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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. First: I really enjoyed you shared this piece of history with us. I did not know about its background and I think these things should never be forgotten. So, thank you for this! However, I do not think they should rename it. It is not the exact name, it is not related to some massacre or a dark parody of it. And if it makes people read about the history, I would even consider this a win. €: Oops, basically what @Dawdler.8521 said. Though I would advocate for more background spreading. Not being outraged, but I like you posted this sad story.
  2. 6:04:50 thats some manly mirage.ps at ¬¬ 5:57 is the only "burst" he managed to land did around 11k dmg.so his can stealth and run across the map and 1shot anyone no counterplay doesnt really hold it, now does it ? As I've stated several times in the past, it can oneshot anything that doesn't use a toughness amulet. The only meta classes that use demo or paladins are rangers, holos, and warriors. However, it can bring them down to 10-20% of their total health. , you can see the burst executed from my perspective. I was far away, thus the Mind Wrack from my player didn't hit Ajax. Also, I should've Power Locked before I did the rest of the burst which would've interrupted the Breaching Strike and procced Superiority Complex AND Mental Anguish. However, I did not need to stand next to AJax in this case. Simply Power Locking before the rest of the mantra combo would've killed him. Thanks for making me rewatch the video in slow motion. Previously, Power Lock would be the last part of the burst. Going forward, it will be the first thing I use to proc all of those extra damage traits. =D meh, he was low hp so superiority proced anyways, and anguish extra 9% damage wouldnt matter much becouse you range 1clone shattered, 5 vulnerability would matter more but most likely he would have still survived. what annoys me with this build is the unreliability of the damage, its all about the crit, and you have 49% chance only. you need to get that fury to jump to 69%, and thats simply hit or miss.tldr he would take extra ¬¬9% dmg or around that number and survive with 1-2k hp instead of 3k You need to rewatch the again. Ajax was at 80% health at the start of the burst. That's 30% health where he wasn't getting hit by 10% bonus critical damage. Dueling gives you perma fury in most fights and Illusions can bump your Mind Wrack crit chance up by 25% to make up for the fury loss. rewatched in slowmo, you did gs2->f1->gs3->daze->powerspike, so if you did the combo properly he might have actually died. would have been really close but its hard to tell. but i guess way above average crits even that out somewhat. I meant rewatch it to see his health percentage. Superiority Complex wouldn't have procced for at least 30% of his health. true, but also 10% off 30% in 3%, and 3% of his hp is what, 600? Yikes lol Sorry I'm not going to explain why you're wrong here. You need to read how Superiority Complex works before we continue this discussion.Maybe you should though. 80% to 50% would have 10% damage added (the trait works multiplicative). 10% of those 30% of his health is 3% of the total damage. So instead of 50% health taken it would've been 53% (at these health percentages, if it was all crits, didn't check it). (This is if we expect the damage to be calculated linearly and not per hit, which is probably not true.)
  3. Which is not too bad. 120ish ms? I have the same on my wifi. :tongue: Yeah but I normally play on 20-50 (usually closer to 20-30) so it's a lot higher on EU. Not bad, but still feels delayed lol. If you watch the videos you'll see me get hit mid-dodge animation several times.Yeah, I feel with you.^^ It makes squishy builds extra hard to play.
  4. Which is not too bad. 120ish ms? I have the same on my wifi. :tongue:
  5. Weaver and elementalist in general is the second hardest profession. Core condition engineer with 3-4 kits still comes out on top. laughs in conjured weapons ele Honestly, my top3 are: Thief because of high map awareness needed and low health (not condi!!! Not even S/D as much),Ele for mechanical piano (true, though, kit/grenade engineer used to be kinda equal),Revenant, just for me maybe, because for some reason I can't get used to the energy mechanic.I always found guard easy to play, but FB has changed that a little.
  6. Decay doesn't affect matchmaking. Other than that, appreciate the effort and am curious on the outcome.
  7. Still exists. Wonder when Anet does something about it. Haha, just kidding. :trollface:
  8. There were changes, and Ele is fine if you understand how to play and spec. PVP perspective here: The only significant change was the cleansing in fire. Which is good, but Tempest is still much worse than firebrand. Core builds are still nowhere close to being viable. FA ele is still a one-trick pony. Sword weavers can still only work sides. Don't get me wrong, I still like ele. It is just, it is still worse than many other classes. There are better team fighters, there are better +1s, there are also better side noders (depending a little on the composition). There are better hybrids too. Ele is still more or less viable, but the meta builds - basically the same since PoF dropped - are still dominant. And they hardly worked on the issues that were presented here. Or even started an actual discussion.
