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Fraghound.5730's Achievements

  1. I will forever wish for a horse in game. Buuut if I can't have a horse I'll be super happy to have a dolyak (again something I doubt will ever be in game but I can wish for it). The loading screen for Hoelbrak shows norn riding bison, heck yeah I want that!
  2. Give us a way to get those Chirstmas backpacks that isn't through a pvp reward track. I'm not a fan of pvp (my internet disconnects constantly with it every time I try), and I would be so happy if I could get it through open world, achievements, downright paying gold for it, or a wvw track.
  3. Please bring back the Outlaw outfit, I missed it last time and I have gems waiting and ready for it!
  4. We have armor that shows so much underboob it's one step away from a nip slip and I can battle in a wedding dress. Of course I'm on board for a bikini! We needs more swim wear and bikinis in game - as well as more comfy casual looking wear. Variety is always welcomed.
  5. It would be awesome if we had the option to turn effects on outfits off. Some outfits have sparkles, ghostly grabby hands, glows and stuff but I would love love looove it if I could just turn those off and wear the outfit just for the style itself and not the effects around it.
  6. Fix the mount previews and actually allow us to see the dye combos we already have on locked skins. We have the option to see the default colors but it's pointless when thats the only thing you see with locked skins no matter what.
  7. Backpacks that actually look like functional and stylish backpacks without wooden frames or a overload of things attached to it. School backpack, messenger bag, duffle bag (why not?) ect ect. There are so many styles of backpacks in the world that would look awesome in game!
  8. Make exclusive hair unisex, pretty please? There are so many nice styles that are restricted to gender that would look amazing on both!
  9. Cantha sounds fun (heck, I want to explore everything!) but I would love to go into the Domain of Winds maps. Even if we don't get Tengu as a playable race I still want to go there. The patches of unexplored areas where the Tengu are drives me nuts, I must see it!
  10. Skimmer: Angler fish (teeth and all), lionfish theme.Raptor: Honestly I would love to see some horse patterns (appaloosa, paint, primitive dun, ect.) Since we can't have horses in game give us some simple but cute raptor skins and I'm happy! I use my raptor like a horse anyways so why not.Griffon: All things hawk and owls but I would love a skin based off of a American Kestrel.Beetle: Charr car (and a biker outfit to go with it!).Springer: Rhinelander Rabbit, himalayan rabbit, English lop for overly huge and adorable ears (we already have a lop but we always could use more!).Jackal: Manned wolf, striped hyena. A Dalmatian theme would be fun to have. I would love to someday have a dolyak or bison mount (like the ones in the norn city loading screen). But thats just wishful thinking.
  11. I would love it if the outlaw outfit would return, even if it was just for a few days! I missed it the last time it was in the gemstore.
  12. Ideas:A charr car skin for the roller beetle.A biker outfit!A hoodie outfit with actual sleeves and undershirt (I like my designer hoodie, but sleeves and 4 working dye channels would be nice).A simple, casual but cute Tee shirt and pants outfit for all to enjoy. I say outfit with this for all armor types to enjoy (and no risk of trench coats for medium armor).
  13. I was able to talk to the queens fine but after that when you got to tiami - nothing. She won't talk or anything and after that just a lot of disconnects (to be expected on the first day I guess). I haven't tried getting back on yet, I'll just wait until everything gets fixed.
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