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Everything posted by Caitmonster.9036

  1. Either that, or a way to exchange trophies for other trophies. I've got like 100 Tequatl tailbones but nothing from the other bosses lol. Would be super nice to be able to exchange them for the other trophies after maybe getting one as a drop to 'unlock' the ability to swap.
  2. Some of these have likely been mentioned already but I'll add in my opinion anyway: Being able to select the terrain texture, choosing between the autumnal orange grasses we have at present, to green spring-ish grass, or snow-covered ground would be kinda nice. Speaking of grasses, can we get some normal green grass instead of the orangey stuff? A better way to not only position alts but allow them to use animations would be lovely. Ideally have the homestead remember where an alt was logged out as their 'parking' spot until otherwise moved. Interact not immediately triggering them to follow you but perhaps open a dialogue window where you can select animations instead? Buildable... buildings. Not just structures cobbled together from random bits, but actual prefabricated buildings you can then furnish after crafting. Don't care of the mat cost is crazy for them, being able to make race specific styled homes would be cool. Barring that, give us actual walls/floors/roofs for the different races' architecture styles to craft so we can build our structures a bit more easily. Sleepable beds! There's at least one or two in Lowland Shores you can sleep on by pressing F... why have we not gotten the same? For that matter, how about the hammocks? Seems like a wasted opportunity there.
  3. Haha, maybe give us an extra notch or two in the height slider on makeover kits? There's exclusive hairs, faces, etc... why not height? I doubt it would ever happen, but it's fun to dream. +1 to more tol and smol options.
  4. I have been attending Shatterer every reset cycle for the past Three. Weeks. Not a single crystal drop for the trophy. Took me a solid 2 weeks for the Triple Trouble teeth, and I haven't even dared attempt the Mordremoth Mandible because of the time investment of DS. Now folks can't even craft trophies for other players with their excess, so can we perhaps get a buff on the drop rate of these boss trophies or make them tradable like some of the other decoration components (lumber cores, mushroom spores, visages of the Six etc)? Not sure why they have to be so hard to get, honestly. ETA: Not talking about raid/fractal trophies; keep those account bound for the prestige. But the openworld meta event trophies should at least be tradable if not a bit easier to obtain.
  5. Some days it fully gathers, other days it skips. It always seems to be the Charr Salvage and Prismaticite ore for me. No such skipping occurs on the wood or harvesting nodes for me personally.
  6. You know what skill has allowed players to avoid mechanics for years? Mesmer portals. Let's just delete those. It'll force players to 'git gud' and bring a mobility skill or hit the W key a little better instead of just pressing F on a shiny purple circle on the ground. Doesn't matter that it's been there since core and is part of the mesmer's class identity, it's clearly too OP and shouldn't exist. Fair is fair, right?
  7. As for other mount skins that I've seen in game, the Kodan in Bjora use the ice raptors, and the sons of Svanir use Shiverpeak raptors. Always that that was heckin neat. I personally was immensely disappointed we never got the Spitemaw Kryptis as a raptor skin. More skins that actually appear as living creatures in the game would be awesome. Fern hound jackals when?
  8. I feel that mesmer portals trivialize jumping puzzles. If you need mesmer training wheels to do a JP, that's a skill issue bud. Just learn to press spacebar properly. Oh, what? There were mesmers that enjoyed portals for the simple pleasure of being helpful, porting people for daily/weekly jps? Portal runs through Chalice of Tears? Ah, well, sucks to be them I guess. Better roll a new class or something. We can't have mesmer be too unique 'cause I'm sure someone's whining about it somewhere. /s
  9. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_the_Stars https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit_of_Nature That's a total of 2 5 target rezzes on Ranger/Druid, but no vacuums, though both occupy the elite slot so you can't take both. Search and Rescue is their only pull, and it's a single target.
  10. Rangers have it, but it's single target and it's a shout called Search and Rescue. I imagine that'll be next since we can't have nice things. It was also a very useful spec for training / teaching runs, because if Little Jimmy who's learning an encounter for the first time falls over after getting stuck in a bad spot, you can at least have yanked him out of the no-no zone and scraped him off the floor once or twice so he could keep learning instead of just being a decoration until the next pull. Yes, it was a carry spec, but people had fun with it and enjoyed carrying people. The people talking about Scourge's identity are spot on. The pull was already nerfed once, now it's just being straight up deleted. Some people get a dopamine hit from benchmarking 50k on a golem. Some of us weirdos get a dopamine hit when we see fountains of green numbers or all the little blue down symbols go away within a few seconds because of a well timed Transfusion. Ah, yes, Signet of Undeath, that costs half the necromancer's total hp to use and is only single target and doesn't pull. What a great tradeoff.
  11. Chiming in yet again, voicing my hope that you guys will revert the change to quickness scrapper to apply quickness on superspeed again, or if you won't, have it be on any finisher besides just leaps and blasts. It's felt so annoying and clunky to play ever since. Please do NOT nerf Transfusion again, or at the very least split the teleporting aspect between competitive and pve modes. Being able to pull a downed ally out of a bad spot was always so very satisfying and yet again we're having something fun removed. It did absolutely no harm in pve... are we going to see Ranger's Search and Rescue get the same treatment next, or does the balance team just really hate Necromancers?
