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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. Yes, the toxic people who play Ranked selfishly, and superficially for the virtual monetary reward at the expense of people who actually try in the intended competitive Arena. Hence the title of this thread: "What are your ideas to reduce toxicity." It's a relevant idea just like the suggestion to do nothing at all is, admittedly. That being said, miss me with this: However, removing rewards isn't likely to remove toxicity.The people who disrupt PvP for fun likely won't disappear.So, removing payoffs removes people who would want to try, even they had incentives to do it, regardless of the outcome.for many "toxic" people, "toxicity" is tool and reward in one.Another point for "removing pips for losing" is: While higher ranked players often have winrates of 60, 70, even 80%, lowest ranks have winrates of far below 50%. So even if you add those 3 pips to the winning reward, layers in silver/bronze will get less rewards, potentially discouraging them. This could be avoided by adding extra pips to bronze. Not to the same rate of high ratings, but to some extent. People should not be discouraged to play at low rankings.
  2. I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less. But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?! Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression) I feel like you are mixing two things up - I am all for free speach and everybody being allowed to use any word they want. But in general, I would like to promote kind behavior. I don't even think banning people would be that helpful, because it would make the community more careful and anxious than empathic. That is why I'd like to simply have a thumbs up-system. Now that might lead to weird community controlling structures too. But I think it would be an easy and good start. Just a good example of how flawed censorship is, a forum moderator just removed my first comment. may have been pretty forward, but it definitely wasn’t out of line...but as you can tell it’s sybal system. How can we really know who’s out of line and who isn’t? All censorship systems do this, including any proxy system like thumbs up or rating systems.I never promoted censorship! Quite the opposite, I said, I do not think banning people will not bring good results. Maybe you confused me with somebody else? But I do also disagree with "everything is fine, keep going, grow a thick skin". Even if the issues are minor, you can always strive for a better situation overall. A system rewarding good behavior is what should be introduced. And, as I said, no major rewards, just small things.
  3. I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less. But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?! Look at COPPA and it’s potential to ruin a platform that was at one time a place for free thought in the form of video, all because of ever increasing volume of various people that get offended too easily Sensitivity leads to censorship. Empathy is perfectly fine, but if I call you the n word on a public forum, doesn’t mean you should shut down the forum. Grow a pair, take the insult and move on because this is the internet... it’s impossible to police people on the internet without censoring and devaluing the very thing that makes the internet so important (free expression)I feel like you are mixing two things up - I am all for free speach and everybody being allowed to use any word they want. But in general, I would like to promote kind behavior. I don't even think banning people would be that helpful, because it would make the community more careful and anxious than empathic. That is why I'd like to simply have a thumbs up-system. Now that might lead to weird community controlling structures too. But I think it would be an easy and good start.
  4. I think many societies could need more empathy instead of less. But who am I to say that? Sounds almost like socialism?!
  5. Introduce a "thumbs up" system after matches. No rewards, maybe a fun title after 1000 thumbs up or so. And let the total counter go on for eternity.
  6. Yes, you can even do it DURING MATCHES! :lol: I guess that will be fixed though. €: until then, I am so gonna troll people!
  7. Thanks for the feedback! So it seems like I'll just need to practice against them with weaver. I'm still trying to get my skills down to muscle memory so I can pay better attention to my opponents skills. I don't have issues with power builds but condi core necro is hard to read so I usually just rotate through my skills like usual and that gets me dead. It is less muscle memory but knowing matchups, I guess. :smile: Core necro is just a tough one for many weavers to duel. Mainly because of the many fears forcing you off point if you don't have cleanses or stunbreaks at the ready. And the sustain, which is quite good for a necro build indeed. Remember you are also much quicker. If you see you lose the point or anything, you can always rotate to the other side node. Or stall mid. or anything. And then LF/RtL back when he full capped and ran somewhere else. This is rather situational though, you'll get the hang of it! You need some luck predicting fears/corrupts to actually win. So if you kill one, you were definitely better than him! :wink:
  8. He's probably running that already. Core necro is indeed one of the more annoying specs for that build. The damage is not the major issue, it is the sustain and the fears/corrupts. With mender, you will hardly be able to kill it. Even with sage I am often having problems killing it. At the same time, they fear you off point - with fear skills themselves or by corrupting stability. If they can somehow get a cover condi over fear, many condi clears will only cleanse this condi instead of fear, leading to a slow decap or even cap of the point. So with mender, the only real option is to plan outsustaining them. Do not go for full damage, go for regular cleanses. Water-air-water and ocassionally some CCs using earth. Unless you are significantly better, you will not win this matchup and stall each other at best. The one who gets the +1 first usually wins. With sages, you have less sustain, but more damage. I sometimes can outsustain their opening and answer with burst myself. Bait out spectral walk, if you can, avoid Staff 4 (which sends conditions back to you - when he swaps to staff with some condis, they will often use it quickly. You still need some luck though). Then wait for shroud end and try a burst. Initiate with some CC, follow up with Pyro Vortex (if possible). They will try to heal then - be prepared to interrupt that. Air 2 is usually the best bet. If this doesn't work, go back to stall again... Mender's might be able to do the same, but in my experience, it usually only stalls core necros. Sage is more risky, but you can manage to win duels sometimes with some luck and good timing. Fire weaverwill have an incredibly hard time if the necro has his CDs up. Spectral walk basically makes them immune to burning, and they have too many condi cleanses for fire cleansing. The only chance is to burst during earth 5, but that seldomly works well enough...