  9. I do not think any thief build is OP right now. Some promote dumb gameplay, but so do a lot of other builds. Could we go back complaining about Mirage please?
  10. Do it with thief. Dodgejumpbound for extra acrobatic skillz! :joy: but isn't that visually ineffective on bound and dash?Naah, with Dash you have a little jump at the beginning. I... think not for the whole length though. Can't quite remember, can't test ist right now. With Bound you just jump a little higher. It looks awesome!^^
  11. Do it with thief. Dodgejumpbound for extra acrobatic skillz!
  12. "I wanna play with friends!""You can do that in unranked anytime you want!""The matchmaker sucks!""It is basically the same one as in ranked, there are only a few changes in the variables.""But I want to climb rankings!""Buy it is an unfair system mixing everyone in one Q.""But... I WANNA PLAY WITH FRIENDS!!!" €: I should mention the mess is based on the lack of on-demand tournaments. Once they come, remove duoQ. Until then, we shouldn't focus on hating each other but make Anet understand that gamemode is dearly missed.
  13. Proving as in played in mATs? There was no fire weaver in Plat3 last season on EU. Fire weaver is not problematic and won't be. It offers slightly more damage over water, but less sustain and some support in terms of projectile denial instead ov mobility and disengage potential. Just watch out for the glyph, you can actually see it on the buff bar... is that asking for too much? The snippet you quoted was referring to Ele in general, and not specifically fire weaver. It seems like each class has one specialization that is generally considered useful. It may be the Core spec, HoT spec, or PoF spec. The problem is not so apparent now as it will be WHEN the others get taken down a notch. I honestly believe the developers are trying to take the game, even PvP, in a fresher direction. It may be slow and hard to imagine because of the past, but I got a good feeling about the crew we have now. The "tradeoff" approach they are pushing probably will not stop at druid, daredevil, and berserker. By the way, maybe there are no fire weavers in platinum3, but there are weavers there. They may not be in MATs but I think those that are, are going to lose some presence soon. But, I just wanted to point out that I updated my original post prior to this series including weaver in general and not just specifically fire. If all is balanced, it would be nice if every side noder was just as viable as the next, perhaps just different flavors instead of a must pick.Ah, I read it as mainly referring to fire weaver. Then I agree, with some other specs nerfed, weaver might become as strong as other side noders. Hardly OP, because other bunkers can stall them as well (scrapper, defensive holo builds, druids and stuff), but you never know. It would be well earned for eles though. :wink: So, relax and see what happens. I doubt there will be significant nerfs anyways.
  14. Is this all gw2 pvp is anymore? It's unbalanced while it's working and then ok when it's nerfed? It really seems like the idea of a "side node player" is really the over performing item. The concept of being able to keep 2-3 players busy naturally would make that same class a top tier duelist. If they can do those two items, the are already a team fighter. If they can be a side noder they must have some pretty decent mobility. So if we review what side node classes can do, you can also see that they happen to be the ones focused in most complaint threads. Mirage and Druid and the biggest side noders that have been brought down by the efforts of the community. Over-performing specs should be nerfed. Look at Deadeye, all but gone from the scene. Playing the sides isn't really a class role and that is why it is the most frequently attacked. Balanced is okay if classes do different things and have good matchups and poor matchups, as long as they have something to bring to the fight. A typical side class brings too much. It is not "class flavor", instead it is just kitten. If a class has to fight more than 1 v 1, and supposedly the players are of equal skill, they should NEVER win that fight. Regardless of flavors, side noders tend to be over-tuned because they tend to break the numbers rule. And, many times, it is not skill related. You said it yourself....equal skill level and therefore I invite you to use a fire weaver against me who will user another class....nah don't worry I won't use any so called FOTM spec, prove the forum the reality of this ..problematic sleeper class and how unkillable it is. (...) despite really good players explaining and PROVING otherwise? (...)Proving as in played in mATs? There was no fire weaver in Plat3 last season on EU. Fire weaver is not problematic and won't be. It offers slightly more damage over water, but less sustain and some support in terms of projectile denial instead ov mobility and disengage potential. Just watch out for the glyph, you can actually see it on the buff bar... is that asking for too much?
  15. Any other weaver build falls asleep fighting this. Also, guards, clever scourges and mirages, scrappers, prot holos. This build hits a ceiling at some level. I agree it might become problematic, but right now, it is worse than water weaver at Plat2+ and I doubt that will change - except for some compositions where you can troll bad warriors and thieves and such.
