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Just a flesh wound.3589

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Everything posted by Just a flesh wound.3589

  1. A player can get a Raptor at level two if they have PoF and have another player willing to run them through the first story instance of PoF. they party up and other player, who is level 80 and has PoF, starts the first story instance. They are transported to Pof and the level 80 does all the work, except at the end where the low level player needs to do the heart. Once that’s done the low level player can buy a Raptor from the heart merchant.
  2. Still working my way through the story and leveling the masteries available. I’ll probably get the turtle eventually but it’s not a mount I think I’ll use much, except maybe to race around Lions Arch on it.
  3. We can kill cats and kittens in this game? why wasn’t achievement points added for this and a progression system, maybe even a title for kitties killed?
  4. I like to use food such as Mango Pie that gives me 80 health per sec. It’s not a whole lot but sometimes that slight amount of continuous healing will make a difference in a fight. In addition different NPCs sell bundles that can be used. For example you can buy rocks that causes knock down and 200 Defiance Bar damage and in some story fights I’ll use a summonable Fire Elemental for extra damage.
  5. That’s a very kind offer. Here’s hoping for many wins for you and your groups.
  6. I salvaged festival food, specifically Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream as I had a whole stack of that and it was free from opening containers.
  7. Who is he clearing it with? Is he doing it with a random assortment of players, both vets and new and some who aren’t paying attention to instructions or is he doing it with a group that follow him around and probably have the best gear and builds?
  8. If you don’t want to close the game, why not minimize it so that it will still be there, just not visible until you max size it again. That way you won’t be seeing the character screen unless you want to play.
  9. I happened to run across this video. I have no idea if it still works but you can give it a try. How to get the old character selection screens
  10. i remember people complaining about how the mounts move (makes them sick), spiders/sharks/balloons in the game (phobias), players using the newest gemstore backpack/glider (they’re everywhere!!!). All those complaints started with one person and went nowhere. Companies don’t do major revamps unless it’s large numbers of the same complaint. And I looked at the character select screen and yes, I did find the screen movement mildly nauseating. In my case I’ll handle it by not moving my mouse around it more than necessary and only looking at the row of characters if I am. It’s not like I’m on that screen more than a few seconds a day. I can handle it.
  11. like I said, there’s always something that bothers someone. Spiders, how the mounts move, people wearing the flavor of the day cosmetic, etc etc etc. All these things bother some people and can be difficult to avoid in game. People have posted complaints before about things that bother them and have asked for change in some way. However it’s not a reasonable request unless it’s bothering large numbers of people.
  12. Possibly. I hasn’t noticed. For me, watching a vista move around in a circle is literally nauseating. However I’ve never asked for vistas to be removed from the game or logged out because the game has vistas. There’s always something that will bother someone and they all can’t be removed or changed.
  13. The previous screen also had movement. It had a sand blowing across the character feet animation.
  14. I’ve seen a heart merchant selling recipes (the heart where you have a tutorial on break bars, etc…).
  15. I had to think for a couple of seconds to figure it out. Nearly killed me.
  16. If you have a guild hall in Cantha you should be able to go there free then to a Canthan waypoint. I’m also hoping one of the merchants will sell a portal scroll for fast travel to the city.
  17. I figured it was named Redacted because it’s from Cantha launch and the Canthan government is secretive and controls information.
  18. I was in a guild once where a person stole the guild. There were several people at the top level. One of the people in the leader level promoted a new person to the top level. He immediately stole the guild by kicking everyone else out, including all the other people who were at the top level. The founder of the guild attempted to get the guild back by contacting support but that didn’t work. ANet doesn’t get involved in guild arguments as they have no way to tell who is right and who is wrong.
  19. I use my Spirit Shards to buy Spirit Banners. Drop one at the start of a big event so everyone can grab the buff. It’s an easy way to support the community.
  20. I did some digging and found a thread on Reddit from 2015 that said that 3 Lucky Rabbit Feet combined with one price of white armor gives a random piece of white armor. You can give that a try.
  21. +1 for having emoji and quote notifications separated. I’ve turned off notifications because I got tired of getting emoji notifications. I don’t care to be informed by special notes if someone gives me a yeah or a nay. I would still like to have quote notifications so I can make sure they understand how wrong they are when they disagree with me 😎 but not enough to continually be clearing out emoji spam.
  22. Dear mods. Please install a feature where any thread that has been inactive for at least one year is auto locked. thanks.
  23. A library to have all books in one spot would be nice. All my books are hanging around in the inventory of whatever char happened to get them.
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