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  1. I have also been experiencing this issue. It seems primarily event rewards that have been showing up like this. It isn't all the loot, only some of it. I haven't seen any other similarities other than needing to re-log to clear the issue.
  2. Can't pick up the crab, and the crab duplicates itself sometimes.
  3. I think they did a fantastic job of building the environments out on each map. The downside is that the more detailed and elaborate maps came with a price of player capacity. The maps still feel very empty. The city design of NK I like from a visual perspective, but the difficulty traversing the map vertically is not conveyed well. TD at least had pretty distinct underground and surface layers. The labyrinth of stairs and levels where you either have to remember how to get to this one building or resort to using your mounts is a bit frustrating. This also compromises the ability of players to quickly go from event to event unless they are familiar with the map. Having NK as the second map I think really puts a block on people completing the rest. The story wasn't as terrible as it could have been. I think the necessity of wrapping up the dragon story so we could move on was a good move. I do think there is some trade-off with creating Strikes as part of the story bosses. There is definitely more development towards centering around those bosses and less in the overall combat throughout the story. I do think they should take a page out of the new development philosophy regarding Strikes and implement Strikes from the other expansions. A Balth strike could be great and so could Blademaster Diarmid - creating a strike from the cut content. The Masteries were definitely gimmicky. The Jade Bot feels like just another equipment slot locked behind an elaborate framework and a funnel for more gem store items. The zip lines are a useful traversal system, but paired with mounts, it feels boring. Granted, there is some validity to it in that new players won't have all the mounts, particularly Griffon and Skyscale, so in those cases I'm sure the zip lines are a lifesaver. I do think there are opportunities to make old parts new/better again. The Jade Bot could get cross upgraded on the other mastery sets by offering other junk conversions. There are so many additional mastery points for the older content that I feel like expanding old mastery tracks as they did with Skimmer makes sense. Adding a Jade Bot upgrade to the "United Legions Waystation" would be cool. If you don't have a summoning kit, the Jade Bot can summon a waystation similar to the personal waypoint. But the Mastery would be in the IBS track not the EoD track. I know they shy away from "cross-contaminating" the expansions, but I think it will also show more fluidity between them all and promote content across the board.
  4. QoL/Consistency Suggestion: Separate the HoT Dailies from the core ones. Now that there are Dailies for each season as well as EoD, I think going back and retroactively giving HoT its own shine is worth it.
  5. The reason, which I know at least one person mentioned, is that the core game does not have Elite Specs. Elite Specs were introduced with HoT. It's a design philosophy more than anything as an evolution of the game, the story, and the player. However, the difference an Elite Spec and the core specs is really that an Elite Spec unlocks the ability to use a dedicated weapon and skill type. Elite Specs are by nature supposed to be more powerful. Yes, it creates a separation between Core players and Expansion players, but that can be said for all the other expansion features like gliding, mounts, etcetera too. While it may not agreeable, it is the business model of the game and those features are designed to attract players to purchase the expansions. If we were paying subs, this would be an entirely different conversation.
  6. It's interesting looking at the post history here that this seems to regularly happen every few months. I've been trying for a few days to purchase through PayPal and it flat out fails with an error.
  7. I pretty much came here to say that I agree 100% with this one point you made. The "Build Templates" as advertised are no templates at all. Templates are static. If I change a skill, I should be able to revert back to the original template quickly and easily. I agree that this is really a multi-build function than a template function. Now, I absolutely love that this is a feature, but it is not the feature everyone wanted from GW1. Build Templates are really the Build Storage. Going from being able to save an infinite number of templates in GW1 to this system is a bit disappointing, but they are working within the confines of a system that was never designed to support this (server vs client side). I think the current fix should be to simply move the "templates" label from the character tabs to the storage. That at least would be accurate. I think we will get more QoL for this feature as time goes on and I think the incredible negativity for a new feature like this is uncalled for. The teams have constantly made key QoL changes to systems just like this over time and I think for the intital GA release, this is quite amazing considering they had to brute force it into existence and ensure players don't break their own stuff. As far as the monetization of it, I expected it would happen all along. They have a business model to support and its transactions, not subs. Considering the amount of content they do give to us for free, I think everyone can suck it up and handle this like adults.
  8. This event chain is still stalling outside the Clanmarshal's Pergula and is preventing the chain from restarting and blocking the recording acquisition. I submitted another bug report for it today.
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