  9. Fire weaver uses that exact trait to spam Fire auras and transmute them for huge amounts of condi cleanse...? Fire weaver has a huge amount of steady condi cleanses, rivaling even Water weaver's while being able to use offensive attunements. Would you be happier with an iCD on Sunspot, which allows core to keep their cleanses but limits the access to Fire weaver? This way Fire weaver could keep its damage and healing, but would become vulnerable to conditions. Using the Fire traitline should not bolster defense this much. You can make own suggestions, you know, instead of screaming "NO NOT THAT!!!" to anything people say. (...)If you want Fire Weaver to underperform again, nerf Weaver.(...)I accept your point of saying you don't have an issue with (Fire) weaver. That's agreeable, I find it a partly dumb playstyle, but that's fine. However, this sentence is dangerous. No: If Fire weaver overperforms, nerf what makes this build OP. If you nerf Weaver in general, you hurt many other builds as well, namely Water, FA and Dagger builds. Look at what Fire weaver makes differently than the other builds and nerf that.
  10. Fire weaver uses that exact trait to spam Fire auras and transmute them for huge amounts of condi cleanse...? Fire weaver has a huge amount of steady condi cleanses, rivaling even Water weaver's while being able to use offensive attunements. Would you be happier with an iCD on Sunspot, which allows core to keep their cleanses but limits the access to Fire weaver? This way Fire weaver could keep its damage and healing, but would become vulnerable to conditions. Using the Fire traitline should not bolster defense this much. You can make own suggestions, you know, instead of screaming "NO NOT THAT!!!" to anything people say.
  11. Meta fire Weaver way outpaces meta Condi mirage right now in evade uptime. 1 single block and one 0.5 second evade (Which similar to Full Counter is really just there so the counter attack goes off properly if an attack is absorbed) on the scepter 2, 8 second cooldown verses 2.75 seconds of evade every 12 seconds between Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight a Weaver is getting 13.75 seconds of evade frames from Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Mesmers are getting 7 potential blocks and 3.5 seconds of evade frames. Illusionary Ambush is 0.75 seconds on a 35s cooldown. Twist of Fate is 1s evade on a 40s cooldown, but has the benefit of being an ammo skill. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight the mirage is getting 1.5 seconds of evade frames from IA, Weaver is getting 3 seconds from twist of fate. Now Mirage does have a built in evade on False Oasis that Weaver's don't have in their build which can be used potentially three times in a 60 second fight for 2.25 seconds of evade. Both classes have very high levels of vigor and while Weaver does have more the exact uptime on both is a bit hard to calculate while at work so I'll just say they break even at perma vigor. That's 8 vigor dodges over 60 seconds plus your 2nd endurance bar for a 9th dodge. Equalling 6.75 seconds of dodge roll evades per minute. Weaver runs energy, Mirage runs double energy so they're both procing it as much as possible, that's another 3 dodges per minute. 2.25 seconds. When you look at the totals you're looking at: Mirage: 16.5 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Weaver: 25.75 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Even if you assume a mirage is running a melee weapon like axe instead of scepter that's 5.25 seconds of evade frames per minute instead of 3.5. If you want to throw mesmer Distortion on there then you have to throw Obsidian Flesh on there since that's an invulnerability as well, both potentially 4 seconds on 50 second cooldowns so potentially 8 seconds of invulnerability per minute and now we're looking at: Mirage: 24.5 seconds of evade uptime per minute.Weaver: 33.75 seconds of evade uptime per minute. This is a pretty extreme rough estimate, assuming both classes are using their defensive options off cooldown all fight long in a way that isn't realistic, but if you're going to throw out statements like "mirage has more evades than Weaver" you should probably check what The actual meta builds are roughly capable of first. Meta Weaver decisively beats Meta Mirage in evade uptime right now. You would have to count also the mirrors from the trait in mirage, and SoI too, would be impossible to make 100% effective use of all that but in THEORY would be more. Personally i used to love 3clone shatter f4 -> SoI -> get 3clones and shatter again for 8s+ of invulnerability, and watching warrior/holo monkeys just run into me anyways while swinging at invulnerable, crying op xd. Aegis is also pretty good on condi mirage. However, I agree that Fire weaver might become a problem with the next patch. So it is okay to discuss possible solutions already. But