  12. There were some hair and face styles added right before EoD to match a lot of the Canthan styles we wound up seeing. Will we see any in JW? Probably not, but we can dream.
  13. I also enjoyed the stories that came along with many of the legendaries as well as some of the account bonuses that come as a result (the baby tiger backpacks and tiger den from C&C, the farm in Deidre's Steps, etc), but maybe we should get rid of the "Crafting Torment" interlude part of the collection. It's pretty unnecessary now.
  14. Yeah I'm at 1:3 Win:Loss and I feel like Eparch is way overtuned at the moment for the average pug map. He feels even tankier than Soo-Won with a breakbar that's more difficult to break even if you take the extra buff and people go wild with their CCs. For a boss that's stationary and doesn't do all that much save for some cracks on the floor and some puddles, all that extra HP just makes it a slog. The portal/add spam is pretty excessive as well, I think tuning the frequency of the spawns down a little wouldn't hurt. Keep everything else as it is - I don't mind the Souless Horror style walls that come through or the Matthias fountain cleanse mechanic or the pickup buffs. The wind-up for the meta isn't that bad compared to something like Dragon's End or launch-era Dragon's Stand IMO, but a waypoint inside or near Zakiros (not just an EWP that spawns at the coliseum) might be nice to have.
  15. Still holding out hope you guys will revert the change to quickness scrapper to be on-superspeed, or at least on any combo, not just leaps and blasts. In that vein, can necromancers please get their signet effects back while in shroud? That change still hurts after all this time and wish you guys would revert that one as well. Nice to see that the green snot will finally fade from pets so they don't look like booger golems permanently when unleashed. I know it's just an aesthetic change but I appreciate it.
  16. Individual colored titles for crafting all weights of the PVP, WVW, or Raid leggy armor sets to be more in line with "Wow, That's Quality Armor". I know unlocking all the Raid skins has a normal colored title but I don't know about the other two. If they don't, they ought to. Then they could go full ham and make a super shiny title for making all four legendary sets like they did for the Aurene variants! 😆 Also, this is a long shot, but can Warclaws in PVE please get the ability to damage structures with Chain Pull? It's a really cool animation first of all, and there's a fair number of Player Vs. Door opportunities in openworld. And hey, it might even get new people interested in the warkitty and engaging in wvw as a result.
  17. Absolutely seconded. I have so many stacks of tech parts and a bunch of turret kits, just nowhere to use them. I know it would probably be ultra low on their priority list but it doesn't hurt to hope.
  18. Love for Asura and Charr? Nice! Now if there was an optional medium armor head skin without the mursaat-style facemask and only the hood, I'd be in heaven. Maybe someday.
  19. There were also these. I have to hand it to Enmasse, the NA publisher for retail Tera, for creating hilarious trailers for their mount releases. At least they seemed aware of how uncanny the sushi cats were. xD Oh yeah, and they had Flying Llamas. 🤣
  20. Except Tera always kinda leaned into its crazy cosmetics from day one. Sure they got really outlandish near the end (a flying couch as a mount, for the sake of example, or Attack on Titan cosmetic outfits), but that's how a lot of those Korean MMO's go. I think GW2's still a lot more tame by comparison - and this is coming from someone who played Tera before coming to GW2. I mean, at least we don't have the Afro Duck.
  21. You kind of are demanding special treatment just because you found a pair of easily cheesable jp achievements 'hard' and refuse to run them again for the rewards. Both can be completed in a matter of minutes by teleporting to friends or using mounts. I've even seen tags running people through the Silverwastes jp checkpoints the old fashioned way for completion. It's genuinely not that hard, and the rewards are well worth the inconvenience of running the jps a second time because of some technical difficulties. But hey, you stick it to Anet and miss out on that bag of mystic coins. That'll show 'em. On another note, chiming in to say that all my broken achievements are working. Thanks for the quick fix, devs!
  22. I'm curious, if you don't have the ls2 episodes but join the party of someone who does and play through the instance with them, would it count? Might be something for those players to consider, if so. Then again they might just wind up complaining about having to interact with other players in an MMO. I hope the bugged achievements get fixed before this Rush ends. I'm sitting at 6/8 right now and just waiting for the hotfix. ;v;
  23. Something for completing the Heroic Dragonsblood and Stellar weapon sets would be kinda nice. I don't even really care if a title's involved, but there's some sets that have no achievements to go along with them and it's a crime, especially with some of the legwork that goes into them.
  24. A fellow Laranthir enjoyer? Please take my Heart reaction. The last few updates have been... 'whelming'. But the community's been good any time I've been on the new maps. I just hope the last chapters of SotO slap a little harder.
  25. As someone who has the Enchanted Chest in my home, I am a little sad that I can't really share it with the randos I pull in at reset because it's highly likely that very few have the same achievement. I enjoy sharing my home nodes, it doesn't hurt me to do and I do some other players a solid. I wouldn't mind seeing it changed so that anyone can loot it, but if it hasn't been after all this time I don't expect it ever will be.
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