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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. Just adding in my voice to not get rid of the fall damage reduction. I'd be fine with a rework, changing fall reduction altogether or putting it behind a mastery - but since I love exploring, this is sometimes really essential. Yes, gliding has reduced my deaths due to falling damage significantly, but in many areas - mainly JPs, but also instances and stuff - gliding is not possible. So I welcome simplification of these traits, but I'd still like to see falling damage reduction somewhere. Not having to switch builds would even be a plus - even though one could now get a "exploring build template"... :tongue:
  2. I kind of agree it isn't fun and can seem OP, but this goes especially for other classes. All( ?) necro builds, many weavers, some warrior builds - they have problems with a perma stealth DE. With DH, you have two options:a) If you see him going into stealth and you have aegis up, prepare a dodge or F3. Shield block helps too of course.Yes, you have to wait and can not start having the initiative, but you can easily get it after avoiding his burst Use Spea of Justice, you can try to fake cast it. If it doesnt land, run around LoSing until it's back up again.b) If you can catch him by surprise - you did that once and opened with S2 -, immediately use Spear of Justice. It reveals, it's pull works against stealthed and even dodging (!) targets. The rest is basically the same: Once you have speared him, pull him immediately into your trap and follow with a knockback or S2/Smite condition combo. Many are already dead then, if not, he will probably port away with Shadowstep. You can watch his teleport back or LoS then, depending on your CDs. Judge's Interruption also works wonders. So while I agree it is a rather dumb fight - you often have to wait for him to do the first move, he can hide somewhere until you leave and decap again or anything -, but you should have few problems with DH. Rifle DE is very situational.
  3. I have talked about this a couple of months ago - actually, GLICKO-2 allows this reduced rating volatility already. There is a value... uhm, I am too lazy to look for it, something like "minimum rating deviation per game". At some point, the games do not have reduced rating changes, even though - as you say - the sampel size gets smaller and GLICKO-2 becomes generally more secure about your personal rating. So: I am with you and I would like to see it implemented. It shoud also be not that hard - the first few games player per season already show this behavior: The first 15ish games have high volatility, after that the changes become more or less stable. This is probably exactly this "minimum rating deviation per game". However, it needs to be considered that this also means: if you troll in your first games, you will have a very hard time climbing in your later games, if you switch classes or your class gets nerfed/buffed in the balance patch, few things will change, and if you for some reason improve significantly over one single season, this will mainly affect the next season played.However, I would not like to see 180 games required per season. GLICKO-2 becomes very secure about ones rating very quickly (generally speaking). And I already struggle with 120 games rather often, because I do not really have that much time. It is not really needed for the system too. €: Here it is. Is this the same thing you propose? Then it might already be implemented in the "confidence level" of GLICKO-2 and would probably be rather simple.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/43866/suggestion-to-make-people-play-more-games
  4. I mean it's a minor trait so you don't have a choice when you run the Fire traitline. no, no, I mean sunspot does basically nothing unless you take the trait Burning Rage. It just gives you a fire aura.I do not agree Sunspot being the one reason for Fire weaver's strength - but it is definitely part of it. This way you can get Fire aura every 4s and therefore basically permanent, together with Smothering auras the build has therefor pretty good condi clear. That trait also lets you transmute all those Sunspot auras due to the longer duration. Burning rage is clearly inferior in PVP.
  5. I am playing FA tempest from time to time now... with warhorn. Huge AoE damage, blinds and some CC, but as soon as a condi class is there, I am dead - not mirage though, because I cleave through illusions like butter. :lol:
  6. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different. Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights? I meant water attunment, yeah heals arent as good not trusted for but can still be very effective. Also did water traitline not get a slight dps buff in the line fee passes ago to not make it such a bid dps loss. In any case I didnt use water traitline often and the atunement still gave me good additional sustain The water attunement doesn't heal you unless you trait for it already said so...the fire weaver have limited condi removal for that reason alone, that's why it can be easily killed by any condi spec who knows how ele works Just a side note: Fire weaver has rather good cleanse. That is the main reason for focus offhand - fire aura and exploding fire aura, which cleanses 2 conditions every 8 seconds apart from the many cleanses for every fire aura they get, cleansing 1 condition. If dagger had fire aura, people would probably use dagger instead of focus. I kind of like the fact that you have to watch attunements for burst and defensive rotations. I guess that is what you mean by "knowing how ele works". Agree also on fire weaver and water based builds having very different issues to work on. And FA ele is a whole new topic. People are complaining about burning rage fire weavers I thinkYaah, I think so too, but wasn't this thread about FA? I don't know... maybe it was staff zerker, I simply don't know... :trollface:
  7. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different. Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights? I meant water attunment, yeah heals arent as good not trusted for but can still be very effective. Also did water traitline not get a slight dps buff in the line fee passes ago to not make it such a bid dps loss. In any case I didnt use water traitline often and the atunement still gave me good additional sustain The water attunement doesn't heal you unless you trait for it already said so...the fire weaver have limited condi removal for that reason alone, that's why it can be easily killed by any condi spec who knows how ele worksJust a side note: Fire weaver has rather good cleanse. That is the main reason for focus offhand - fire aura and exploding fire aura, which cleanses 2 conditions every 8 seconds apart from the many cleanses for every fire aura they get, cleansing 1 condition. If dagger had fire aura, people would probably use dagger instead of focus. I kind of like the fact that you have to watch attunements for burst and defensive rotations. I guess that is what you mean by "knowing how ele works". Agree also on fire weaver and water based builds having very different issues to work on. And FA ele is a whole new topic.