I would like to see how it works out first. It's main counters - Firebrand, Water weaver for example - might profit from the upcoming changes as well and shift the meta as a whole. I didn't say Weaver is OP and needs serious nerfs. Just pointing out how it's just a fact that pound for pound Meta Weaver noticeably outpaces Meta Condi Mirage in terms of it's evasion up time and it does so almost entirely on the strength of Riptide and Earthen Vortex. I didn't mean to contradict you! I totally agree with Ele having many (too many?) evades. More protection, blocks, whatever would be nice and allow more counterplay, but I think that would be a major rework. Let's all stay calm, breathe and wait for the patch. And discuss possible changes to Fire weaver, which absolutely might become necessary. I would even be fine with minor changes now (change boring Glyph and reduce condi cleanses from transmute Fire aura for example).
  12. Meta fire Weaver way outpaces meta Condi mirage right now in evade uptime. 1 single block and one 0.5 second evade (Which similar to Full Counter is really just there so the counter attack goes off properly if an attack is absorbed) on the scepter 2, 8 second cooldown verses 2.75 seconds of evade every 12 seconds between Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight a Weaver is getting 13.75 seconds of evade frames from Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Mesmers are getting 7 potential blocks and 3.5 seconds of evade frames. Illusionary Ambush is 0.75 seconds on a 35s cooldown. Twist of Fate is 1s evade on a 40s cooldown, but has the benefit of being an ammo skill. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight the mirage is getting 1.5 seconds of evade frames from IA, Weaver is getting 3 seconds from twist of fate. Now Mirage does have a built in evade on False Oasis that Weaver's don't have in their build which can be used potentially three times in a 60 second fight for 2.25 seconds of evade. Both classes have very high levels of vigor and while Weaver does have more the exact uptime on both is a bit hard to calculate while at work so I'll just say they break even at perma vigor. That's 8 vigor dodges over 60 seconds plus your 2nd endurance bar for a 9th dodge. Equalling 6.75 seconds of dodge roll evades per minute. Weaver runs energy, Mirage runs double energy so they're both procing it as much as possible, that's another 3 dodges per minute. 2.25 seconds. When you look at the totals you're looking at: Mirage: 16.5 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Weaver: 25.75 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Even if you assume a mirage is running a melee weapon like axe instead of scepter that's 5.25 seconds of evade frames per minute instead of 3.5. If you want to throw mesmer Distortion on there then you have to throw Obsidian Flesh on there since that's an invulnerability as well, both potentially 4 seconds on 50 second cooldowns so potentially 8 seconds of invulnerability per minute and now we're looking at: Mirage: 24.5 seconds of evade uptime per minute.Weaver: 33.75 seconds of evade uptime per minute. This is a pretty extreme rough estimate, assuming both classes are using their defensive options off cooldown all fight long in a way that isn't realistic, but if you're going to throw out statements like "mirage has more evades than Weaver" you should probably check what The actual meta builds are roughly capable of first. Meta Weaver decisively beats Meta Mirage in evade uptime right now. You would have to count also the mirrors from the trait in mirage, and SoI too, would be impossible to make 100% effective use of all that but in THEORY would be more. Personally i used to love 3clone shatter f4 -> SoI -> get 3clones and shatter again for 8s+ of invulnerability, and watching warrior/holo monkeys just run into me anyways while swinging at invulnerable, crying op xd. Aegis is also pretty good on condi mirage. However, I agree that Fire weaver might become a problem with the next patch. So it is okay to discuss possible solutions already. But I would like to see how it works out first. It's main counters - Firebrand, Water weaver for example - might profit from the upcoming changes as well and shift the meta as a whole. what will happen is alot of firebrands, alot of revenants and almost the same ammount of weavers becouse its fun as hell to play.how much something is played doesnt show how strong it is, by far one of the most played if not THE most played class in pvp is thief, and I wouldnt go around screaming for nerfs to them.But two or three seasons ago there were like 3 Weavers in top100. Not it is significantly more. Agreed, there are always people going for fun to play, but many just try hard to play strong specs. :smile: Agree about Firebrand, Revenant and Weaver though. But this is also speculation until we see an actual and complete change list.
