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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. I would love an internal CD on retal damage, yeah. Tempest FA for example kills itself in seconds without any chance, because you cannot walk out of the already existing field. Against several enemies, the quickly hitting lighning strikes... yeah. Avoiding Overload Air is hardly possible for that build, so whenever I see retal, I avoid playing ele completely. Which is a shame, really, because I love smashing people with Overload Air and Warhorn Air 5. :disappointed:
  2. Naah, go for it. :smile: There are still outliers which are not addressed for a long time (looking at you, rev). But condi rev keeps power rev a little in check, so we got that going I guess. There are two problematic contition builds, mostly condi rev. Thief got nerfed, will see how this play out with their braindead P/D builds. But yes, you should grab some condi cleanses.Condi necro is fine, burn guard might be problematic in lower brackets, never had serious problems with them with my troll builds. Don't play warrior though. Mesmer is weak too, but... not sure which one is worse. Neither have anything close to meta, but... if you have fun, play them.
  3. Tempest is strong currently, however kinda carried by superior revivals. But this is meta or close to meta. Fire versus conditions or air for power damage (weakness spam) can be used. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Auramancer and adjustments are possible. In soloQ using shouts might be useful.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Aeromancer is the air build, but also adjustable. Weaver is viable, but not optimal. As it used to be most of the time during PoF. Fire condition damage got heavily nerfed, so most people either play full water bunkers with S/F or Lightning Rod with D/F. Dagger offhand can be used, but... might be objectively a little weaker (projectile hate!), but if you have fun with it, go for it. Condi rev kinda fills the same role as water weaver but significantly better. Rangers have better decap capabilities. Holo has better team fight potential than Lightning Rod. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_D/F_Lightning_Rod for lightning rod. The water build is not on metabattle anymore, can't bother clicking the build together myself. But I guess you know it since you played weaver in PVP before.
  4. Which of ele's CCs critted for 10k+? Earthquake? FA ele does use instant cast spells, not (really) CCs. Which is still dumb, but a bad example on this topic. Better mention 17k Reaper Scythes! Now they hit for like 17 damage. :wink:
  5. I liked the very old animations too, yes. The eggshells were already difficult, but the new ones? No way, seriously. Frost and shocking aura look too similar, just as light. And in the heat of battle, even fire and magnetic can be mistaken. Just make auraspam unviable again and delete revive bots. :lol:
  6. Cal Cohen.2358Cal Cohen.2358 ArenaNet › ArenaNet November 19, 2019Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win the monthly. Thank you, mate! :+1: We are simply too bad for playing anything else.
  7. Where is the quote about obviously only good players playing rev? It is horrible. But everybody expected basically this?
  8. It is kinda viable. Those builds all lack damage, but you can hold points. Fire is better if your opponent really lacks cleanses, water is better for stalling/kiting. They are overshadowed by other classes for these jobs though - and bring almost nothing to team fights. And this is only talking about conquest, 3on3 is much worse because Weaver lacks impact in those team fights. For conquest I'd say it is like the situation after PoF hit - can work in some situations, but is clearly subpar. But if you have fun with it, go for it - just don't expect being carried by the build aiming for nice titles.
  9. It is horrible looking at variety and balance. Very limited (serious) builds, very limited variations and adaptability. No mobility, no rotations, no stalling, no clever map awareness, just brainless tanks rolling from A to B. The mixed-Q does its part as well. But as unranked mixed-Q? Like stronghold? Yeah, go for it, I wouldn't play it, but whoever is interested... and make unranked a little more rewarding while you're at it.As a separate ranked-Q? If you must, wouldn't play it either, it might split the playerbase. But go for it.Just don't make it a longterm option without real alternatives.
  10. Shouldn't be an aura (for reasons already mentioned), but should have some kind of animation. Might miss some bad players still lich-ing into it, but it would be fair. On the other hand, many other changes would be fair as well, so I consider this a minor issue.
  11. No! It gives my stuns an extra second to cool down until I can go on with my OP fearstunknockback combo! :lol:
  12. Here is some news for you. DP thief can run off even more easily than PD. Actually almost any build in this game can disengage and try again. I even highlighted the main difference between condi P/D and (power) D/P. What more can I do? Use plain language?
