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Everything posted by Azoqu.8917

  1. When I use the skill and let it charge to max, I am unable to make the projectile explode earlier than its max range. Anyone else having this problem?
  2. With the symbol, depending on how long it lasts, a play might be symbol into pistol 4 then a swap to torch and actually using torch 5 for real DPS for once? Am I crazy or could that actually finally be a thing?
  3. I'm always baffled at talk about Scepter for Guardians. It is the best and worst weapon for Guardian at the same time. It's functional, hits hard, and is useful but at the same time it's non-functional and the #3 is lackluster. Being the only range weapon unless you go DH, it should be more consistent with projectile speed. The only problem, is any buff or change to the scepter can break it because it already is an over loaded weapon. Scepter is love, Scepter is life.
  4. Amen to this. DH is just percent damage modifiers and traps, and the only reason it's good (PvE wise) is because the modifiers increase damage so much. FB is just a fix to things the Guardian was always supposed to be good at. A burn spec wasn't really needed, just improvements to base Guard to make burn viable (VoJ 4s PvP duration being brought to PvE, spirit weapons being made into true minions that last forever like necro minions). Don't get me wrong, I love how FB plays, but it really is just a fix to the class more than an expansion to it (like how DD is just a better acrobatics for thieves).
  5. I was in the same boat, and it would have been so easy to get condi Guard to be viable. All they needed to do was bring the 4s duration for VoJ over to PvE from PvP. That alone would have made condi Guard viable but they also could have made spirit weapons last forever like necro minions as well. Two easy changes and condi Guard would have had a place, instead they destroyed any decent use for the Sword/Hammer, did a side-grade to the shield, and buffed the bow. Anet could of also made spirit weapons act like banners for buffs so that there could be choice in raid comps for Banner buffs. Sadly they didn't do anything like this and just sold us our condi spec with the expansion (I do like FB, but it's just an improved version of what Guardian should have always been).
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