    I'm just saying you started with "let's fix these exploits", which I think a lot of ppls can get behind, but moved pretty quickly to "let's negate entire class mechanics" which is going to receive less support. You're kind of undermining your own point . . .

    Depends if the class mechanics are also garbage and represent poor game design.

    It's a moot point anyway, since the Devs are fully absorbed right now with optimising the location of all the synths.

  5. It must be a full time job for someone at Anet, fiddling with the location of synthesisers - important stuff, and hopefully will silence all the people who have been screaming for these changes to the game mode for years.

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  6. There's some interesting back and forth in this thread. The internet is the natural habitat of entrenched thinking, so props for trying to push through that.

    For me, the current meta isn't fun, and the recent changes don't make much sense at all.

    But I also think that removing target caps is a bad idea.

    Perhaps there's a sweet spot. I mean, it's a dial they could twiddle with. 10, 15, 20, I dunno. I guess there's a lag cost to pay though.

    I'm not a game designer, and I have to remember that; players generally make terrible game design suggestions. My job is to complain on the forums.

    I keep hoping that the game designer custodians of my favourite game mode can make smart choices.

    I keep hoping.

    For now though, I'm taking a break from the game.

    • Like 6
  7. On 4/17/2024 at 2:03 AM, Damian.8127 said:

    A hypothetical organised blob seeks some fun. Enemy wont fight open field as they are outnumbered, outgunned or lack a commander.

    To call more enemies or balance the fight, the blob attacks a Keep.

    Inside, the scout, panic pulls all the tactics at the wrong time... Now you have some unrepairable walls, where randoms will spend the limited supply to absolutely no effect.

    Disabling to buy time isn't possible anymore, so the squad that hopped map to defend (only half make it of course because the cloud and afk wall runners are filling the border) are now forced to engage, disorganised with little to no advantage and less options. Unable to even contest properly due to a small circle with no LoS, the keep flips and defenders die, scattered over two borders with no means to fight, some log out. The blob has completed its unsatisfying roam around the map and no longer has anywhere left to go; with queued borders, they wonder around until they get bored and log out. Perhaps an EWP goes off... someone is attacking their keep?! best hop... oh no, only half got it, might be rough... 

    The advantage should BE with the defence. The clues in the name - KEEP. Some of the best fights revolve around the contesting and it gives roamers and unorganised clouds the chance to be effective. This makes for a more enjoyable experience all round. Maybe nerf SM  buff, but not every buff.

    The sad part is someone sat down, maybe a team even, did some research and went "gosh, what would make WvW better? you know what our players would LOVE?? they think they want the alpha game style lag to stop so they could use more than 1 button; or maybe the model fixes to keeps, towers and the floor to stop cheaters flipping keeps and towers with no counter; - but no, I got one better; ALL RESOURCES INTO THIS GUYS! lets move the syths into the circles and make them smaller. Oh and golems, we dont, ever want camps to tier up again, so lets stop making defending them a possibility while we're at it".

    Id LOVE to see a video explaining the thought process - even just a post. How is this better than before it was all fiddled with and from whos perspective? moving the syths into the small circle to complete the pve experience, because god knows its barely worth trying to defend.

    In a rough matchup, for ALL servers perspectives, defensive advantage may be the only way to have some interesting fights. Removing the defensive equalisers, will result in more one sided matchups, less gameplay and spawn camping becoming a much more common reality, pushing players out of wvw.

    True story.

  8. On 4/1/2024 at 6:19 PM, Geronimouk.3901 said:

    WSR ethos is get kills the PPT circus isn't really what most are bothered about but if there aren't bags to collect we will collect your real estate . People whined and cried about WSR when they had links and could outman us. People whined and cried about WSR when we had a link. People whined and cried about WSR when we sat at T1. People whined and cried about WSR when we went to T5. People whined and cried about WSR when loads of people left and loads of people transferred in ( not least a good number of people already on WSR). People whined and cried about WSR because they had toilet roll thrown on them or their corpse danced on. The only thing you can be sure of, is whatever is wrong with WVW you can bank on those of us on WSR will be glued to the next instalment of what is bad about WSR.     


