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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. What people don't understand: These builds keep a lot of tank breakers in check. There used to be builds which could counter bunkers easily, purely offensive zerker builds (DE, FA ele, etc.). Rev, thief and to a lesser extend holo completely invalidate those builds, because while only doing 90% of the damage, they have 200% their sustain. They are the hardcounters. Get rid of those and you will get a whole new meta. Which - of course - Anet will never do, because of the incredibly high pace of adjustments. Same meta for years, no change, no new ideas, this is a major problem for competetive play.
  2. You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay. Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless. With instant ground targeting the glyph is cast wherever your cursor is at the END of the cast, so you can "retarget" if the body gets knocked. So vs mistform glyph you basically gotta knock the body out of LoS or out of range, or rupt them the milliseconds between they click glyph and then mistform. That's the only counterplay, Other than cleaving fast/poison ofc :)Oh wow. Now that is a legit bug I would like to see changed.^^ Does it work during activated mistform? €: Rethinking, that happens on every ground targeted skill. And that should indeed be changed.
  3. You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay. Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless.
  4. It can be countered by knockbacks. Funny enough, one of the very few special skills ele actually posesses unlike unblockables, corrupts and stuff which people like to mention as "but it has counterplay!" On topic: Please just nerf the stupid rezz skill. And all other rezz skills too.
  5. Let's also focus on football 1on1s, this is the only relevant part of "football", right? I don't want to play around stupid nets in random aluminium rectangles! Get rid of strategies, tactics and annoying running without ever even getting the ball! Also, goal keepers are literally the worst abomination in football, they hardly ever use their feet! Dumbing down something is not always the way to go. Make something easy to get into, but keep some complexity for people to learn. It will be abandoned quickly and never become overly popular for a major playerbase (or viewerbase, for that matter). Add it to unranked if you like as a seperate queue like stonghold. And then see how many people actually like it.
  6. Unfortunately, while the lore and background information situation in GW2 is suboptimal, the situation in WoW is simply ridiculous and far worse. Any immersion has been impossible for me since no later than WotLK.Adding to that various scandals in Blizzards strategic decisions (Warcraft 3 Reforged) and HR management (salary development of workers compared to management) makes me want to avoid any Blizzard game. :smirk: Yeah. Stupid idealism.
  7. Ooohh, 2on2 is not balanced, strictly straight forward and mostly decided by comps. What a surprise! Honestly. Who is surprised by this? :lol: Deathmatch is horribly boring, has very few really viable strategies and compositions and simply doesn't allow a lot of interesting plays and builds to shine. Conquest is great, but - yes - way more complex and harder to get into. Make 2on2 or 3on3 unranked as another queue permanently, like stronghold. Done. Not this nonsense ladder miniseason.
  8. Too small community to do so What else is the size of the community responsible for? Bad matchmaking, no commitment to PVP, toxic behaviour, boring meta, too many noobs, mirage in general and Trumps upcoming reelection?
  9. Anet could implement a system enforcing good behaviour... instead we have even self-proclaimed pros behaving like twelve year olds. Don't care, you had a good game and fun and some nice talks even with your enemies. :smile: Sorry, I don't know why I try to cheer you up yet again... we're on the internet, I should rant!
  10. Ahh okay. I thought I was just messing up because they seem clearly one of my toughest 1v1s. And again, I am neither complaining about that nor proposing nerfs. Second part was to OP/general discussion. :wink:
  11. I don't like the build personally, but I love seeing staff. Good work, and have fun with it! :+1:
  12. Don't let people provoce you, @AliamRationem.5172. I think you are playing with sword, right? Then it's a really tough matchup indeed. :smile: Reaper wins against sword weavers, but not against D/D (depends on the specific area of the fight though). Still don't think reaper needs major nerfs. Maybe some adjustments to decrease either defense or offense depending on which trait you choose.
  13. People: Tempest is so dumb, the shocking aura share is annoying and the rezzes suck.Anet: gives a weapon skill 60s CD Does this count as the answer? :lol:
  14. Yes, and mass shootings clearly result from this violence! -snip- €: Talking about toxicity, snipping myself. I do not agree with your words at all and do not think you thought them through properly, but I shouldn't jump to conclusions all too quickly.
  15. First three offenders are condi and power rev and holo. But a word about Tempest: While I don't think it is too OP (FB is still a very valid choice as well), it might require some tweaks. Revive skills are just not very fun to play with and against, so maybe change it a little or simply increase the CD along with all the other revive skills. Then Tempest might be pretty much on par with FB. If not, tweak with Aura share duration: 50% duration on allies? 75%? Something like that if it is needed. Pretty easy to adjust even in one or two week intervals. Won't work with updates every 6 months though of course. :lol: €: Please also enable ele to play something else halfway effectively. And who thought a stunbreak with 1s evade would be great on a 75s CD?!
