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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. Meanwhile me, playing my second game with Healbreaker and no clue about warrior, deciding games left and right with parallel finishing/reviving with banner in plat. :lol: Much complex, very tough to play, such challenge. It is extremely forgiving and easy to play. But that does not necessarily mean it is OP. It is fine though balancingwise, just some minor tweaks. Maybe FC longer CD or make it not unblockable. Or reduce some of the random condi cleanses on warhorn. But nothing as bad it needs a hotfix in my view.
  2. Fair point/perspective but I'd take long (5-10 min) matchmaking times any day over losing because of playing with Gold tiers who just got their build off of metabattle.. I can play guitar/roam in WvW during that time etc, doesn't matter. If I lose I want to feel responsible for it. And that is why we should be given the option! Anets point "too few people for separate queues" doesn't really hold because they never tried it - and maybe there will actually be people who come back for either mode? It just has to be communicated with the community that it might mean some longer queue times, and revert it back if that should prove to be true. I think they're just lazy.
  3. Just give is a full teamQ. And let people there play against only full teams as well. They will watch the imbalance, the waiting times, the incredible matchmaking and after one season, everybody will embrace soloQ. Easy. We should not dispute this between the playerbase. Anet should give it to us and we can determine what is actually better.
  4. Warrior is a class which is favored by top players, therefor it is always shtronk.
  5. Just a side note: The aura has a 2s ICD between stuns. So you cannot hit the aura, get stunned and get restunned when using LR. Perfectly possible with engi shield though of course, because... you know... it is engi. (Might still be an issue in team fights and stuff of course.)
  6. You don't need to complete every achievement so you can skip the strike mission entirely. There are 23 achievements that count for mastery, 5th tier -rewards mastery point- is 22 achievements (so can skip one), but the emote is for 4th tier, which is 19. 4 achievements of your choice are skippable (probably Strike grind, Stormcaller collection, tengu collection.. and another one of your choice). It really is pretty easy to get with a few replays of the meta. I know, but then I have to craft/buy 32 weapons... some fewer due to achievements, but still. That's no fun to me. I'd rather gather more charr recommendations, because there I can actually play what I like and do events all over the map... or similar. I have everything except the weapons and the strike mission.^^ I thought you were complaining about not getting the emote, but to get the emote you can skip 4 achievements, because it's the 4th tier reward. 5th tier is just mastery point and there's enough around to skip this one too, no need for grinding the weapons or strike missions ;p Ooohh, hold on, it's just 4th tier reward? Thank you, I will check that out! One of those should be doable even for me. Still not the full meta achievement, but everything I am looking for. :smile:
  7. You don't need to complete every achievement so you can skip the strike mission entirely. There are 23 achievements that count for mastery, 5th tier -rewards mastery point- is 22 achievements (so can skip one), but the emote is for 4th tier, which is 19. 4 achievements of your choice are skippable (probably Strike grind, Stormcaller collection, tengu collection.. and another one of your choice). It really is pretty easy to get with a few replays of the meta. I know, but then I have to craft/buy 32 weapons... some fewer due to achievements, but still. That's no fun to me. I'd rather gather more charr recommendations, because there I can actually play what I like and do events all over the map... or similar. I have everything except the weapons and the strike mission.^^
  8. That sounds horrible! :astonished: I really hope that doesn't happen in this game. I can't really speak about the legendary armor (I don't really care about it and haven't gotten it), but I wouldn't suggest playing if you don't have fun playing. :tongue: I also believe thief is one of the harder professions to play. You are kind of squishy and need lots of map awareness to play well - on the other hand, it forces you to become better quickly, leanr enemy animations and the maps and rotations. So if you just want to play for fun, choose somethign different - if you are willing to spend some time and effort to learn and get better, thief is great (generally speaking). In my view, guard and warrior have always been pretty easy to get into. Healbreaker - the current support spellbreaker build is meta - is really forgiving and easy to get into the basics. Burn guard builds might work better in lower divisions, because it carries easily. In high ranks, the efficiency drops though. Healbreaker: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Healbreaker Example of core burn guard: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_Burst_Burning Don't take these builds as a given, you can adjust quite a lot yourself. Just to give you an idea what I find really easy to play. Have a nice day ahead and lots of fun in PVP! :smile:
  9. I like the emotes, but I hate farming. 50 times that one strike mission? Nope, I am out. Collecting a gazillion of weapons? Not really exciting to me. Some work is fine, some requiring to play the map is nice. But it has become too much for me and my few time I can spare for these things.