  13. Meta fire Weaver way outpaces meta Condi mirage right now in evade uptime. 1 single block and one 0.5 second evade (Which similar to Full Counter is really just there so the counter attack goes off properly if an attack is absorbed) on the scepter 2, 8 second cooldown verses 2.75 seconds of evade every 12 seconds between Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight a Weaver is getting 13.75 seconds of evade frames from Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Mesmers are getting 7 potential blocks and 3.5 seconds of evade frames. Illusionary Ambush is 0.75 seconds on a 35s cooldown. Twist of Fate is 1s evade on a 40s cooldown, but has the benefit of being an ammo skill. Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight the mirage is getting 1.5 seconds of evade frames from IA, Weaver is getting 3 seconds from twist of fate. Now Mirage does have a built in evade on False Oasis that Weaver's don't have in their build which can be used potentially three times in a 60 second fight for 2.25 seconds of evade. Both classes have very high levels of vigor and while Weaver does have more the exact uptime on both is a bit hard to calculate while at work so I'll just say they break even at perma vigor. That's 8 vigor dodges over 60 seconds plus your 2nd endurance bar for a 9th dodge. Equalling 6.75 seconds of dodge roll evades per minute. Weaver runs energy, Mirage runs double energy so they're both procing it as much as possible, that's another 3 dodges per minute. 2.25 seconds. When you look at the totals you're looking at: Mirage: 16.5 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Weaver: 25.75 seconds of Evade Frames per minute. Even if you assume a mirage is running a melee weapon like axe instead of scepter that's 5.25 seconds of evade frames per minute instead of 3.5. If you want to throw mesmer Distortion on there then you have to throw Obsidian Flesh on there since that's an invulnerability as well, both potentially 4 seconds on 50 second cooldowns so potentially 8 seconds of invulnerability per minute and now we're looking at: Mirage: 24.5 seconds of evade uptime per minute.Weaver: 33.75 seconds of evade uptime per minute. This is a pretty extreme rough estimate, assuming both classes are using their defensive options off cooldown all fight long in a way that isn't realistic, but if you're going to throw out statements like "mirage has more evades than Weaver" you should probably check what The actual meta builds are roughly capable of first. Meta Weaver decisively beats Meta Mirage in evade uptime right now. You would have to count also the mirrors from the trait in mirage, and SoI too, would be impossible to make 100% effective use of all that but in THEORY would be more. Personally i used to love 3clone shatter f4 -> SoI -> get 3clones and shatter again for 8s+ of invulnerability, and watching warrior/holo monkeys just run into me anyways while swinging at invulnerable, crying op xd.Aegis is also pretty good on condi mirage. However, I agree that Fire weaver might become a problem with the next patch. So it is okay to discuss possible solutions already. But I would like to see how it works out first. It's main counters - Firebrand, Water weaver for example - might profit from the upcoming changes as well and shift the meta as a whole.
  14. Typical problem of overload air. :trollface: Sometimes I killed myself in a literal second. Another second for the downstate. Some builds are severly punished by this indeed. Maybe a small iCD could help? "Get hit by retaliation only once per second" or so? Overload air used to hit 3 targets 4 times a second: 3 x 4 x 800 = 9600 damage per second... I think now it is two times per second? Still big numbers. :lol:
  15. With sword? Sword has been basically untouched since PoF launch. Some insignificant nerfs, some insignificant buffs. Isn't Fire weaver the problem? Or is Water weaver problematic too? If so, sword might be the problem. if it's only Fire weaver, then there should be changes to skills only affecting the problematic build.
