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Everything posted by Abies.8754

  1. I actually completed the achievement in a NEW map . It can be completed by waiting for a new instance of Janthir Syntri to open . After first event completes it can't give the achievement ( Poetic Justice)
  2. It should be put into known issues list . I have made a bug report through in-game method. Do a bug report all of you .
  3. this thing needs to be fixed. it doesn't grant the achievement even if you keep him 100% hp
  4. what is that supposed to mean? XD I just want everything unlocked before I start enjoying the content
  5. finish story as fast as possible while getting masteries. Ideally i'd like to have all masteries completed on release day and focus then on metas/events/homestead etc
  6. Honestly it should be included in the next patch. With the expansion addittion. They should also fix jump animatio and other bugs that happened since the latest patch...
  7. The thing is that the jumping animation bug and the infusion stacking bug isn't something that affected the game on the old content for years. it literally happened 1 month ago or so. It is weird that they broke something and they don't intend to fix it soon. It is not a bug that has been happening for like years and it will really need digging to uncover the cause. But it will become something like that if they keep ignoring it.
  8. den thewreitai active ayto. mono ton xeimwna kai AN. Den yparxei ellhniko GR community pou na exei stathero playerbase opws ta antistoixa 3ena. Dystyxws oi ellhnes variountai syxna kai to paratane gia alla games. opote exw paraith8ei apo to na psaxnw ellhniko guild
  9. So, did you hear back after all? It seriously sucks to have that kind of bug especially in the most infusion related festival of all.
  10. yeah... I guess no fix until expansion patch
  11. It is actually funny that we get a festival that a big portion of the playerbase likes for the infusion aspect ( that we can "gamble" our materials for boxes that contain infusions) and the infusion bug is not yet fixed. Like, you know the exact date the bug happened and you should have an idea on how it occured. Why does it take so long? I guess they aren't even working on it righjt now. its August and of course its vacation time but at least give us details on when we should expect a fix ( Like, JW patch? later?)
  12. Please fix this already. it's been too long for something that affects an appealing aspect of the game ( fashion and cosmetic infusions)
  13. What is happening lately? I feel like they reduce the events during summer. We haven't gotten any rush event ( World boss rush/ Fractal rush/ Event rush/ Champion Rush). I really hoped they would make some of those as I enjoy doing content that I don't do usually for the extra rewards. Also we haven't gotten the Mystic Forge donation event repeat and many of us can't get the achievements related to it. At least retire the achievements...
  14. your opinion. glad you are in the minority
  15. Why did they stop doing these awesome events? I really liked doing stuff that I ususally don't. Like world bosses or metas. Even some fractals! Are there plans for those events to return ? There is also the mystic forge event that has got some achievements tied to it too.
  16. Hello, I am a greek player who would like to start playing again after a 1 and a half year hiatus. Looking for a Greek Guild that is friendly, uses voice chat and is in mood to complete content together. Have joined the 2 biggest greek guilds but I never got along with most people. meanign I am looking for some new guild if possible.
  17. Yea I have not completed anything yet related to that event. and That event is actually good gambling event lol. Id really like it if it returned but doesn;t look like that it's returning anyways... Id suggest they remove the achievements for real...
  18. My logic behind that assumption was mostly based on the fact that I believe we will not have 4 winds at the same time with specs beta test+ lws4 spotlight. seems I was wrong. Anet really needs to publish a scheldule like the summer one. It was perfect thing to do and the yshould keep doing it
  19. well then I guess the other logical option would be september. but with beta testing for specs it will surely be annoying to have all these things at once ( beta+return lws4+ 4winds)
  20. we had 1 week with dragon bash+ returning achievs. if it doesnt release 3/8 , it will not release at all in august. festivals cant be less than 21 days.
  21. it is weird that latest announcement mentions that return to LW will continue at august 24th ( for LWS4). meaning 22 days of break from returning LW. I wouldnt be surprised if we get 4winds 3/8 and it stays for 21 days
  22. The WvW revamp, the dx11 upgrade are major stuff that already are improving the game image, even before livestream. It was FIRST look and even though it is a first impresion, it was a mostly positive one according to responses on twich,youtube etc during the livestream. Patience is a virtue and we should wait before jumping on conclusions. We cannot predict the future solely based on a first look ( which I repeat had a positive feedback from majority )
  23. Will , keeps ignoring my replies for some reason 🙂 Keep up the negativity trying to create a false image about the majority of the game community based on your own view.
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