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Everything posted by RoastedBloop.9817

  1. wish granted ! Squishy, Soft Friends for Your Lovely Homestead Are Here! – GuildWars2.com
  2. Yup, the LFG is getting bloated. This could be a determent; I think they should split them up, so instanced group content has its own tab (or replace the useless follow tab) whilst the open world & story content stays where it's at. Retire the odd categories too like achi hunter and mentor, they aren't used, or are they? Open World: Living World and their maps HoT and their maps PoF and their maps EoD and their maps Soto and their maps Guild recruitment (New tab) Group Instanced: Dungeons Raids Strike missions & Convergences Fractals WvW PvP Dragon Response Mission (for a laugh) Just an idea, that isn't perfect or as mentioned earlier, could be a detriment
  3. "Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies" As someone who did the old PvE dailies @Kiki.9450 wrote it perfectly. Vets just obliterated mobs in starting zone areas. And even if you had mounts, you had to move fast or wp there, simply because ppl did not want to just tag the mob, they had to zerg everything down, leaving those who came late, missing out and having to find other events to do. At times I got so annoyed with this, I didn't even mention it on map chat an event is up, until I killed 1 mob, then advertise an event is up. And even then, I had to remind ppl that just tag the mob or kill one will give you credit so everyone else can get credit. As for new players, I feel sorry for them. So no, wizards vault is a welcome change.
  4. In honesty, GW2 has lost a lot of full-time big streamers. Mukluk, moved on to other games, still streams GW2 part time. Aurora Peach, Rookuri (bird of chess) same thing, moved on to FFXIV, stream GW2 part-time, Wooden Potatoes, also moved on from GW2 to FFXIV. Bog otter, is now working for the marketing team for anet. Teapot wants to move, whilst it is a huge loss in terms of marketing and getting visual attention on twitch for GW2. And he has done a lot for the community, he deserves success WoW could bring for him. Whilst it will take some time to get back up to the numbers, he gets on GW2 twitch, one thing ppl are forgetting, he has a solid audience base to build up off. The real question is, just who will become the "face" of GW2 on twitch.
  5. There is a misunderstanding. "Pick and Choose" are poor choice of words on my end. I am aware that you did mention having a disability, which I took in to account. So, I'll rephrase: make or try to make the most of what you can do with the dailies given, frustrating as it not be able to get the meta chest at the end of the daily. Try not to fret in missing out on, slowly but steady can go a long way. I'll be honest, it got to a point where the old daily system bored me. There were times, where I didn't even bother completing, even with 1 or 2/3 done. And sometimes there just duds where I just skipped it entirely. The only thing kept me doing it (when I could be bothered) is the 2g, mystic coins and laurels, the rest didn't really care for them, if they had a use, cool.
  6. I have seen and aware of the new system and even completed my weekly ty, granted it's pve. "Pick and choose" is a way to mitigate (or try to) the annoyance, until anet do a better job of balancing out the dailies and weeklies. My aim is to be nice, to see that you don't miss out too much in a system that you and others aren't too happy with currently (hopefully they will adapt to it, as it is a system that is rewarding). It's your choice as to what you do at the end of the day, if you took offence to it, then take no heed and carry on
  7. Weeklies gives you 420-30 Astral Acclaim plus 10 laurels, if you complete all 3 dailies, they net you an extra 30 AA plus 1g, so 65 in total for dailies. Try to pick and choose between dailies, weeklies and steadily increase your AA if you're struggling.
  8. Yeah, daily completion you get 30 additional AA. If wondering, a full weekly will net you about 420-30 AA, plus 10 laurels, so I can see why Vayne has a point as to why it is more profitable
  9. looks stupid, it does have a purpose if you see it from the other side.
  10. Guardian great sword skill 4, followed by skill 2 is a straightforward one to do
  11. @Daddicus.6128 Combo - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) see which class you are then follow the link. As @ccrazool.2905 mentioned, in seitung they teach the basics of combo field.
  12. Mixed up, not confused, yeah blood legion lands. Throw in ash legion if you like.
  13. Zero hostile forces left for the charr? It's been a very long time, didn't Rytlock try to sort out the ghosts of ascalon that have been plaguing the charr. Only to have failed, where he ended up in the mists. To this day, that hanging plot thread has never been resolved. Whose knows what story could be told in the Flame legion homelands. Can't say for the Norn and their potential stories post IBS. Those is what I'm referring to. And yet centaurs are real issues of size/significance to be a threat?
  14. 1. Centaurs were whipping humans not charrs, if you watched the trailer to it 2. and 3 became DRMS to speed up and end the story Norn and Charr have stories that can be told and explored.
  15. They did, they then got binned half way. Which is why it is universally stated, IBS was halted so they can do EoD - hence DRMs. Otherwise, both races were getting story developments. Only 3 races never got an expac to themselves; Asura, Charr and Norn.
  16. Err.. not really, the Charr, Norns and Asura got royally done over for another human eccentric expac in IBS... wait, this makes it, what 3rd potential human expac. If the cadence is to try and go around maps or regions, then asura could potentially get some love with this new approach.
  17. from reading it, the 6th stat just becomes a static stat, the effects that came with the 6th will be separated
  18. I'm in agreement with what @Danikat.8537 said; it's short. This felt less of a main arc, here's something which many haven't really thought or mentioned. This small arc felt more like a side story. I don't mind smaller stories being added to expand the region or maps; however, they should never be hyped up like this. If this is what they're aiming to do, then they really should clean up the side story menu, because it's become a dumping spot for anything.
  19. Guild recruitment section in the LFG could do with an invite button that automatically invites potential guild members. Save time from having to do this manually. Like how you join a squad etc.
  20. As @Blazing Rathalos.1904 pointed out, and this should be reiterated again and again, LW is free for those that had the associated expansion and were present during the free log in window. Any who missed that free window, even if they had that expansion still have to pay for LW. For years, the majority of this community have always said LW model is an actual determinate to any new or returning players trying to get in to this game. And YET, there are actual members in this community, get this, are against this new model, when it does away with restrictive barriers that came with LW - the very thing this community are against. I don't think I've ever come across any other mmo community, where a small portion of that community tries to sabotage their own mmo this hard.
  21. No, the quarterly updates are free. Once the mini expansion hits, you'll be paying for just the expansion. Any quarterly updates there after gets added will be bundled with the new expansion. Like this: EOD: Update, update, update, new expansion New expansion: update, update, update, newest expansion All updates from 28th till the new expansion, those updates will be bundled with eod. At no cost. You're no longer paying for the smaller in between content.
  22. You need to slot in the druid elite specialisation, which is the third line. I would suggest you get all the hero points for the druid, as it isn't much good when you've just unlocked the weapon. As others have said, there are hp trains running in order to help you get them.
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