  13. The other day I perfectly predicted a stealth-steal-burst by counting seconds and dodge. I activated magnetic aura and reflected a couple of shots before he stowed. Stunned him, he Shadowstepped away. I ran at him to smash his face. He Shadow Striked, immobilized me and ran off using Shortbow/Shadowstep/whatever. Zero chance to punish his mistakes, he could just go ahead and try again. Condi thief surely doesn't feel OP, as I can always switch to support bot tempest whenever I see one and basically hardcounter it. But it sure feels cheap, easy to play and very hard to punish for many specs due to range, stealth and lots of teleports. That's a combination people don't like, the same was valid for unfun stealth power DEs, core power mesmers and whatnot. No need try to philosophize on condi damage, make offensive builds punishable... D/P thief is a great example for this. It has burst, it has stealth and mobility. But if it fails his burst and you turn around? It needs to disengage, move away and cannot apply his damage anymore. So I agree with the point: Change the burst to DPS, reduce disengage abilities somehow (increasing initiative costs (lol) for certain skills, casttimes, whatever), destroy the spec if you have to. I don't want to be forced to play boring support tempest for all the very skillfull condi thieves out there.
  14. It is... well, better. The patch went in the right direction, tuning down many builds so the differences to less optimal ones got reduced. This enables some non-meta builds to be playable without getting completely destroyed by meta builds. Build diversity has definitely increased. But there are still many issues and reworks are still necessary. Core necro being as braindead as possible. Revive skills being still pretty strong. Some weird decisions as seen by the removal of amulets and stuff. So: it is better, but still not perfect. But if you want to play off-meta builds and don't tryhard, you will definitely have more fun now than before the patch.
  15. Would be nice to see, but probably too much effort and too many balancing issues. Would still love to see it, because honestly, who's taking it serious anymore? Let people enjoy fun builds. And now for my most important contribution: Also, pure zerker still only true amulet!!!11
  16. I love using guardian focus 4 into engi shield and getting permastunned Yeah, and that one actually blocks for the whole duration too. But at least it isn't shared I guess.^^ So, with that skill this Lightning reflexes issue might occur. But not with a single Shocking aura.
  17. I don't get how people come to think conditions are being overpowered now. There are few viable condition builds out there. And then - agreed - some unfun mechanics like perma immobilize drooids, but... those are troll builds. Like, one single support tempest on the team renders almost all condition builds useless if specced accordingly.
  18. Just a side note: Shocking aura stun has an iCD of 2s. So you needed to be stunned by something else to be able to be hit by Shocking aura again (assuming it is not teamfight where aura share comes into play). Not talking about LR and aura share being problematic in general. Just an information that you don't get stunned by one single Shocking aura that quickly (Engineer's Static shield works differently however).
  19. You can also spam blinds. :lol:
  20. I'd rather they gave us some incentive to actually behave properly instead of punishing misbehaviour.
  21. It was fun for a while, but 2on2 is extremely one-dimensional. Conquest is great, because it enables so many different roles and allows playing even around counters with proper movement and teamwork. 2on2 is mainly build-dependant. Bring it back, whatever, but not at the cost of the way more complex and long-term motivating conquest.
  22. Nah not an offence but before this patch, running a duel build without Arcane would mean you'd just lose out on so much utility. Elemental Attunement, Evasive Arcana, Arcane shield, etc.. Things you just needed to survive. Now that the meta is a lot slower, you can actually still have a viable duel build without these utility traits. Arcane was also nerfed significantly without having boons on getting hit - which was extremely helpful in many situations. Also, slow? Play this! Kill or die within seconds!http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgEsEWWAzjpwQYoYZdp22A-z5IeGxLBKYB4mB
  23. So I have played the new story line now and I have talked to a couple of fellow roleplayers. Many of us really enjoyed the scenery of the Strike Mission: Forging Steel. There are many different landscape styles, many little places to explore and to find. It would do really well with some RP plots, also regarding the mob freeness once you've cleared everything. However, that's not quite possible when transformed into a charr character (well, not for non-char characters I suppose). So here is a little request: Would it be possible to disable the transformation? Maybe only after the Strike Mission ended, maybe with a little aura to indicate it is not our true form in this vision? Just an option or an NPC to clear this and do some RP with a couple of friends after finishing the mission in this beautiful area? Yes, I know, there are server limitations, more important things, noob RPers... but it would be a great little gift to us. :smile: Have a great day and stay healthy!
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