  16. People: Just ignore toxicity and grow a thicker skin lol!Toxic people: put on mask and bring toxicity to the streetsPeople: surprised Pikachu meme Yes, you can also insert "hate speech graffiti", "drunk violence" and many other things. Internet toxicity shows, maybe even enforces this behaviour, people might start online, but just some few might also bring it into real life. Stand up against toxicity and generally bad behaviour. Don't blame them, but be a good example. I know, this isn't exactly rewarded by Anet - neither is toxicity punished -, but you can still try your best. And some few times some people might just thank you for being helpful and optimistic. :smile:
  17. Just add a thumbs up system. Nothing fancy, just after the game, an option to thank someone for helping players, being optimistic, saying "good luck" and "gg wp". No rewards, just a counter or maybe a "Nice person" title after 10k thumbs ups. Give an actual incentive to be positive, however tiny it may be. This does not require any ongoing dev awareness, low effort... just do something.
  18. There is literally an icon on their head that says 'I'm about to heal'. No other class has to deal with telegraphing their heal that obviously lmfao. So no you don't need a crystal ball to prevent healing infuse light. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions :lol: Condi rev and power rev are too strong at the moment, together with holosmith, and not properly balanced. Though, I admit, it is not because of the sheer burst. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Light Not even necro has to deal with telling the enemy when your heal is ready at all times. I strongly disagree with your assumption of Glint heal being the most telegraphed healing skill, yes. Do you mean when facet is up? Like "lol, you better never do damage, because i could literally tun all your damage into healing anytime?" Or do you mean the chaning icon on the buff bar? Or are you talking about those very visible symbols around rev's feet? The great telegraphed 1/4s you need to activate the facet? Nothing is even remotely as telegraphed as many many other healing skills. Like necro's 1.25s (!) healing skill, raising it's arm high, blue shiny lights around him... Yes I'm talking about the icon on the buff bar. If that's not enough for you, learn to play? Because without you or your teammates pummeling the rev during infuse light it is a <2k heal. Wait. You are kidding, right? A 1/4s cast on the buff bar which INSTANTLY switches to the self heal, activatable with zero casttime, while stunned, while the all-killing projectile IS ON ITS WAY... that is more telegraphed than a 1.25s cast? What are people supposed to do, never attack while Facet of Light is up? Wow, someone is delusional here. Are you playing rev? Bias would at least make me understand your point. It's called baiting, sorry you don't like to think when you play. I don't even play revenant anymore. Too many crybabies wanna cry instead of learning to play so I ditched it.I guess after the mesmer police and the ranger gang, there must be desperate revs as well. :lol:
  19. There is literally an icon on their head that says 'I'm about to heal'. No other class has to deal with telegraphing their heal that obviously lmfao. So no you don't need a crystal ball to prevent healing infuse light. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions :lol: Condi rev and power rev are too strong at the moment, together with holosmith, and not properly balanced. Though, I admit, it is not because of the sheer burst. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Light Not even necro has to deal with telling the enemy when your heal is ready at all times. I strongly disagree with your assumption of Glint heal being the most telegraphed healing skill, yes. Do you mean when facet is up? Like "lol, you better never do damage, because i could literally tun all your damage into healing anytime?" Or do you mean the chaning icon on the buff bar? Or are you talking about those very visible symbols around rev's feet? The great telegraphed 1/4s you need to activate the facet? Nothing is even remotely as telegraphed as many many other healing skills. Like necro's 1.25s (!) healing skill, raising it's arm high, blue shiny lights around him... Yes I'm talking about the icon on the buff bar. If that's not enough for you, learn to play? Because without you or your teammates pummeling the rev during infuse light it is a <2k heal.Wait. You are kidding, right? A 1/4s cast on the buff bar which INSTANTLY switches to the self heal, activatable with zero casttime, while stunned, while the all-killing projectile IS ON ITS WAY... that is more telegraphed than a 1.25s cast? What are people supposed to do, never attack while Facet of Light is up? Wow, someone is delusional here. Are you playing rev? Bias would at least make me understand your point.
  20. There is literally an icon on their head that says 'I'm about to heal'. No other class has to deal with telegraphing their heal that obviously lmfao. So no you don't need a crystal ball to prevent healing infuse light. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions :lol: Condi rev and power rev are too strong at the moment, together with holosmith, and not properly balanced. Though, I admit, it is not because of the sheer burst. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Light Not even necro has to deal with telling the enemy when your heal is ready at all times.I strongly disagree with your assumption of Glint heal being the most telegraphed healing skill, yes. Do you mean when facet is up? Like "lol, you better never do damage, because i could literally tun all your damage into healing anytime?" Or do you mean the chaning icon on the buff bar? Or are you talking about those very visible symbols around rev's feet? The great telegraphed 1/4s you need to activate the facet? Nothing is even remotely as telegraphed as many many other healing skills. Like necro's 1.25s (!) healing skill, raising it's arm high, blue shiny lights around him...
  21. There is literally an icon on their head that says 'I'm about to heal'. No other class has to deal with telegraphing their heal that obviously lmfao. So no you don't need a crystal ball to prevent healing infuse light. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions :lol: Condi rev and power rev are too strong at the moment, together with holosmith, and not properly balanced. Though, I admit, it is not because of the sheer burst.
  22. Don't forget, there is one thing condi rev is holding back: power rev. :smile: So that's good I guess. Expect a strong comeback when condi rev gets nerfed.^^
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