  16. Wat. Weaver can absolutely pulse damage on you while dodging with Primordial Stance. But... then they are not in fire, but in water and/or earth. Which gives Primordial stance at max 1 stack of fire per tick (but then they have only one of those two evade), reducing the damage significantly...? Not saying Fire weaver is fine. But this is not the issue with Fire weaver. Fire weaver combines too much random burns and cleanses for an offensive traitline. Reduce those first - if weaver is still a problem, including Water weaver, then reduce CDs on those evades, yes.
  17. Lmao to care so much about a game that the devs don't even care about. You are truly a lost cause. Gl in life. Have I commented on this thread in the past? I don't think I have so please leave me out of all mesmer bs please. "#norespectforu" :joy: The whole point of the mantra threads was to get the burst looked at so it's not entirely frontloaded. You seemed to have an issue with it too so thanks for the support! I see....sry if I come across a bit antagonistic, condesensing, and demeaning. Getting pooped for 20k+ damage more then a couple times over kinda explodes my boat. Sorry. All good man. Apology accepted. Have a great day!Wow, first I thought: Oh no, another pointless argument over something in the heat of a game, meaning next to nothing... But I stand corrected! You two solved this quickly and politely, that is a nice change on these forums (or the internet in general). Good job! (Assuming it wasn't all sarcasm. :lol:)
  18. The title description is a bit weird, yeah. It used to be obtainable back in the old leaderboard times, when you just had to spam games to get the legendary titles for a season. The title means next to nothing, just like Legendary Champion.
  19. fighting a water weaver is basically like fighting a kitten version of HoT launch chrono bunker that deals slightly more damage though. Mender needs water traitline and much healing power if its supposted to work. Thats what I call balanced.Moment you have neither defensive traitline nor healing power and youre sustaining/healing as much as ^weaver and deal same/more damage, thats what I call unbalanced. Fireweaver uses Sage ammy, which actually has Healing power as a minor stat, so you are wrong when you say it hasnt got healing power Lots of specs in this game can play full damage and have sustain at the same time as you played mesmer yourself before you should know.He was talking about "mender needing healing power which is fine for a bunker" and "spellbreaker running demo amulet and being just as tanky". For example. I guess. Anyway, yes, nerf Fire weaver please. But do it by adjusting Fire traitline and the burning burst please... not for now at least. See how the meta plays out first, before nerfing other builds.
  20. Nice to watch and good game! :smile: Yes, a few mistakes were made - sometimes you get stalled, don't contest even though you could try to slow a cap or so -, but in general it was a close game with fun compositions! Not so many dumb meta builds. And the video is nice to watch too. Sped up where it was boring, no cuts and stuff. Would love to see another try next mAT - or any proper game. Keep it up! (The music is horrible though! :lol:)
  21. Probably a support based build around the resurrection trait in arcane. I'd think water/arcane/(earth, if tempest is not wanted). It's far worse than FB, but you can camp in range and spam AoE damage and heals from ledges and stuff. I also find it not very exciting, try zerker staff! :tongue: Also, core revenant is no good as well. :cry:
  22. But If we include blocks and other direct damage mitigation/denial skills, along with endurance regen (and ini regen for thief) and passive traits; Mirage has less than every medium armor class, less than ele, and less survivability than war. In any case that isn’t direct access to on demand cooldowns; then it’s loses out on access over time. Some you call out here, but there would have to be massive reductions to everything else before Mirage would “have to much”. You could remove thief’s flat endurance regen, then delete ranger swords and dagger, and they’d still have more than Mirage. What would you honestly get rid of at this point? Reduce distortion so each clone gave half a second of invulnerability? (...)OT:weaver's problem, imo it's the stab uptime and stunbreak uptime. they can easily cover it's weak point(fire/lightning)with high stab and stunbreak uptime and easily switch to water/earth for evade.(...) Not denying weaver will be strong/meta, but the stab uptime is no issue in my view. Assuming spamming Primordial Stance and ToF, you can get ~20 seconds of permanent 1 stack of stab with 4 applications - and after that an uptime of about 35% of single stacks. Regarding the amount of CCs - corrupts not so often anymore -, that is not really much, though not a weakness either indeed.(Using Unravel bumbs this up, but only dagger builds use it and not for stab but mostly for Shocking aura.)€: Add 5s for the elite, forgot that. :grimace: Also adds like 7% to the continuous uptime.) Stunbreaks, though, weaver builds generally lack those. ToF is the only stunbreak and while you can stark fights with 2 charges, they recharge only after 50s (!). That is a huge duration compared to PoF standards.