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Everything posted by Rumpus.1234

  1. I've run into this same issue, and I think it is related to the Skyscale fireball. Try toggling Action Camera on and off while on foot.
  2. If you make it a choice like that, some people might do the wrong thing!
  3. Do we even know how this open world version of green circles is supposed to work? I just try to hide from the boss every time.
  4. Vabbi ip 9, which was spawning rifts, was just force closed and kicked everyone to ip 191, the 21+ hour old map with no rifts. I guess we're stuck here until someone hits 99 stacks of fishing buffs.
  5. Guild Wars 2 is not pinin'! It's passed on! This game is no more! It's ceased to be! The new expansion is obscured and gone to meet its maker! New dailies are stiff, bereft of life, rest in peace! If you hadn't nailed em to the UI they'd be pushing up the daisies! F2P players are now 'istory! It's off the Twitch, kicked the bucket, shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' MMOs invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PANSION!!
  6. Flight takes practice! Seems like lots of people are getting their flying buddy just to find out it drives like a truck.
  7. I fly to avoid leylines, unless they're heading in a direction I want to go. If I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and run into one, yes I dismount and remount once I'm out of range. With masteries you can do that in midair.
  8. That would just cause complaints about lag making interaction impossible while in range. Ideas up thread about a mastery toggle are good. I still enjoy both leylines and updrafts on skyscale, griff, and glider. And the motes.
  9. I also have far more than necessary, they're not used for anything else yet.
  10. I'd like to see more loot too, most activities are geared for map and rift currency instead of materials and goodies. Meta chests are just sad. I'm okay with the arcane chests. The coins have been updated so it's not the same as EoD any more. I hit all the big ones once a day, it's quick even entering a code, which must have been added to reduce automated farming. Minor arcane chests give small loot, but respawn when you revisit an area.
  11. I've spent a lot of time flying around the new maps. I enjoy mounted flight with the new masteries. It's nice to get a boost at just the right time from the smallest updraft, going from drifting to fast wing flaps, or rocket up or across an area. It helps to know where they are and (in old maps) which leylines have an effect and which are just decorative. I get that it feels bad to have flight interrupted., like getting cc'ed, pushed or pulled. It's frustrating to hit a skyscale's ceiling and everything's on cooldown. It does help to have mounts on hotkeys. I double tap to switch griffon/skyscale. Also, if I snag on a leyline it's very fast to toggle off and drop out or get flung away. Glide, 6, remount. If there could be one change, I'd like flight motes and updraft generators to be visible from farther away. Admittedly I haven't experimented with settings to make that happen. I'm on kind of a potato computer.
  12. Re: long waits, I've noticed some NPCs can be prompted to start an event before the icon shows up over their head. For example, the NPC at Droknar's Light who starts the search for the Stone Summit dwarves (is it Arla?) will have a dialogue option asking about earth rumbling, which will get her curious enough to go looking and trigger the event chain.
  13. I faced the same issue, but changed Special Ability to 3 so that fireball, etc. could be 2. It's going to take a lot of practice!
  14. Seconding the need for an "enhanced cursor" type of larger, contrasting crosshairs for aiming the Skyscale fireball. The current indicators easily vanish into background noise when there are dozens of skyscales all aiming in roughly the same direction.
  15. "Low pop" SotO maps stick around, too, because people are playing on those maps. They're just not working on the meta. It's only been out for a week, there's a lot to do!
  16. Second time around, only ~2 waves every third this time. We got to station 3, and the bots and krypts were still spawning in waves and fighting each other. Cleared a path for Min-Ji and she finished with about 4:00 left to go. It is a mystery!
  17. Just came to post about this. We just tried to run this with at first 5 then about 10 players. At the first two stations Min-Ji took low or no damage but her progress bar moved forward in 1/3 chunks with about 5 waves of mobs in between. We wiped them out fast but they just kept coming. The timer expired on station 3.
  18. Anet I'll make you a bajillion dollarydoos: reuse the paper bag helmets except this time in game. I'll take gems.
  19. The skyscale blurb is repeated after a paragraph break. ("The expansion's story introduces a new, streamlined way to acquire the skyscale mount, along with new Masteries. Complete the entire Mastery track to unlock a demonic skyscale mount skin for your collection.") This throws off text alignment and visually overlaps the mount graphic. (Firefox, uBlock Origin)
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