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Everything posted by Abies.8754

  1. That is... something I cannot disagree sadly. Then the only thing that we could do as a community is being helpful as much as possible on those stuff. Not sure wha telse could be done. They could make stuff more grindy and less jump dependent i guess with having more available achievements ( like do x event y times) ( while not removing the jumping puzzle ones for those who like thhem)
  2. They did that on otehr topic too. They like to argue and annoy others. There is ignore option luckily so do not bother more. They miss the point of other people posts on purpose and try to manipulate a conversation against others while trying to prove them wrong. The ignore option is not widely known sadly.
  3. I agree on that. having challenging content is nice and fun. having it as a requirement for rewards like the legendary amulet/32slot bag and stuff is what might be a bad thing because some people are left out. They could add more achievements on the returning meta achievements and keep the tiers as it is ( So people can do what they prefer, like the story journal meta achievements where we could complete them without doing every single achievement on the map/story). I.e on the ember bay map, they could keep the achievements as they are, needing 8 to finish the meta achievement and add 1 or 2 more possible achievements that need events like the Jade construct boss or the karka event chain or skritt chests)
  4. Keep going at it really. Says a lot about you, trying to prove a thing out of nothing. You started this ( without even getting my point at the post I made for OTHER person) and for some reason you are trying to prove something. Wish there was a block thingy in here. I will not be more specific to you, I am not obliged to do so. and you should stop making assumptions about what I do and not. You have no idea what others do to help everyone. My expectation was clearly that people should be less Rude and instead of wasting time being rude, they could offer on helping the person or at least inform them on the portal squads that exist. I personally go and mentor people about skips, shortcuts and ways to do stuff easily on daily basis. On this post I had nothing to contribute because others already had informed about the portals. I only replied to the one that assumed it was a pity post because that was rude. Hope I was clear enough.
  5. Nice manipulative tactic . really. Hope that you change you way of thinking especially about these kind of cases. And I stop the thing here because you are being rude and obviously you msis the point. My initial post was about people that are rude to ones with disabilites. At least I am not defending impoliteness and apathy of other as I care most of the time.
  6. where exactly did I say that? Did I specifically say that they should not make content that people cannot play? I just said to the rude person that they should be less rude.
  7. The point is the other person abeing rude. That is all. You didnt need to go and defend the one who said "another disability pity post?" which was really rude as the post owner didn't intend to be pitied. you thought that my point was that previously and keep trying to prove that I said that, when I just said that people with disablities deserve equal treatment on most things. The portals exist and people should have just went and offered to help( few went and informed properly the person) instead of saying "game is what it is deal with it" which was rude.
  8. It is not special treatment. It is being humane and helping people that cannot do stuff that most people can because they were lucky and do not have disabilities. If you were at the same spot think how you would feel. Or to be honest, you can't because you will propably never be on same spot. So do not rush into conclusions or trick yourself into believeing you know what those people feel. And yea they do not want to be treated specially in most cases but they do not want to feel excluded. Yea the game should not be adjusted but people can at least be considerate and help or at least keep their oppinions for themselves when they are not able to really understand. p.s, so yo uare really saying that people who cannot walk and are being helped by other, are treated like children? or people who cannot feed themselves/ cannot write etc. Think a bit more about what you just said. I really will not reply anymore I have said more than enough.
  9. Totally rude. Stop being selfish and realise that people with disabilities should be able to have fun and live their life as normal people. I mean what is wrong with you? The person stated that they have nerve damage and instead of saying many positive things you went and said that? I really wish you never have to suffer from disablities but clearly you do not care it seems.
  10. It is okay to compare gw1 with gw2 designs but it is not okay to be that toxic. Not many people will take you seriously when you are being that negative
  11. Thanks for improving the communication part. really. Being honest even with stuff that community might not like too , would be ideal. If the priorities change someday, please be honest and open with us and I am sure that people will be more than understanding. Thanks once again and I hope the communication improves more and more each time.
  12. That's the negativity that will not help at all. The game has plenty of content for 3 years of playing ( for new players that join nowdays so we will not lose the new players for sure). only veterans are on the bad spot. Also WoW lost a lot of players who joined gw2 recently and many wow streamers that abandoned wow are promoting gw2. Stop being negative . The announcement today was the best possible announcement, dx11 ( like guaranteed longetivity for the game as new engine will open opportunities for more developement) and wvw rework( for veterans that might be really refreshing). Also knowing that the EoD expansion will be delayed is good as it might be way better than expected after all. The fact that it is delayed doesn't mean that they are not working on it since IBS got dumped.
  13. I mean they have a huge oportunity to put new stuff in the dragon coffer. ( Pristine eyes to craft the primordus or jormag eye infusions). also of course with the ""deafeat"" of both jormag and primordus, there should be new events in the festival but idoubt it
  14. It works for characters that havent done the story before. it is not that one can't complete the meta achievement like the llama bug. just needs one to have a character that hasn't completed the episode 5 before.
  15. do the WHOLE episode from start with new character, when you finish the caithe's instance you get a mail, read it and then TALK TO THE NPC CLOSEBY.
  16. Yo ucan do it using a character that never done it before. I completed all achievements. It looks like the purple replay star doesnt work for caithe's instance. Just a character to start the episode from beginning. When you are done with the caith's instance you get a mail, read it and instantly go to the NPC closeby and talk and you will complete the achievement for new bonus event.
  17. I mean it is just dumb to include an event in the graphic of summer schedule and say no word about it. my guess is it was a mistake but they do not even bother to clarify.
  18. Exactly. if they did not include it in the graphic I would not care but now I wanna know because I like that event
  19. So, will we have world boss rush? It is mentioned at the Summer 2021 roadmap picture but not in the written schedule. No one knows and I would appreciate a reply from anet ...
  20. I just kick them continously until they are tired of rejoining. They do not do something forbidden though so it is up to you to prevent them from doing that.
  21. Hello, The summer schedule picture mentions boss rush event but the text information doesn't. What is the case? Will there be boss rush event? Thanks in advance.
  22. Thanks for the insight. I really like rush events and hope we will get more of these.
  23. I see... Then those who didn't do the achievements , will not be able to get these if the event never returns right?
  24. hello everyone, I wanted to ask if there is any chance they will bring the mystic research event back ever again and whether we will have rush events again in the future.The Mystic Research Event especially, is tied to achievements which a lot people want and hasn't happened for year. What do you think? Is there any official answer to that?
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