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T G.7496

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Everything posted by T G.7496

  1. It's not 'selfish' really, but compared to the items so far (which I agree with), I find the worst offenders are people who loudly kitten talk or try to backseat drive their commanders, from either inside or outside the sqad, often after whining for one relentlessly. It's borderline sociopathic.
  2. Apart from the initial broken reset, which seems to be largely fixed, I'm thoroughly enjoying this Beta. Content has been good, and while there is one team that is outperforming the other two, it doesn't feel unbalanced at all in the way that the current linking system can be.
  3. Apart from the complete screwup at the start, which seems largely fixed now, I disagree. I'm enjoying the Beta. The content has been pretty non stop.
  4. ... the fecking ebg queue bug. It has happened to me relentlessly since reset.
  5. Or just make warclaw run a bit faster on DBL? I mean, I don't have a horse in this race (pardon the pun), I like dbl and think it's mostly fine as it is, but shortening sequences is usually a welcome change.
  6. Block. The moment your blood pressure starts rising. Trust your instincts. Think of blocking as an immune response. WvW is full of pathogens. Ignorance really is bliss. And don't sweat it. These are the sort of people that nobody wants turning up to the party. Your world will be a much better place without them in it.
  7. The no1 piece of advice I can give you for improving is to find another commander, or more than one if you're lucky, join their raids (maybe even their guilds, if you have the opportunity), and emulate them. In terms of commanding, your most important job is to make decisions. The decisions you make will get better with experience, but you cannot stop making them. Good or bad. Communication is the next important thing. Voice is best, so consider using discord if you don't already. And, like decisions, don't shut up. I mean, that's an exaggeration, but the more you can talk freely and meaningfully, without freezing up under pressure, the better. The decision making and the speaking are sort of codependent, and after a while you should find your inhibitions falling away. The more you can loosen up the better both will be. Then, attitude. Keep a sense of humour. Take responsibility for almost everything, even if it's not your fault. Don't berate your squad. Advise them, if you have the time, knowledge and energy. Try and keep it light, but be assertive and call for focus when you need it. Offer praise when you can, celebrate your wins, and thank people for meeting your requests and following your instructions. Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't be a kitten. But don't tolerate any kitten from others; your house, your rules, no exceptions; don't let anyone poison your well or backseat drive you. But ask for suggestions when you want them, thank contributors, and shut it down assertively until you ask again. Laugh and have fun with people, especially when things go wrong. Remember people's names. Stop or pause when you need to. Fight and move into space. Take and exploit high ground. Don't stand in one place too long, unless you're confident, cleaving or regrouping. But don't move too fast or erratically for your squad to follow. Be clear and concise in your commands. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself, often several times, when giving an instruction. If you have time, outline your immediate plan in advance, including your escape or regroup idea. Use map markers as soon as you can accommodate it in your cognitive load; even just one mapped to a fast mouse button can help your squad immensely, especially when calling for a regroup. Find opportunities for a 3-4 second regroup whenever you can; break contact, LOS the enemy, use a disengage veil, or just kite away and drop a line behind. Your squad will thank you for these moments, and it helps you to regroup your own thoughts. There's a huge amount of advice and videos available from others in this thread and on YouTube etc. But to begin with it will really help you most to try and define what sort of commander you want to be. Voice or chatmander. Small scale, mid scale, blob. Fight or ppt. And what sort of style do you want to develop. Which brings us full circle. Good luck and have fun! We need more commanders. Good for you!
  8. Anet had a 'bring your kid to the office day' and it was poorly policed.
  9. Game meant to be fun. Playing against thief fun for exactly one player. Bad game design.
  10. I didn't realise this was a thread about cars. Anyway, I'd rather Anet could find a better way to appeal to the type of player who prefers the borders than pander to the type who prefers ebg. I have my share of fun on ebg, believe me, but the idea that 'moar ebg is the solution the community wants' is wrong and does not represent the community of which I am a part.
  11. No part of this game is a regular subscription service. The specific mechanism this thread is discussing is a *facility* offered by Anet. The regularity with which any individual makes use of that facility is an entirely personal decision. It is a choice. I sympathise with the OPs situation, but my own opinion is that a faster cadence of relinks a better system, for well understood reasons; or perhaps a 'less kitten' system. The OP's issue is an unfortunate edge case. I hope Anet stick with the current, marginally less kitten system, and hurry the kitten up with WR.
  12. I'd recommend engaging with the community on your server. WvW comes alive most fully when you do. Not everyone you encounter will be helpful or welcoming of new players, but most will. Join open tags, join any community discord, take note of friendly guilds you see running regularly, run alongside them (not inside them; be respectful and don't mess up their stealth if they're playing with it). Eventually, and sooner than later, I'd recommend your aim is to join one or more WvW focussed guilds. *Then* you will be in the best place to really experience all that this great game mode has to offer, and you will be among veteran players who are best equipped to help you learn and develop. Welcome to the best part of GW2 and happy holidays.
  13. You're getting in your own way and blaming others for your own issues. But I don't know why I'm replying, since this is destined to become one of those threads to which the OP never returns.
  14. WSR, we are the perfect resort destination for anyone in search of the quintessential wvw experience. We represent the pinnacle of Anet's game design, philosophy and neglect. It is a transcendent experience. Get it while you can. Before, you know, alliances, or whatever.
  15. Why are you posting in the WvW forums? This area is just a ghetto for bitter WvW players. It's literally out of bounds for Anet employees. Post your ridiculous suggestion in the PvE forum and someone will get right on to it.
  16. You're polling the WvW forums. To what end? I was shocked by the results.
  17. I imagine you are in the match up with WSR. It's perfectly acceptable for players to play this game in whatever moronic ways the game allows. And sadly this game has a lot of morons. The real villains here, however, are not the idiotic ebg monkeys and bamdwagoners. The real villains are Anet, who have designed a system that enables these players to deliberately create such monstrous asymmetries of server population. I'm on the winning team, yet again, this week. And it's a complete kitten show. Most of the people I play with are not even playing this week, because the situation is as bad for us as it is for you. Willful neglect by Anet is ruining this game mode.
  18. Uh huh. This from the guy that I remember well single handedly trolling his server, relentlessly. Including wearing a tag 24/7 for no reason; changing its colour to match, and deliberately following, other commanders to make a nuisance of yourself. I imagine you don't like invisible tags because it's harder for you to do that now. It's impossible to take anything you say seriously anymore. Which is a shame, because I remember also that you were a pretty good player.
  19. This is true. I'm on WSR, and with the Anet special of a) link with new vizunah bandwagon server, plus b) opening WSR, it's a complete sheesh show. We didn't need a link and we should have remained full. World Restructuring permanently is months and months and months overdue.
  20. "Interacting with a Platter of Delectable Birthday Cakes now correctly applies its nourishment effect to players who are malnourished, and players can refresh the effect's duration by interacting with the platter. Interacting with the platter will not replace any active nourishments, regardless of their remaining duration. " Patched. XD
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