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Everything posted by DaShi.1368

  1. I'm sorry if didn't make that part clear. The return for Mesmer would be the rollback of past nerfs as well as new buffs. I feel like the above mentioned mechanics are a crutch that holds the Mesmer back. They prevent it from getting needed buffs and target it for complaints and nerfs. I agree that these mechanics are very strong at low level play. With these mechanics fixed, Mesmer hits a floor that can be built on to make it more competitive in high level pvp. This could allow for bringing back the bold Chrono. Mirage could definitely use more with Mirage Mirrors nerfed. Virtuoso should get distortion back. Core should gets buffs all around that help the elite specs as well.
  2. Mesmer is the main reason I've played this game. And is currently one of the main reason I quit long ago. I check back now and then to see if Mesmers are in a playable state only to see that it remains a dead class outside of open world pve, which all classes can do anyway. Here are my thoughts on some simple fixes for Mesmer for PvP and WvW. 1. Make Mesmer clones easily distinguishable from the Mesmer. And makes tab targeting for them work the same way Necro minions (prioritize the Mesmer). Many people complain that Mesmers are unfun because the clones are frustrating. As a long term Mesmer player, I agree with this. They make Mesmers annoying to fight and turn people against the class. Clones are a form of passive defense that gets less useful as other players get better. Good Mesmers don't really rely on hiding among clones to protect them. Only in the days of release did people try to pretend to be clones and that was mostly for memes. Generally, all this feature has done is frustrate people fighting against Mesmers, lead to Mesmer nerfs, and offer literal benefit to Mesmers themselves. I believe they have only hurt this class in the long run and need to go. At least as perfect clones. As a resource for the Mesmer, they are fine. Also, should probably make the clones distinguishable from phantasms for more counterplay. 2. Remove stealth from all Mesmer abilities. There's probably nothing more hated than stealth. Just look at what thieves have had to deal with. So I suggest freeing Mesmer from this entirely. Instead, I believe that Mesmer should focus on mobility and target dropping (which is why I suggested changing tab targeting for clones). Dropping target is powerful, but not as powerful or annoying as stealth. Plus, it gives Mesmer a unique mechanic for surviving, without being overpowered. Changes to stealth skills (not getting into details on most of the numbers here): The Prestige: Blinds nearby foes. Drops target. Teleports Mesmer behind 120 behind targeted foe. Burns nearby foes (240). Removes 1 condition. Blast finish. Decoy: Mesmer shadowsteps (450). Drops target. Creates clone at original location. Breaks stun. Veil: Create a wall that drops target for you and your allies. Signet of Midnight (Active): Blinds nearby foes. Drops target. Breaks stun. Unblockable. Mass Invisibility: You and all your allies drop target. Creates a clone for every ally (including self) affected. Prismatic Understanding: Gain a random boon when you drop target. Escape Artist: Create a clone when you drop target. Deception: No change. Downed states are their own thing. Not really dealing with them here. 3. Remove Mirage Cloak from Mirage dodge. I love Mirage Cloak, but it is way too powerful. It's a free distortion every time you dodge. If Mirage wants its second dodge back, Mirage Cloak has to go. I want the second dodge back, because one dodge feels terrible and hurts an already squishy class. Ways Mirage can still gain Mirage Cloak: From Mirage Mirrors. Illusionary Ambush: Leave behind a Mirage Mirror instead of gaining Mirage Cloak Axes of Symmetry: Add: Leave behind a Mirage Mirror (Mirages would need a more consistent way to generate mirrors and this skill has a decent cooldown for it. Jaunt is a possible alternative for this since it is so heavily nerfed in PvP). This also has the effect of balancing Infinite Horizon. But some other traits will need to be adjusted. One suggestion: Speed of Sand: Dodging increases your movement speed. (Makes it easier to get to Mirage Mirrors) 4. Keep the effects of the Core shatter skills for each elite spec. Elite specs can add to them, but can't lose the Core effect. Mesmer clones as a resource are so tied to this that removing them in away severely hurts the class. I'm talking to you, Chronomancer and Virtuoso. What about trade-offs? First, I hate the whole trade-off discussion when it comes to elite specs. I think this has done more harm to elite specs than improved core specs. Second, why not give core specs something elite specs can't have? My suggestion is that core specs can use all the weapons of their elite specs, but elite specs still can't use weapons of other elite specs in the class. So a Core Mesmer can use a axe/shield or dagger/shield, if it wants. I think this should be the case for all the classes. It breathes some life back into the Core classes, and gives some trade-off for the elites (as they focus into their specific weapons). I feel with these changes, Anet can safely roll back some of the nerfs to class. In addition, it solves the clone problem by treating them solely as a resource going forward and not having to worry about how much they frustrate players. Same with stealth. Dropping target may not be as powerful, but it's more fun to play against and gives Mesmers a unique mechanic to play around with. So are my thoughts. Take them or leave them. Agree or disagree. I only hope that they can in some way help Mesmers get back to being a fun class to play again.
  3. Thanks for all the insight you've brought. I've also given up on PvP because of all the things you've mentioned in this thread. Franky, Anet needs to ditch ranked entirely, move the rewards to unranked, and crack down on hacking. I like the individual rating system, and they should look into that. But they need to fix this first. They'll get a lot more people playing PvP, if it becomes fun again.
  4. Not saying it will happen, but if Anet folds in the next year, can anyone honestly say that they'd be surprised?
  5. I love Scavangers Chasm. It's so big and empty. I used to run it regularly just to wind down. Not So Secret is the hardest for me. I don't think I've ever completed it by myself. So many traps, combat, and wonky mechanics. Several of the falls are a death sentence, so even having a backup portal won't save you.
  6. I'd only support it if male characters also had to wear the yellow bras.
  7. As has been said, if varies by what you are playing. You beat them like you beat any other class. You play to your strengths and to their weaknesses. If you don't know what those are, then you need more practice. Some match ups will be bad. And some of you are clinging to god awful builds. Generally, a good strategy is to destroy their clones. You will need to pay attention to where the real mesmer is, but this isn't hard. Unless they are bad, you won't kill them quickly.
  8. I've done this event 10 times and still no artificial diamond. I'm at the point where I'm camping the event. Is their any other way of getting this item?
  9. Seems like it's happening to a lot of people. Had it happen to me again today.
  10. Is there any plan to fix this? I'm at the point of asking for a refund.
  11. Not stuck, but haven't been able to enter PvP queues. I can click the buttons, but nothing happens.
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