    WSR became the landfill of EU.

    Leaving it was like coming up for air.

    It's a been a meme now for more than eighteen months. It has become one of the perfect expressions of everything that is wrong with WvW at the moment.

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  9. This is a new thing, the notification banner, am I right? Or have I just been completely blind up to now?

    Either way, it's a helpful intervention, even if somewhat overdue.

    I'd venture to suggest, however, that this notification also needs to be, at minimum, on the General Discussion pages.

    Honestly, though, I'd put it everywhere, because I expect there are many more WvW enjoyers on the forums who perhaps never visit the WvW section, and who can blame them. In fact, one might expect that WvW forum frequenters are the least likely people to need reminding about World Restructuring.

    Surely it would be better for Anet to have to deal with a few bleating Karens objecting to the "abomination of an announcement that is now defacing every area of these forums for a game mode I despise," than have to once again deal with however many outraged tickets from players who 'didn't know anything about it.'

    Anet might also consider creating an in-game event 'Countdown to WvW Beta', or something; you know, like other current events, with an actual countdown, and possibly even a 'show me' with a little explainer.

    Again, there'd inevitably be some pushback from anti-WvWers, but maybe they could allow you to opt out of the event so it no longer appeared. I dunno.

    But what I do know is there's no accounting for the stupidity of people, myself included, so when the tools exist to help mitigate that, why not use them fully?

    Edit: it does also seem a little odd that this notification is coming at the *end* of the current Beta, after which we are expecting a return to business as usual, no? So this is actually kind of a misleading notification, which is ironic, but I get that they might be testing all their linked up systems surrounding World Restructuring.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    Nothing happening. 🤦‍♂️

    My own experience, and that of the many people I know with whom I have discussed this, have completely the opposite experience.

    I'm not denying your feelings, I'm just showing up here to state the contrary view.

    The Beta has provided some of the best, non-stop content I've experience in WvW for months.

    There's a strong possibility I might just do something else when it ends, until the next one, because by comparison the normal system is miserable af.

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  11. 10 hours ago, rthgw.4901 said:

    It is an opinion and by the way, in the same vein as other messages on the forum that also ask that the Alliances not continue and that curiously have not had as many responses, it seems that being popular has its advantages although it was not necessary for so many of you to go out and harass and demolishing to destroy the thread started so quickly, obviously not all, plus those that remain to be written.  I say destroy because Arianth's comment about "if you don't like it, leave or find another game" not only doesn't contribute anything but is laughable, others already require a more serious analysis.  

    However, I take this opportunity to warn and publicly denounce and I hope that ArenaNet takes action, that bullying is regularly practiced in this game and that the game and its content in Spain is governed by Spanish laws and is sanctioned as a criminal offense.  Having already exceeded the limit of what is tolerable, which motivated my departure from Baruch, perhaps in the future what I will present will not be a report to the company but a criminal complaint. 

    And here the created thread ends, you have already destroyed it like so many other things in the game.  It makes me very sad to see people act like this and I will never understand it.

    Nothing more to say.  Obviously I am not going to continue writing to prevent the "fun" of some who would like to continue their hunt. 

    Greetings from someone in love with wvw who has had the misfortune of trying to help and contribute everything possible in a harmful environment. 


    You're not creating a good impression. Honestly, you sound a little hysterical.

    I've read everything you wrote. Obviously, as you say, you are entitled to your opinion. But when you come to the house of opinion, you should expect to read others that differ from your own.

    Your message seems to boil down simply to be 'waaagh, I can't get into ebg when I want to, therefore World Restructuring sucks'.

    It's a hard position to take seriously.

    Especially when I, for one, have found the last two weeks to have been the best in WvW for a very long time. This Beta has been great fun, non stop content. But the ebg queues? Pretty much what I'm used to.

    Perhaps you're used to playing on a dead server, I dunno. Not really sure what you want from WvW to be honest, other than nobody in your lane on your way to ebg.

