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Everything posted by Jeddite.8620

  1. my sincere condolences to family and friends. he was a good one, rip
  2. mist form cd in wvw is not fair. but overall i like the change, because u dont need to take water.
  3. dps tempest is at moment the only spec that uses cantrips atm. its not a great build, but its fun to play from time to time. with the cantrips nerfs you will have "mist form" and "armor of earth" with coolddown from 60s in wvw. thx for deleting another ele build
  4. i dont know how it is in other game modes but in wvw we have the big 3 tradeoff: no hp no armor no damage
  5. no worries other classes got buffed too. im really looking forward to 4 october, its good to have soulbeast back. = )
  6. u can use: https://metabattle.com/wiki/PvP_Builds https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/?gw2gametype=pvp&d=0 https://guildjen.com/pvp-builds/ but there is not that "site" out there, u should try differrent builds and look what works for you. also take a look what streamers are playing: there are a lot more out there
  7. https://gw2mists.com/builds https://metabattle.com/wiki/WvW ele is out of the meta, there is no top tier build at the moment.
  8. at the time when pof came out, i was main ranger. i tried to make a group support build with soulbeast. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEEiNssC2DLiFyIxyVy/dWirTA-zxQYvom1D+MSVKUtKQnzifzAA-e fury: warhorn / moa stance + spotterprotection: heal / moa stance / protect me (self)condi clean: bear (f2)/ heal / spirit of nature + resistance (f3 bearform)stabi: dolyak stance + ae stunbreak form protect meregen: warhorn / heal / moa stance healing was a problem because, even if you had your pets on no aggro, they are somewhere around you. so it was pretty hard to heal a focused moving target with f2 and "invigorating bound".if there would be no timer on this trait and higher ae-range maybe this build would be viable. but so it was only a fun build. but nowadays where there is no pet switch "in fight" possible we dont need to talk about it :/
  9. The truth is more often than not that the last man standing in wvw is the most usless player in the zerg, because he plays some selfish bunker build. That build of jeddite is such a build: tanky, laughable damage and only ranged (no damage, only tagging targets for bags). If the spellbreaker dies before you then you are too tanky and you should have invested more in offense to do what you are for in the blob - killing targets! you are complain about that this build is not max dps or its only ranged. its so funny. = DDyou really don't get it or? you can't even read. you miss the point completely.
  10. the deathmagic nerf in the notes (carapace), it was only a exampel that things that are in pvp strong also are strong in wvw.that the rev condi nerfs also need to hit wvw, i think we dont need to talk about. you see that they try to fix things but only in pvp. thats a really bad massage for all wvw player. it look like nothing change. you can belive it or not. a long time ago i had a lots of 5vs5 in wvw. now the most people are now focus on 10-15 people havocing groups or play in zerg.but that is the good thing about wvw, you can do whatever you want. in wvw you also can have 5vs5, so why it should only balanced in pvp? for me it worked pretty good. but feel free to play whatever you want. =)and that this build is made for zerg, i mean you should get it after reading this: dont know what you are talking about smallscale and wells. but overall you look a bit stupid.in one thread you defending condi rev as balanced and a few days later the nerf come in pvp : Din another thread you defend retaliation : D you are really no person i like to talk with so, bye bye : DD
  11. take a look at this build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAYd3lVwOYIMPWJeeXutbA-zRQYRUjtwOkmECZKD6WBI55QfGA-e there is no way to drop under 30 caprice in a zerg fight. you have 3000 armor, 19k hp + pulsing protectionin shroud you are immun to soft ccyou have permanent cleanse in shroud 2 condition, outside with spektral walk and if everything went wrong you still have your healability (every cleanse give you caprice) 3000 power with full stack (bloodlust/caprice) + your own access to might (sigill of absorbtion)54% crit chance + 193 crit damage, normal, but if you enter shroud you get +600 ferocity +33% crit chance + quickness i was testing it for one day (because my ele got deleted) and it feels like godmode. you are a hypertank, but deal damage like a mage. i dont know why people think if something is overperfarming in pvp it dosen't in wvw... but necro has a big lobby in wvw, if nekro is not op in anyway or out of meta the forum would explode
  12. it ignore armor like condition or lifesteal its so funny to watch how he try to stay alive : DDi don't know why people still defending reta, its bullshit -.-
  13. reading all this trash in the forum is atm more enjoyable than playing power staff ele.
