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Sorin Noroku.5342

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Everything posted by Sorin Noroku.5342

  1. Does this mean those who have two of the same weapon, for purpose of “twice told legend”, can only put one weapon in the armory? Also, if they put a single one in, can it be dual used? For example: bolt. If I placed a single bolt in the legendary armory, would I be able to put it in both hands on another character?
  2. I found Snowden more difficult than Brisban for gold. Brisban came down to not getting caught on a root, where Snowden required me to drift near perfectly.
  3. An update on that baby raider group a friend is helping with, in a single week, they have killed every boss except w5, deimos, and xera. That said, that's people who have NEVER RAIDED, gone on to kill almost all raid bosses. That to me says that raids are easy enough to do, what about that suggests we need an easy mode? 16/22 bosses from never seen, to killed, in a week. Seems easy enough to me. What good would an easy mode do, if people who don't raid and have never raided before, can clear them like that? Edit: Forgot to add in, Raids are built for the people who want to push the limits of the game, the ones who WANT challenging content. It's been said all over the place, they're not for everyone. Some people just don't enjoy it. So I tend to remove those people from the equation when calculating player base.
  4. Once more, the devs have said they designed these to be more difficult. Even still they are incredibly easy. I cannot tell you how many streams I’ve seen of people who are BUTCHERING their class and build, yet pass with ease. The dps checks are super light (baring dhuum/largos) and the mechanics are fairly simple. We know this by the vast amount of people learning raids in the discord training servers, and getting kills.And yet that "vast amount of people" is still only a very small part of the whole population. And as for dev designs, well, the raids are one of the examples showing that those can change.When you have a 4,000 players in a single discord of raid training, and only like, 200 players are of the highest ranks, that is a vast population for those that do the content. I'd love to suggest joining these raid training discords for anyone who wants to get into raids! They're honestly SUPER easy. In fact, a friend of mine just took a new set of 8 baby raiders, and almost cleared w6 today on their first time in. Just her as a druid, and another friend as a dps. The rest was all baby raiders. Granted, the population OF raiders is VERY small in comparison to open world, pvp, wvw... It's something I've been a part of discussing with other raiders for awhile. HOWEVER, the general level of raids does not need to be dropped down to assist more people getting into them, as the resources to complete and learn them are out there for the taking! As well as large groups of people for filling out the squads! So you've got the people who know it, just WAITING for someone to go "I'd like to learn it" and they'll take them. Show them the ropes, help the out, teach them the mechanics.. and they do this nearly 24/7! (Seriously, we have more postings than the lfg in RiT most days...)
  5. Said it before, will say it again. Raids are super super super easy. Even qadim and dhuum.
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