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Everything posted by Soul.1378

  1. It ruined it for me for other reasons. "You did CM 100/T4 100 and finished it? Well since you liked it so much have fun doing it again for your T3 Rec""You did T4 100 and climbed up that mountain? ^""Oh you wiped? Here, have a bugged instance, and have fun climbing up that mountain again."
  2. Not sure if it's a bug or not, but since the last update the death cries, grunts, and ect. noises that NPC make are all linked to the "Dialog Volume" option now. All my settings, but Master Volume, Music Volume, and Dialog Volume, are turned off. Also when I turn off my Dialog Volume the grunts and etc. all stop.
  3. It would be nice to have a Dungeon-centric themed Lounge Pass where you're able to either 1) Have a portal to the map where the dungeon is located, or 2) Prompt you to enter a dungeon when you're party is already inside the dungeon, while still in the lounge, Along with all the other goodies like crafting/banks/trading post/etc. I don't want to double post on the gemstore request thread, so if this post belongs there, feel free to move it there.
  4. This event is bugged and it won't complete, nor will it reset on its own (it's been hours since the High Sage was killed). The only way for this event to reset is if Lake Doric fills up with enough people to start a new IP instance, which is unlikely because of the low popularity of this map, or if Anet updates the game with a bug fix or new patch (which could take months) and wipes this IP starting a new instance once the game has been patched. The people going for the "Those Giant Hands" achievement along with the mastery point are not able to progress on their account due to this bug. Again; it may take months for this to be "fixed" with a patch/update, which seems unfair for those who are going for the achievement and mastery point. Attached is an image of the bug.https://imgur.com/cneKBbt Thank you.-S
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