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Everything posted by vardeleanu.8972

  1. 3 months later, only axe was fixed. - scepter stealth attach still unusable on deadeye - rifle stealth attack still unusable on anything but deadeye
  2. bump so maybe they see this and integrate some old bonuses into relics for the last expansion set for jathir
  3. Whenever something is broken, it's always that excuse : o ) Even on a daredevil you don't have enough dashes to dodge all the ways a willybender can one shot you, but I guess just dodging works bellow certain levels.
  4. Because i's a game meant to be fun, and elementalist it's clearly designed for people who think more buttons are fun ? Also you get to use only 1 or 2 skills because the conjure weapon skills are utter TRASH and haven't been upgraded in 7+ years.
  5. Can we nerf Renewed Focus on willbender in competitive modes already ? The skill is conceptually broken and it was alright on guardian only because the core virtues have pretty weak actives, Dragonhunter has very clear telegraphs and decent virtue cast times with only 1 virtue being offensive (but even he pushed the line with 9 seconds of invulnerability a bit) , and the firebrand tomes share pages / have had historically high page costs in competitive anyway. For comparison with other elites : Dagger storm = similar theif elite that also gives 3 seconds of invulnerability while moving. There are 3 differences between the skills you also reflect projectiles, which does almost nothing unless you're playing against a very smart ranger that decides to shoot you while you're doing the very well telegraphed spinning, at most you get 1 projectile reflect if you use it very reactively right as someone winds up to shoot you, and we all know that projectile attacks have such great wind up times in gw2 (except Pile Driver but who even plays staff weaver). you can do some damage if you wish to do so by spinning on top of people that let you do that for some reason. Only really effective in a teamfight or for cleaving, but doing so instead of running away will put a giant mark on you where everyone will try to jump you as soon as the storm finishes, and now you lost your biggest defensive tool, so good luck with that. the skill DOESN'T REFRESH 3 DASHES. It doesn't even refresh 1 in fact, which would be your steal. Can you imagine if dagger storm refreshed all of the theifs utility skills ? so they would dash all around, stealth, then dagger storm and do it all over again. And that would still have less impact than a willbender doing so with it's 6 mobility spells that grant both damage and boon pulsing zones. Elemental Celerity, = elementalist elite that recharges 4 weapon skills of your selected attunement. Also grants an emotional support boon if you're in the matching sphere. These skills are totally the same, except this skill has no invulnerability or evade, so no defensive value whatsoever in itself. If you use it in an earth sphere to get protection, then you would already have protection because of the earth sphere in the first place. despite not being a free get out of jail card skill, it was still nerfed to only recharge some of your weapon skills partially : the skill only grants 25 seconds of skill recharge, meaning that some of your best utility skills that are on 4 and 5 are unable to be refreshed on demand by this skill. It (potentially) recharges 4 skills instead of willbenders 3, but I challenge anyone to make a elementalist build where using skis skill to refresh skills 2-4 would provide as much value as willbender f1-f3. Anything at all : staff for aoe, dagger for mobility, etc. The reality is that no matter what skills you chose a willbender will get 2 times more value out of f1-f3 than an elementalist will get from 2-5, and it turns into 5 times more value per skill use when you remember that ele doesn't get 3 seconds of invulnerability to go wherever it pleases. And again, some of the best skills ele have don't even get fully recharged by this. Continuum Split, = skill it is not an elite skill to chose from but rather it is part of the class mechanic and identity of chronomancer. However, it still : It requires setup to use, and mesmer f1-4 get diminishing returns if you spam them with no clones like this skill requires again, mesmer f1-4 are not EVADING MOBILITY ABILITIES THAT GRANT AOE BOON SPAMMING DAMAGE ZONES. They are just regular aoe skills damage, with a little bit of invulnerability if you use it right. Also they are not pulsing, so if you use a block/aegies/god kitten dodge when the mesmer does its combo you will be fine. In my opinion the differences between these skills are like night and day, and the 15 second of cooldown difference between some of them don't even come close to balancing it. And it's been like this since Willbender released. Please consider making a special case for this interaction, like the one scourge has with Dhuumfure where either Renewed focus only recharges the most recent virtue, either it only partially recharges the virtues by a fixed amount like elemental celerity in order to only make f1 available immediately, either do some other specific specialization nerf. And while doing that please also reduce the cooldown of Renewed Focus back to 90, since that would be more in line with the way other similar skills are nowdays (for core guardian, dh and firebrand). I believe this would be the bare minimum to even start trying to balance willybender in competitive modes.
  6. yes, turn another set of unique skills into boring garbage to appeal to the players of another class that can't be bothered to press more than 2 buttons again, why not
  7. wait. It isn't ? you know what, doesn't even surprise me anymore. Throw it on the pile of things broken on new weapons because they forgot theif is a class too and it also has traits that need to work with weapons skills.
