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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. This myth has been disproven multiple times over. If Anet wanted, we could have soloQ with its own leaderboard, duoQ with its own leaderboard, and a 3v3 permanent gamemode. The quality of matches and queue times will stay the same because it's not a drastic displacement of players. When Stronghold released and everyone and their mothers were queueing up for that gamemode, Conquest queues were still on-going. Queue times stayed the same.
  2. I have to give you props for posting a video though... at least we have a reference (and a bar) of what players are doing wrong when they engage a WB. Don't ever walk backwards, especially when you know a burst class is engaging you and actively pursuing you. You may be able to facetank what ever you want in WvW but there's mechanical plays that you absolutely need to practice when in PvP. Get off of that condi spec. WB (guards in general) can have a lot of cleanses... unless you are on a condi spec that can consistently beat Wb's or something-- I've seen Mechs be tankish on a condi build but no clue what they run. Like others have said, you took a lot of damage to the face when you should have been kiting. Break out of the habit of walking backwards and it is perfectly OK to leave the node completely if it means you're not going to die. Your pvp build is glass with 0 damage. The WB you fought is glass but deals a LOT of damage if you let it happen. I highly recommend you picking up Scrapper or Holo. You can pressure a WB back and even counter play them in the same manner as what happened to you in that video. Playing power scrapper/holo is more effort but it's far more rewarding in PvP. If you absolutely want to be tank + condi, go Mech. There's a tanky condi build running around that's capable of hitting Plat.
  3. Actually some players started using it in tournys, picking Eternal Armory for spirit weapon burn damage... but it got a swift nerf. Amplified Wrath's damage also got nerfed... I already forgot when that was, but that was the only time burn guardian was actually decent in pvp. Now it's only a lower tier spec that farms gold1 players. It can technically do well against some classes who you know have 0 condi cleanses.... but any other power WB/DH would still be better 99% of the time.
  4. #1. We're not done roasting you. #2. This thread will be up for eternity :)!
  5. I want to double down on this. There's a lot of people in this game who just rushes at far, win (maybe) a couple duels and will assume their team will just win the map. When they see their team getting farmed, they'll then complain how bad their team is. #countless If you don't know what is killing your team then there's no room to QQ in map chat. It could be a single thief, or off-meta condi class that you have to engage yourself, instead of being a Far-Node Hero the entire game.
  6. Every single profession in this game has a damage spec that's able to destroy people, or give some form of value to your team. A good War can hold 1vX on sidenodes., that gives excellent value. A good thief can decap nodes, while also securing kills when +1ing. If you run WB and kill a Silver player, you'll see a forum post about it within the hour. So that's exciting 😄 If you're serious about climbing the leaderboard, you'll need to be on a carry spec.... but actually be good at running the build you're on. If you have more than 4 deaths and don't have more than 10 kills (assuming you're not sidenoding) then you're doing something wrong.
  7. To be fair the algorithm works better if every single person was solo. The 1% of players would rage but that doesn't effect the majority of pvp players. Also the individuals who are consistently in the top 25 with 250 games played and only 10 losses, will still manage to get into top 25 because they can still do what they have always done 😉 I'm not voting to remove duoQ... I think most people already know where I stand about it.
  8. A sigil that doesn't allow people to block you? So when you see some one you know is bad, you can send 100 whisper hate messages and they can't do anything about it except log off or until you take off the sigil. I can get behind this... Let's call it Sigil of QQ
  9. What if this was the game mode Anet has been advertising? 😅 "When you win, you lose... but only if you don't lose. This will teach players to be better at not winning, but also to not lose." - Anet
  10. You've been complaining about WB in pvp for a very, very long time... I could run only 2 trait trees, WB and Radiance and I bet @Valamano.4963 will still get destroyed by WB in WvW. I won't even bring a single Stability utility or trait outside of my F3. This is how bad you, and every other single Silver player who QQ's about WB in WvW, actually are.
  11. Maybe this is the wrong thread for it but I always wanted multiple leaderboards with their own rewards attached to them. Show individual classes, such as top Guardians, Necro, etc. Top 1 Guard title could be "Paragon God", "Genius God", etc. A Lone Wolf soloQ only gamemode would make more sense if the above is implemented but... if they don't add additional leaderboards then I don't care if duoQ is removed or not.
  12. Mne is over here like: https://youtu.be/42oWwTyQtu8?t=155
  13. I rather they just change traits in Zeal. Such as Zealous Scepter. Increase scepter might stacks to 3. Damage to Vulnerable foes increased to 10% on Symbolic Exposure... and I'm being moderate here. I feel like Zeal needs a lot more ooph. The damage difference between Virtues and Zeal are darn near the same except Virtues gives cleanses and Stability. There's no reason to pick Zeal over Virtues in pvp.
  14. Scepter was always meant to be a mid-range utility weapon, that turned melee oriented when you try to stack symbols in a quick fashion. Sometimes I like to meme with Zeal/Radiance and go full symbolic damage. It's about 2.2k tick symbols in pvp, so with Scepter#2 and Sword#2's symbols stacking, it can dish out 4.4k damage per second... ...which isn't too bad if the players are Golems. Zeal traitline has a lot of issues and symbol damage only works against brainless players.
  15. Ain't no way your convincing me that WoW's pvp is better than GW2. On that subject, ESO's pvp is also garbage. The Cata Meta is eons worse than anything this game has ever had previously... even worse than the bunker meta we had. People forget that we have had some really, really bad metas in the past. So bad that it makes this current meta look like a Godsend.
  16. I can't think of a single reason as to why 🧐
  17. I never met this man in my entire life 👨‍🦯
  18. If I had to choose whether or not to add an additional 30 minute queue timer for everyone that is Gold2 through Plat2+, OR to invest resources on a new game mode that attempts to teach these newbie players how to use a mouse and keyboard, I'd pick the latter.
  19. For the last few balance patches, they haven't touched Willbender. But WB (from what I've seen) has been getting buffs indirectly when ever a class is nerfed. When necro, mesmer, vindi, thief, ranger, war, and engi receives nerfs, that's our time to shine gents! Just need to wait for only 7 individual class nerfs! So by 2025 we might be meta for MAT! Hold strong! 💪
  20. The devs have never, and will never, physically say a certain build is good or meta. They let players discover builds. The good and bad. Therefore, they are not going to suddenly tell players how they should play their class or use a specific build.
  21. Have you looked up the players making these QQ posts? Gold 2, Gold 3, and certainly anything above Plat 1, are not making forum posts about "OP Willbenders" in pvp. Why are we entertaining this and every other thread that was made by a low-skilled player, who can't even win unranked games?
  22. If you call wintrading as "Farming Silver & Gold1 players with WB because matchmaking is garbage" over and over and over again... Then yes, absolutely lol.
  23. Why nerf stability when a Thief + Necro can already delete multiple stacks of Stability on Guard anyways? I run F3 stab AND Stand Your Ground... Every few games, i'll come across a thief/necro plat duo who don't care how many stacks of Stab I have. They wave their hand and POOF it's gone.
  24. That was such a bad decision. No clue why the devs decided to do that.
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