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  12. 27 minutes ago, Kate.3679 said:

    Maguuma still living rent free in some people's heads it seems.

    This person isn't mad about people stacking onto one specific server during restructuring. They're mad because the core of Maguuma managed to stick together and is up to their usual routine. Which is a sad thing to be mad about, really.

    I see.

    And yes, you're right, it is a sad thing to be mad about.

    There is ZERO difference in functionality between the guild system for World Restructuring, and the guild system currently. Zero.

    All players have exactly the same capabilities as they always have had to group together for the purpose of friendship, shared interest, shared playstyle, community spirit, possibility of world domination. Whatever the kitten.

    The only change that World Restructuring brings is a kill switch to any possibility of stacking, in the way that most people understand stacking to be.

    This is a good thing.

    One of the potential costs of that is the erosion of communities, because the same kill switch will delete the existing server structure.

    The existing Guild mechanics are simply being utilised as pseudo-alliance vehicles by those communities who are making the effort to try and preserve some of those associations (capped as always at 500).

    It might prove challenging to be in a World Restructuring match against a guild comprising players who have shown that level of initiative.

    But that is not stacking. Stacking is something else entirely, and WR makes it impossible to do that any more.

    (edit: because the reactions on this crappy forum are so limited, people tend to use confusion as an expression of disagreement; but if you're using a confused reaction for that purpose here, you're wrong, because what I've described is factually correct; if you're using it because you're actually confused, then I'm not surprised because there do seem to be a large number of people who remain entirely confused about the whole restructuring thing, even now)

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  13. 9 hours ago, RisingDawn.5796 said:

    Starting to feel like without the Alliances function and the current  population,  the system as it is, is pretty badly implemented. 

    However, yes it is early days, which is sad, because we've  had multiple  betas and this doesn't feel like much progress made .

    The system was poorly implemented... at reset.

    Since then, actually quite quickly on the night, a lot of the issues people were experiencing have been fixed.

    Yes, I'm aware that some people are still reporting issues. But, yes, some of those issues are simply user error. And yes, some of those errors are the result of failure to act as a direct symptom of poor communication, especially in-game, by Anet.

    It's uncomfortable for me to find myself in support of Anet these days, because I've lost a lot of confidence in and respect for them in recent years.

    But I'm just as frustrated with the bs and misinformation thrown around about what is, in it's name, a Beta, a test.

    Say what you want about the ridiculous journey Anet have so far taken to this point, and it has been ridiculous and ugly.

    But the principles of World Restructuring remain sound, and the content so far since Friday has been tremendous, and pretty consistently so.

    • Confused 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

    Population is not even getting fixed. Same server and their namesake guilds are stacking their alliance too.

    Another useless beta. 🙄

    This sort of misinformation is not constructive.

    Stacking is a player determined activity.

    No player, nor guild, has any control, at all, over what team they are placed with in World Restructuring.

    You might be unhappy with the degree of population 'balance' achieved by Anet in the matchmaking for this Beta. But no part of that has anything to do with the machinations of players or guilds.

    The conspiracy theorists seem determined to ignore the fundamental way in which the new system works, compared to the current linking system.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

    can you clarify what you mean by "Not Particularly" to my question? 

    Not really, I fail to see the relevance.

    Unless you are trying to establish some sort of correlation between some sort of leadership role within WvW communities and the perception of an improved Beta experience. If that's the case, I would find such a claim absurd.

  16. 8 hours ago, gashen.3874 said:

    for years i have been on sfr, now for some reason i,m with giants rise {whomever they might be}, and half of the people i knew are now with a mob called seven pines [what happened to the first six] all got confused i would think

    There is 2 more weeks of this World Restructuring Beta, after which there will be a return to what you are used to.

    There are likely to be more WR Betas, and then perhaps a permanent change to this system.

    In the meantime, it would perhaps serve you well to reach out to some friends on SFR and join up with them. To find out what SFR guilds, or community guilds, are doing for the WR Betas. I'm sure there are initiatives you could be a part of going forward. You just need to do some research.

    Good luck!

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