(Some FA builds have Arcane shield - another stunbreak, but on a huge CD as well.) your statics disapproved none of my point..not sure if i understand your comment. By stab uptime, it is mentioned as stab uptime for it's weak point and in relationship to the evade up time. stab uptime covers it's weakness, if you have less stab, you are more likely to get caught in fire phase then in turns shaved sustain without shaving evade and you were supposed to be more vulnerable in fire but because of the stab/stunbreak you get, u can easily get back to water/earth. i only use my stab/stunbreak on fire/air anyway, because i don't need them when im on water/earethI simply meant, the values are not excessively high and have not been change (significantly) since PoF launch. Neither stab uptime nor stunbreaks are the problem why Fire weaver came up - it is the incredibly string condi clear in fire combined with single condition burst. That should be addressed before further nerfs, which might be necessary when the other builds get nerfed. But I'd prefer changing only Fire weaver relevant skills first, because changing ToF, stab duration or reducing the total amount of (random) evades hurts other builds as well. Like Water weaver, FA and D/D builds. Which are not the problem currently. So, I'd be open to discuss suggestion! My proposal - as mentioned above - is:a) Reduce condi clears of transmute aura to 1 in PVP only. Maybe only for fire aura? Might hurt Tempest, but that's a whole different story. Maybe also add ICD for Sunspot to specifically address Fire weaver?b) The burn burst should be reduced towards more longterm DPS. Glyph towards a less spammy playstyle, maybe change the condi application by Primordial stance to not apply twice the condi if double attuned or something like that. If it remains oppressive or Water weaver or so becomes a problem:a) Increase Riptide CD to 14s, maybe change the water field duration for less combos in total.b) The Primordial stance buff was random and unasked for anyway. Reverting that would be fine for me. If you have more specific ideas, let's hear them! :smile:
  23. But If we include blocks and other direct damage mitigation/denial skills, along with endurance regen (and ini regen for thief) and passive traits; Mirage has less than every medium armor class, less than ele, and less survivability than war. In any case that isn’t direct access to on demand cooldowns; then it’s loses out on access over time. Some you call out here, but there would have to be massive reductions to everything else before Mirage would “have to much”. You could remove thief’s flat endurance regen, then delete ranger swords and dagger, and they’d still have more than Mirage. What would you honestly get rid of at this point? Reduce distortion so each clone gave half a second of invulnerability? (...)OT:weaver's problem, imo it's the stab uptime and stunbreak uptime. they can easily cover it's weak point(fire/lightning)with high stab and stunbreak uptime and easily switch to water/earth for evade.(...)Not denying weaver will be strong/meta, but the stab uptime is no issue in my view. Assuming spamming Primordial Stance and ToF, you can get ~20 seconds of permanent 1 stack of stab with 4 applications - and after that an uptime of about 35% of single stacks. Regarding the amount of CCs - corrupts not so often anymore -, that is not really much, though not a weakness either indeed.(Using Unravel bumbs this up, but only dagger builds use it and not for stab but mostly for Shocking aura.)€: Add 5s for the elite, forgot that. :grimace: Also adds like 7% to the continuous uptime.) Stunbreaks, though, weaver builds generally lack those. ToF is the only stunbreak and while you can stark fights with 2 charges, they recharge only after 50s (!). That is a huge duration compared to PoF standards.(Some FA builds have Arcane shield - another stunbreak, but on a huge CD as well.)
  24. Basically, Grimjack Weaver meta is going to occur middle of this season when next patch is dropped. If you see that kid on a node, don't 1v1 him, just walk away. Weaver is going to be obtusely dominant at sode node play, very very soon. I called this a month ago but as soon as I'd mention ele being strong right now everyone reply's like ele is in the same position the were last yr. Like ur crazy for thinking aspects of ele/weaver need toned down and certainly will when other classes inevitably do While fire weaver already is a solid pick, I doubt it will become (much more) oppressive. It has already been strong against holos and warriors. Its main counters are still going to be FBs in team fights and cleanse heavy builds on sides - like water weavers, for example. Still I agree that it should be toned down, because it definitely might slip into the meta. Either change the glyph or (and?) change the fire aura mechanic to reduced cleanses or increase CD in transmute fire aura. I would love to hear more suggestions though! :smile:
  25. What the heck did I just read? Seriously? Ur gonna pretend that their ok? This games future is brite.(...)I mean, I understand most of the classes you mentioned. Even burn guard, which is incredibly weak atm, but okay. But condi tempest?! :lol:
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