  8. Apart from condi thief, I don't find it too bad actually... they basically onehit me with S2+dodge when I am trolling with my power tempest. :lol: Even with perfect blinds, reflects and water overload, I have zero chance. Still hoping for that patch though, because it can always be better.
  9. That's nice but good god, but kind of build is that necro running? I didn't see a single cleanse or dodge in there. I think they're also running blood magic AND death magic? The heck? "Let me just stand in that pyro vortex and see what happens... wtf? TOO MUCH BURNING OPOP!!!" :wink: You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol Fire weaver does not use dagger offhand and Lightning flash. It also uses air much less often in fights, so it cannot build up as much swiftness which is then only usable for unpressured movement between points - and rarely for escaping, because you will have to switch to other attunements (most often). Fire weaver is slow, as long as you don't change the build/runes to more mobility and away from fighting capabilities.
  10. Staff thief absolutely wasn't the only reason for the win of mAT in NA. And Sindrener gives a good analysis on the game in EU. It is strong, and really dumb. But people will learn to play around it. €: And, yes, hopefully it gets nerfs. Like condi thief. Make d/p great again.
  11. I would like to see condition powercreep addressed. The long-term objective should be to have most conditions be damage over time again - which means, reduce stacks, damage modifiers etc. and change durations. Conditions should aim for not killing anyone under ten seconds or so, even without any cleanses. Cover conditions like on condi thief, condi mirage and scourge need to be reduced.At the same time, cleanses need to be heavily nerfed as well. Make both conditions and cleanses meaningful again - activating a 3-condi-cleanse should be well timed until after you see your enemy unload his conditions. Stuff like that. The amount of cleanses from firebrands and weavers should be reduced too, packed into fewer longer CD skills. For example: While it should not be possible for condi thief to apply 6(?) conditions within basically no time (S2 and dodge). At the same time, water weaver cycling through water and air is basically immune even to these condi bombs. Anyone without condi clears dies in seconds against the first, while even powercrept condi classes can't do anything against the powercrept cleansing bots. So: I would like to see condi builds be about 1-2 damaging condition(s) and 1-2 cover conditions. Cleanses must be reduced with CDs, number of condis cleansed and maybe internal CDs. About the same goes for power damage, but I feel like conditions/cleanses are even worse and made many many builds completely impossible to be played.
  12. Bleed should last longer than other conditions and have less DPS but higher damage if not cleansed. But due to powercreep to both other conditions being almost always stronger (burn, confusion, etc.) and cleanses being so abundant in almost any build, it is mostly just a cover condition today... A bigger rework would be great. Reducing both numers of (different) conditions applied and cleanses. Oh, could mention this in the other thread...
  13. God, some people are just horrible. Nice discord server, keep it going. Could use some more constructive posts, but some memes are awesome too. :#
  14. I feel like I need to point out a couple of things (even though I kinda mentioned them already...): I do not think fire weaver is OP. But I know a lot of people feel like it is. I would love to hear suggestions from these people. I really dislike the playstyle. I don't like being a slow tank with focus (which the whole build heavily relies on) and I don't like spamming thwe glyph whenever it is up (and I am in fire). That is why I suggested changes, not nerfs. No idea where people too that from. One of my main points is, as @Curennos.9307 already pointed out as well (thanks for the only other constructive point here...), the fact that for both the glyph and primordial stance are vastly superior in fire than in any other attunement. That's why I suggested: Make bleeds more powerful, the long wear-down choice and fire the more bursty one. I know this only tackles my second point (my dislike for the build), but I am open for suggestions if people would like to see more changes.