  10. Herald is still pretty strong - however, it lacks a place in the current meta. That's why is is seldomly seen. I struggles with those heavy bunkery teamfights with random CC (Tempest and now Healbreaker). Thief does a way better job with those with all the unblockables and, yes, better mobility to play aroung them of course. Renegade with a AoE heavy, ranged option on sides probably doesn't help either. So while it is not OP in the current meta, it will reemerge once the bunkery teamfights get reduced. It also still keeps all those bunker breakers in check together with thif - heavy zerker builds could break Tempest/Healbreaker, but still simply melt to those two, which in turn makes the whole meta slower. Thinking of it, they hardcountering those bunker breakers kind of making themselves unviable... :lol: TLDR: Herald is fine when looking at the meta, but still strong. Not on the top of the list of necessary changes currently though. Renegade though does need tweaks.
  11. Healbreaker does add a lot of great AoE too though, with unblockable CCing FCs...
  12. Kind of agree with your feeling here. Few people communicate openly and positively at the same time. It happens, but very very rarely. You can of course always take the first steps and say hello, explain some short strategies or ideas and throw in some jokes here and there. I try that when I am in the mood - not saying people join in very often, but sometimes someone does. :tongue: You are perfectly correct in your assumption about a neglected gamemode of course. Anet refuses to promote positivety, frustrates many long term players with a lack of balance patches and generally does a lot of - yes, I am that strict - bad decisions changewise. Hardly any really new maps and modes add up to that. Try to have fun, take it easy and just do dailies. :smile: The fights can be fun as long as you don't take it too seriously and you will have cases of nice matches with happy teammates.
  13. LR is no different than any other skill that functions exactly like it, of which there are many. But none of the others have a rando damage proc to ruin the skill usage. Also, we aren't talking a "downside" here. We are talking about complete neutralization of the skill vs. passive CCs, as if you had only brought 2 utilities into the match rather than 3. No other skill in the game has such a busted fundamental behind its mechanic. what other skills?this removes stuns with almost no cooldown, creates massive distance evades and gives vigor, no other skill comes to mind that is even close to that value Roll for Initiative, Riposting Shadows are similar in some way. I am with you OP. You are a lunatic tho. exactly my point?30s cd vs 50s cd, massive difference30s cd vs 40s cd, massive differencemore over you always take cd reduction trait so realistically its 24s cd.untraited roll has more then twice the cooldown bruh edit there is also twist of fate, 75s cd vs 30sthe CLOSEST thing I can think of is sand through glass, but that skill is just not right for use, undeveloped per say I'm in agreement with this tbh. Understand what you're saying Trevor, but all I can see is the 24-30 second stunbreak paired with vigor and all thoughts of buffing it go out the window. Why not both? Get rid of the damage (or add 0.1s of stab to it if that's too hard to do :lol:) and then add 10-15s CD. Or give it the ele treatment, make it 60s, whatever.
  14. Shoutbreaker being good doesn't make warrior good as a whole. It says a lot when your one viable build is a support spec with no viable damage builds. cries in ele
  15. Seeing three supports/bunkers regularly now, so... finally, the bunker meta has arrived. You can play around that usually, but it is simply not much fun.
  16. I am sometimes trolling with zerker Tempest. It is awesome fun until there is some meta build focussing me. But it breaks any bunker there ever was and will be. Pure PVE build, but who cares.
  17. Unranked is a kitten piece of kitten kitten. One reason for this is full teamQ... Nah, its the lack of skill in it, while in ranked there are still bad players its covered by multiple decent/good ones whereas (at least for me) unranked is mostly unskilled playersAnets focus in unranked is on quick games instead of balanced games. That's what makes the games more random and is surely another reason indeed. :wink:
  18. Unranked is a kitten piece of kitten kitten. One reason for this is full teamQ...
  19. While for PVP (fire) weaver is subpar, it is perfctly possible to play in PVE. Open world, fractals... check out the ele forum here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/elementalist Or, doing some advertisements on a fun player posted by a very enthusiastic fire weaver player: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107218/open-world-domination-fire-weaver#latest Generally: Yeah, you can jump into PVP anytime, no need to craft anything or unlock or whatever. :smile: For PVE, check out the forum section, depending on your abilities to keep yourself alive (and what exactly you want to play), trailblazer, viper, berserker are all viable here and there.
  20. Just throwing this in, don't know if it has been posted yet. Sometimes it is not about "I agree with you", but about actual facts. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/754380#Comment_754380 Maybe Anet should actually show the rating changes in placement matches, but the aim of finding a good first guess of someones rating should definitely remain the same. This is how GLICKO works. The rating changes are just hidden to not trigger people. The "i needed to climb after my placement matches"-situations are a result of the soft reset before each season.