  14. dear new balance team,i come back from break like 3 month, read this and i am spechless. i mean in roaming (1vs1 / small scale) there are a lot builds for monkys, right? or let's say for people with handycap.lets pick one (there are a lot of other builds), the condi mirage build. this perma doge build with "deceptiv evasion" and "infinite horizon". the only thing you need to do is to doge. you can't be hit while doging and deal damage while doing it. this is a top tier pvp build and it works even better in wvw because of the endu-reg food. you really can perma doge.for human with handycap perfect. they struggel in real life, but they can have a great time in gw2. you give them love. its ok. otherwise this is the reason why gw2 is not competitive and dont play any role in e-sports, right? but WHY??? you touch the actually 5er roaming (i mean, ok, its already death), 15 havoc groups and the zerg meta. its was great.you deal damge -> you heal or negate damage with barrier/protection/rite of the great dwarfyou cc -> give stabi or condi cleanyou give boon -> you coruppt boonetc... it was good now you reduce everything. worst thing is the damage reduce overall. it makes it harder to win fights when you are outnumbered.this is another mass > skill patch! i was looking for something like remove downstate, remove ae cap in wvw. that would be great. but the best thing was that every class (beside ranger and thief (blob fights) have a place in the actually meta, right? they have one or more builds that are viable. this will change. range damage (rev, scourge, ele) deleted.we are looking to a melee ball meta (high armor/hp classes). you can't break push any more or not as good as you can now. in that melee ball meta will be: support guard / burn guard (only nerfed core-burn,LOL), paladin warrior (support/damage), reaper and thats it.no need of other class, if you really want to try hard. classes like ele got complete deleted. its the only low hp / low armor armor class. you complete stomped the defense and damage. here some explain;Twist of Fate: got doubel nerfed: Twist of Fate: Increased ammo recharge from 40 seconds to 75 secondsBolstered Elements: This trait now grants barrier instead of stability when using a stance skill but, hey, we got Laher: big joke!!! arcane: complete stoped. there are 12 traits (with the basics traits) and 9 traits will be nerfed. i saw complete reworking traits lines, but never a stomp like this. and one thing you really need to explain: "rite of the great dwarf" (elite) untouched, "versed in stone" untouched!!! but you nerf ele core defense:Arcane Shield: Increased cooldown from 40 seconds to 45 secondsFinal Shielding: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 secondsElemental Surge: Reduced immobilize duration from 2 seconds to 1 second tripel nerf. i mean you forgot it. right? otherwise there is no apologize. its like strongest defense skill and its passiv is untouched and the worst getting nerfed (on lowhp/lowarmor). there are a lot of damage nerf like other classes also have too, but one is funny and the other delete ele. Ice Spike:Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 0.91. Adjusted vulnerability duration from 5 stacks for 10 seconds to 12 stacks for 6 seconds.Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds!!! i mean the worst ae spell in this game (or is eruption more worse?),3/4 cast time and after that it needs 3 or 4 sek. till it hit the ground?,this spell really need higher cooldown :DDD Meteor Shower: Reduced power coefficient from 1.6 to 1.1 this is big!!! this is not fair, if you see that wells nearly untouchedWell of Corruption: Reduced pulse power coefficient from 0.5 to 0.45Well of Suffering: Reduced pulse power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.9 attention: fun fact!!! i have 17k hp at my weaver build. if i drop a meteor into a zerg (wich is really the one and only real damage source), im half hp. but its ok, i also deal damage.if this go live -> you get more damage back than you deal.retaliation is untouched!!! this patch is not a step forward into the future, its a step back into the past to melee mono blobs. kein applaus für scheiße p.s. sorry for my bad english.
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