  8. Guys, we might be getting ahead of ourselves. I'm sure that the lack of crit is 100% a bug and will be fixed before the expansion releases. They always fixed issues like this between the beta and the expansion release, especially for classes like elementalist and thief. (snorts more copium)
  9. Elementalist feels a lot better to play now with earthen blast giving us barrier with baseline earth and soothing power being a +300 vitality option, even usable on a dps build. I want to point out how nice is to have traited water in your dps rotation with free warhorn/dagger 4+5 and 2 charges of self healing scepter 3, and that you have respectable damage skills in every attunement if you have enough power. Really helps bring out some of that rainbow utility elementalist is supposed to have, that you almost never see in end game content. The casting animation buffs to dagger breaths feels amazing, and even if it's not really needed nowdays, I'm sure healing tempests appreciate that they can solo provide furry. Good qol changes all around. Honestly, the +300 vitality makes if feel like a whole other class. It's very nice, but I'm also worried that with all these changes ele might be losing it's identity, as I didn't see many tempest players enjoying the floor lately, and I've even found myself reflecting less and less on the textures of my favorite terrain.
  10. True, it seems the axe was fixed, even if it was not mentioned in the patch notes. Scepter's still broken though.
  11. In regards of recent multiclass ward skill changes, please also make Seal Area apply it's defiance bar damage when the preparation is first activated. Also, since this skill is still worse than Sanctuary in about 4 different ways with no good reason, and I saw only 2 people us it in the last 3 years, please make it reflect projectiles instead of destroy them. Thief already has a destroy projectiles utility with lower cooldown in Smoke Screen. While at it, please consider changing the tooltip to mention the dark combo field and the defiance bar damage, since no one bothered to do that in the 5 years since this skill has been added to the game. Sanctuary is also missing it's defiance bar damage mention.
  12. Ranged stealth attack please Change skill 1 melee animation too, and either make 2 tooltips for the different ranges, or include the bonus melee strike in the description at least Pretty good otherwise. The block is a nice touch.
  13. They changed all spear traits to now say underwater spears without mentioning it in last patch, so no, it won't work
  14. You know what else would Improve non-scepter specters ? bugfixing Malicious Shadowsquall this year and making it apply to 5 allies like it should. Oh yeah, unless you're a deadeye, since that stealth attack is broken too and has no blast finisher : o )
  15. And people wonder why warrior never gets more complex themes or mechanics when there's people complaining that it's annoying to press a button every 30 seconds. Make up your minds. Also I don't think it's a good ideea since it sounds umbalanced
  16. My god, I heard it was bad, but that bad ?
  17. Yep, agreed. That and writing a 4+ point essay is a reasonable reaction to someone complaining about missing changes from the patch notes. : o )
  18. I agree I also want to add that air skills 2 and 3 are very awkward, since skill 2 doesn't crit on a power damage weapon and doesn't even stack energy for catalyst, while the skill 3 gives us 3 seconds of superspeed and a 100% crit modifier on a power weapon, where we are expected to have 100% crit, or as high as possible anyway. It feels worthless compared to fire that gives us 20% dmg or earth that gives us a stun, even worse when you add the fact that air skill 2 can't crit for some reason ??? Apart from that I wanna suggest the flip skills on etches to be combinable : like how pistol had a special auto attack if you had all 4 bullets, I think the flip over skill of any etching should fire all your activated etches, even if you're not in their attunement anymore. Example : I cast fire 5, 2 skills, swap air, air 5 and air 5 again. This should fire empowered fire 5 and non-empowered air 5. Would be a nice qol feature, since elementalists tend to not stick to one attunement for long. Also, put burning on the fire skill 1 for Balthazar's sake. Even 1 second will do, it's a flavor thing. How are we supposed to be fire wizards without fire ? Excepting those, those I'd say spear feels pretty cool.
  19. Every single trait that had previously buffed spears now mentions underwater spear only, changes that didn't appear in the patch notes. This is why we can't have nice things. They did this last time too when guardian got an off hand sword and had a sword trait : they first changed the trait to only work with a main hand sword, and then after the complains changed it to work if you had any one handed weapon equiped, effectively making it work while using anything with sword in the offhand too. Would have hoped we learned something from that experience and we could jump the complains and just literally do nothing and let the traits work like they're supposed to, but guess not. We'll see how long until warrior, ranger, theif and mesmer traits get the guardian treatment.
  20. Staff mirage and sword/focus or dagger/focus chrono have plenty of cleave, not to mention that mesmer's core mechanic is pretty much huge aoe cleave, with clones exploding everywhere. Honestly I have no idea where this mesmer has no cleave so we can use spear for that now idea comes from. Sounds like cope to make the spear seem like it was needed.
  21. I see, so a moa tamer is "similarly physically adept" to a warrior/solider/berserker now. lmao. It still makes no sense that the warrior spear and longbow have the same range, one should be longer than the other. good lore tho
  22. You would, if the person throwing it was all muscle. Also the warrior spears are based on the sunspears of Elona, who chose them for some reason over bows. So either the desert people never heard of a longbow, or there must be some benefit to using a full ranged spear like warrior has. They could have at least given the burst and berserk burst skills 1500 range like deadeye has on death judgment : the rifle stealth attack has 1500 range even when not kneeling and all the other skills have 1200 range.
  23. I remember the new weapon polls, and at the top were longbow and double pistol. If we were to get only 1 pistol it could have at least been a ranged offhand to go with scepter, since we still don't have one of those, but nope
  24. What other classes ? deadeye that has to give up movement for it, or engineer that has the clunkiest ranged weapon known to man that's mainly used in melee for support anyway ? True, it's a bit too strong, we should just remove ranger longbow entirely instead of trying to balance other classes around 1500 range. Seems like an easy and quick fix 😄 Oh, my bad, thought ranger already had that, since druids seem to have permanent stealth PvP already
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