  21. Uhh excuse me, I don’t remember asking for nerfs with unconstructive feedback... Apologies...wasn't exactly talking about you, should have specified.I am just angry in general at the direction this game has taken , I hate how gameplay options get removed from the game for being "too toxic"..only to be reintroduced later on another profession with double oppression rate Renegade is just being played like and old school fire weaver, they share the same weaknesses but the renegade offers even more dmg, from range with the addition of strong teamfight presence.......but they still destroyed fire weaver with a nasty vengeance set of nerfs...meanwhile teams in AT play with double/triple rev...the double standards are unreal I don't even care if they nerf or buff renegade...I am just pissed at the arguments people use "to defend" this build...like fire weaver was that much worst..... People tell you to outrotate the renegade or don't stand on the point...funny though, the same strategy would have worked against all specs previously played like renegade..... Believe me, as someone who ended up in deleting his ele after getting tired of patch after patch of undeserved nerfs, I understand your frustration. If possible I'd like to see a reversal of this trend of just gutting things because "It's meta/ It won a tournament therefore nerf it". How to accomplish that goal? I'm at a loss. I just wish for two things. Either actually delete every spec being "commonly used in ATs" (looking at you, holorevnecthief). Or Anet being able to properly balance things. Any weaver build got destroyed because of fire weaver (which needed tweaks, definitely agreed with that). Now we're stuck once more with this horribly boring support crap...
  22. It wouldn't be. I've explained this several times in other threads about 1v1s. The matches in 2v2 arenas would obviously be first to 3 wins, which means players could swap their builds in between each round. Every class has the capability to swap setups to engage different kinds of builds. Example would be a thief with his tabs setup for: DP daredevil, SD Core, PD Core, Staff Daredevil, Rifle DE. The difference in what those builds are individually good at or weak against, is large. In other words, in 1v1s being hosted in 2v2 arenas, you're not gonna end up with situations where a DP Thief loads in vs. DH and it's gg loss. the DP Thief can swap and play weird games with the DH each round to find a counter. If the DP or DH doesn't play the swap game, that's their own fault for either not doing it or not being able to do it. The 1v1s SHOULD work this way, as it rewards players who know a class up and down rather than just one build, as well as knowing the meta up and down, and having the wisdom to reconfigure to engage it. The 1v1s for that reason would very seriously greatly reflect player skill level vs. player skill level, combat mechanically, in ways that no other mode has been able to do. It would end up being quite the opposite of what you are worried about.(...) but in the end, it all comes down to builds winning and better mind games or simply luck, which build you and your opponent chooses. But with no swapping at all like some of you suggest, it ONLY boils down to luck with what you load in as, which is much less competitive. With swapping in between rounds, may the smarter person win, and that's the way it should be.To me, this is the definition of the more luckier person winning, but okay... Well, I would still like Anet to give it a try. I don't have to play it. Be it a mini season or a permanent seperate Q. Anything is better than nothing happening, 1on1, Stronghold, no downed state, anything if we don't get a shake up of the meta.
  23. It wouldn't be. I've explained this several times in other threads about 1v1s. The matches in 2v2 arenas would obviously be first to 3 wins, which means players could swap their builds in between each round. Every class has the capability to swap setups to engage different kinds of builds. Example would be a thief with his tabs setup for: DP daredevil, SD Core, PD Core, Staff Daredevil, Rifle DE. The difference in what those builds are individually good at or weak against, is large. In other words, in 1v1s being hosted in 2v2 arenas, you're not gonna end up with situations where a DP Thief loads in vs. DH and it's gg loss. the DP Thief can swap and play weird games with the DH each round to find a counter. If the DP or DH doesn't play the swap game, that's their own fault for either not doing it or not being able to do it. The 1v1s SHOULD work this way, as it rewards players who know a class up and down rather than just one build, as well as knowing the meta up and down, and having the wisdom to reconfigure to engage it. The 1v1s for that reason would very seriously greatly reflect player skill level vs. player skill level, combat mechanically, in ways that no other mode has been able to do. It would end up being quite the opposite of what you are worried about.(...) Explain it several more times then, doesn't make it true. Fact is: Both players can adjust builds in between games. So when the thief goes for some counter against the guard, the guard can adjust the build for the next game. And then the thief can. You can play a gazillion mind games ("I am not adjusting my build or preparing for a counter to my counter"), but in the end, it all comes down to builds winning and better mind games or simply luck, which build you and your opponent chooses. You explained this as well. Nothing in your explanation points towards mechanical skill, only buildcrafting and mindgames between the games. For example: Rev versus guard.First game: Power rev versus power DH. Power rev wins.Second game: Power rev versus burn guard. Burn guard wins.Third game: Does the rev switch to condi mallyx with resistance, hoping for burn guard again? What if guard expects this and goes power again, wasting all the cleanses rev specs for?
  24. Good topic, Skey! Would love to see some love to roleplayers from time to time. Some new maps had quite a lot of nice spots (Drittlewood not so much though except that central region), but why not simply opening up some of those doors? Or, as was suggested already, enable the Personal Story to be replayed? And to those asking for contacts to RP-communities: There are usually forums, where you can easily get in contact. There is one in English and one in German at least, not sure about French and others. Just use a regular seach engine, we're very happy to welcome interested players! :smile:
  25. So 3 scourge are pure skill? No deathmatch is pure skill, I thought everybody knew that by now. :wink:
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