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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. You know, your criticism and questions are valid and I also appreciate you listing other classes as a form of comparison. I honestly don't have a response to that, in particular. What I do have a response of is Solar Storm and Guard spear in general. I do think a rework is in order, but that spear rework could also be done in a way that doesn't completely destroy (nor buff) Guardian spear. Currently, spear's Solar Storm is too easy to spam in a mob, so there is no risk/reward to it. Just reward and reward. This was half the reason why more players QQ'd about WB in PUSH compared to WB in Conquest. Solar Storm's single target damage is fine (fight me 😤) What's NOT fine is the amount of AOE damage it produces. IF you are targeting a person and use Solar Storm AND it all lands on that target like a skill-shot, we should reap the rewards for not just targeting that person, but also pointing and clicking. But it should NOT melt 3 other additional players just because they happened to be within 180 radius. A lot of Guardians in this game just point and click without actually having some one targeted... We can turn Solar Storm into a more "skill-shot" weapon when it is casted on a targeted single person. It can still do AoE damage around that target, but at 50% effectiveness. The single target could take 10% more damage if the target is CC'd during Solar Storm, which would make the change make more sense. I feel that would be more balanced for Solar Storm and less QQ in PUSH & WvW. I'm open to everyone else's opinions on the matter. :3
  2. So says the unkillable spellbreaker main. If you think WB is over performing then you're playing your class wrong.
  3. Was that not the issue with Willbenders in PUSH? I'll tell you one thing. If we keep nerfing damage across the board starting with Virtuoso, War, WB, etc then we're going to enter another bunker meta. I never said anything about warrior 1-shotting people with a spear... I don't even remember calling for War Spear damage nerfs. I've only ever talked about how tanky they were.
  4. It bothers me how unrealistic this is. The game isn't balanced around numbers on paper like that, but rather what actually happens in a fight. Also we don't precast F2, we need that during the team fight to kite/dodge away. If anything, we precast F3 for damage modifiers along with a guarantee stab so that we can keep pumping without getting interrupted. The unrealistic part is, don't multiply symbol damage with how many ticks it does. Scepter symbol is a perfect example-- it ticks 4 times, but the orbs flying above the symbol can hit for an Additional 2k damage on top of the symbol that already hits for 1600 to 2k damage. But no one is complaining about Scepter hitting for over 16k+ damage... for obvious reasons. Solar storm does consistent damage comparable to GS's Whirling Wrath. GS's WW you can land a 7k or 10k AoE. Solar Storm is about the same except you can do that damage AND stack other damage with spear. Adding another 2k to 4k on top of Solar Storm. Stacking damage on a burst skill we precast, is the reason why spear is performing better than GS. I rather they keep the damage of Spear's Solar Storm but nerf the # of targets it is able to hit. Or simply prioritizing the bulk damage to who we are focus targeting.
  5. He wants his teamate to commit to the 2v1, regardless if that solo class is kiting off node. But personally, that's only good in certain situations. Sometimes commiting to the 2v1 is good, other times it's very bad. You would have to determine whether or not it becomes a waste of resources 1 vs 2ing for X amount of time.
  6. If you want players to get better, show what they are doing wrong in-between deaths by having them see their own stats compared to their teamates. I would say to show badges too but we all know we'll see plats and silvers in the same game... even duo's up. that would just start a forum toxicity train, but I digress. If LoL and every other competitive game has it then GW2 should have it too. 🤷
  7. SPB/WB/Virt, is more stale than SPB/SPB/SPB?
  8. I'm just glad people stopped talking about my avatar icon *sips ☕️ * ...at least until we get another PUSH beta 😈
  9. Play... who!? Play the map Spirit Watch and let me know how fun that is for you :)!
  10. If they can't automate it, then there is no moderation. Anet isn't going to pay a dev to watch every single match in all of NA & EU.
  11. Why are we concerned about previous season ratings when placements will put you in low Gold2 anyways 😅
  12. You don't need clarity from the devs. We all know how they're abusing matchmaking and these certain players who are doing it has it down to a science. Anet has made it clear that they are not changing the pvp algorithm.
  13. Spirit Watch wants to have a word with you.
  14. Ew I forgot you were an engi main... you have bigger things to worry about than Guardian rn lol
  15. So the forum warriors here have unlocked these WB powers but the MAT winners haven't yet? I'm so done 💀
  16. Um, everything actually. WB isn't a 1v1 class, nearly every single class in Conquest or WvW can beat a WB 1v1 if both players are of equal skill. There's a reason why top MAT teams don't run a single WB because we need a healer support to baby-sit us constantly. The only reason we do well in PUSH is because WB has a plethora of AoE dps compared to other classes and we ALWAYS have a support keeping us alive.
  17. This post needs to be sticky'd. All I want is my damage + Spear#5's CC to remain the same. They could 100% remove the boon and healing Spear gives and I'd be perfectly happy.
  18. Where's the third option where we wouldn't mind playing it as it's own stand-alone rank queue?
  19. To be fair Anet did say that it's a mode where competitive Conquest players can go to blow off steam and that it wasn't meant to replace Ranked Queue. I think it's going to enter as an Unranked only gamemode. I really hope there's at least 1 weekly tournament of it though, that would be fun.
  20. We had a TDM, it was on a big circle map called Courtyard and it was 3x worse of a crap-fiesta compared to PUSH. If you weren't here to experience it... just trust me on that. Any gamemode from anywhere is a reskin from something else. Anet isn't really trying to invent the wheel, but they are indeed looking for input on what kind of side objectives the map should have, speed of the objective (imo it should be slightly slower maybe), a "wave" like respawn, etc etc... Yeah, the map and circle was put together in 5minutes and shipped with a BETA sticker on it... some things straight up doesn't work. These SFX issues and/or team cleave issues is to be expected because we never had a gamemode like this before. The current balance is equivalent to some Blob vs Blob WvW issues, along with a mixture of sPvP imbalance issues, all in one gamemode. Some things could get ironed out for sure but the game mode isn't the worse thing in the world.
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