  15. This, a hundred times. And why are Glyphs in the game when they're obviously so underwhelming no one's been touching them with a stick for years. Can Ride the Lightning get evade frames too? :D Yes, more evade frames is exactly what elementalist needs. Okay, maybe not evade frames, but a heal at the end? or a finisher? or longer range? something usefulJust reduce the CD and make dagger an offensive/mobility weapon and focus the bunkery one.
  16. This is only a PVP issue. There are so many people complaining about fire weaver being OP. Do they not know what to change, what to address, what the problem actually is? Would they rather change something else, the aura for some reason?
  17. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :) There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry... Had one guy saying the same thing...swapped to 2 core pets...killed him again......rangers can't win, people will cry regardless So you would be happy about a hard gazelle nerf? Then I'd be happy too. :smile: Before that I'd like to see if you know what is causing the dmg, what pet skills? I think it was Charge. The damage is dumb for a non-activated skill. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :) There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry... Had one guy saying the same thing...swapped to 2 core pets...killed him again......rangers can't win, people will cry regardless So you would be happy about a hard gazelle nerf? Then I'd be happy too. :smile: No yea for sure the gazelle is the number one issue in pvp right now. There’s just waves and waves of core Rangers one shotting all the meta builds. The last AT had four teams of five core rangers taking turns one shotting each other with the insane damage potential. Nerf ASAP Not sure where I said "core ranger is OP and dominates everything", but I just take this as the shocked reaction of a ranger main. Closer to a shocked revenant main who didn’t realize people unironically wanted to nerf something about core ranger but sure buddy Yes, I definitely want to get rid of 15k hits on random hits with almost zero tells. Confused you're okay with this very skillful playstyle, but sure, buddy.
  18. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :) There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry... Had one guy saying the same thing...swapped to 2 core pets...killed him again......rangers can't win, people will cry regardless So you would be happy about a hard gazelle nerf? Then I'd be happy too. :smile: Before that I'd like to see if you know what is causing the dmg, what pet skills?I think it was Charge. The damage is dumb for a non-activated skill. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :) There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry... Had one guy saying the same thing...swapped to 2 core pets...killed him again......rangers can't win, people will cry regardless So you would be happy about a hard gazelle nerf? Then I'd be happy too. :smile: No yea for sure the gazelle is the number one issue in pvp right now. There’s just waves and waves of core Rangers one shotting all the meta builds. The last AT had four teams of five core rangers taking turns one shotting each other with the insane damage potential. Nerf ASAPNot sure where I said "core ranger is OP and dominates everything", but I just take this as the shocked reaction of a ranger main.
  19. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :) There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry... Had one guy saying the same thing...swapped to 2 core pets...killed him again......rangers can't win, people will cry regardlessSo you would be happy about a hard gazelle nerf? Then I'd be happy too. :smile:
  20. So, we all know about fire weaver. One of its main burst versus non-stationary targets is due to Glyph of Elemental Power. I do not think it really needs a huge nerfs (unless other meta builds get nerfs too), but I dislike the mechanic for two reasons: It adds to condi not being a wear-down over time mechanic but simply burst with huge numbers. In my view this should be the power damage's domain.You can always precast it and have it available almost at the beginning of the next fight again (precast it when respawn, when capping side and aiming for mid etc.) because it recharges when it is activated. So I would like to change it. What I can think of: a) Simply disable the recharge when activated, only recharge when the charges are used up. Reduce the CD on the other hand. b) Change the mechanic towards more DPS instead of the burst. Less charges, lower CD for example. c) Currently, you basically only want to activate it in fire, because the other condis are clearly subpar (except in very very special situations). The other conditions could be adjusted to either provide more competitive damage. For example increasing bleed duration. Longer duration = more damage = decision between bursty fire or long-time damage bleeds. Personally I wish for a combination of b) and c) - but a) would be a very quick solution. Do you have suggestions? Other ideas? Or don't you think it is no problem at all?
  21. It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger. ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :)There are also several on EU. It is mostly carried by the gazelle pet though. I got hit by 15k by one the other day... I think the ranger wasn't even in LoS. I remember because I got a little angry...
  22. This is not important. Many bunkers/supports waste time in team fights getting stalled for minutes on an enemy point. They get huge damage and healing stats but their playing is horrible. It might also mean your whole composition lacks damage, which skyrockets your healing because every fight takes ages. Much more important is: Did your allies die or could you save them in time? Do you survive yourself when focussed? Not saying amount of healing isn't 'one' criterium, but it is one of the less important ones. Don't overvalue it, it depends on too many factors and others are more important - the first one being fun of course. :)
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