  16. Mesmer is a little underpowered compared to the meta builds right now indeed. There are better side noders and better +1s and better hybrids. But condi mirage is definitely not trash. Ele and thief are in a worse situation. If the dominating meta builds get nerfed, condi mirage might be fine again without buffs.
  17. Except ele. I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time. No, that also goes for ele. You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then... He said they in love with underplayed things and ignore relevant things, which is exactly what they did with ele (e.g. tempest buffs and d/d changes). But... you know those (very very few) changes did nothing at all and definitely not required 80% of their effort? More like 0.1%?That's the entire point, the exact problem that falan was talking about. If things like this were 80% of changes then it clearly required 80% of effort. The fact that their total effort is super low is irrelevant to that point. Like buffing Cleansing wave's base healing by 20%. Nois. Took me 5 seconds to change the value, if my database is slow.Maybe I understod his words differently, but: Ele got nothing. Like, basically absolutely nothing. For 1.5 years. "Wash the pain away clears one condition" was the biggest PVP change we had since then. Ele's balance change list has been among the shortest for the same time. It very obviously is not only not worked on, it doesn't need changes according to Anet. Who got reworks meanwhile? Deadeye, mesmer, scrapper, now berserker... they do put in a lot of effort. Often on specs not needing them. But never on ele. Noone there even plays ele at this point, a lot of us believe. And there certainly is not many changes nor the slightest bit of love.
  18. Except ele. I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time. No, that also goes for ele. You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then... He said they in love with underplayed things and ignore relevant things, which is exactly what they did with ele (e.g. tempest buffs and d/d changes).But... you know those (very very few) changes did nothing at all and definitely not required 80% of their effort? More like 0.1%? Like buffing Cleansing wave's base healing by 20%. Nois. Took me 5 seconds to change the value, if my database is slow.
  19. Except ele. I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time. No, that also goes for ele.You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then...
  20. Except ele. I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time.
  21. I do agree Consume plasma is the best stolen skill (by far probably). I do not think it makes thief overpowered though. I would like to see the stolen skills brought more in line (the stolen skill from ele is as weak as the class lol). Please rather nerf Consume plasma instead of buffing the others. Only do this when all those other meta builds get nerfed too, thief doesn't need nerfs.
  22. You can start with core D/D, which has some kind of similarish aspects. :wink: It's both close combat, relies on combos and quick attunement switching and stuff. Weaver will need some getting used to because of the double attunement, the dual skills and the not-instand availability of the offhand skills though. D/D is fine for the story too and you can maybe use a lot of the equipment if you go for zerker/marauder/maybe grieving stats. For WvW, it is quite tough, but you could switch to staff easily, core is more or less fine there too. Tempest doesn't really help with weaver though. Fun too, but very different gameplay-wise. Well, which is mainly the "stay in one attunement for a long time to get overloads, which are again quite long channels". :tongue:
  23. There was no "not" in my sentence?^^ Otherwise I don't know what you are complaining about... while slightly disagreeing about the importance of dodges between classes, we all think there should be alternatives to chaos and instead of reducing the amount of (class-mechanic-wise important) dodges of mirage. Like having to choose between "dodge while stunned" or "better ambush attacks". But all this does not take a new portal into account. If this would come, mirage would (and should) not see buffs, because of portal being incredibly powerful. Work-arounds like Quadox mentioned could work, but would require more changes from Anets side. It would be nice though, because then again mesmer would have to make choices.
  24. I said 2 evades, not 2 skills. Actually you said "evade skills", since we're nitpicking. :wink: Warrior also is not quite fine in my opinion - I still think they should change lots of scaling numbers. Lower sustain for demo amulet, higher healing with mender. But that's also nitpicky, since we agree on the basis. Other specs are more overtuned, you're right. I do think condi mirage should have access to vigor outside of chaos, yes. I do think vigor on ele is fine. I do not agree with ele not needing meaningful evade frames, not at all, it needs those evades for its healing to work in the first place.
  25. Okay, I do not know why, but you really want to discuss this. Not sure whether you are trying to point out that ele is fine balancing-wise...? Or just comparing S/D weaver with condi mirage? I do not yet know what your point is, if you could specify, I could answer more specifically. :wink: I do not think it needs a redesign. A lot of ele players disagree and wish for the weirdest stuff - giving weapon swap, choose only 2 attunements and stuff - but we all know this is not going to happen. And, to be honest, that would just dumb down ele as a whole. You are kind of right with "add reliable damage to existing sustain", but you are also not. S/D weaver works, because it focusses on sustain while lacking damage. FA ele works because it has damage but no sustain. Tempest works because is has few damage, but lots of support. All those roles are okay when just looking at ele specs and the theoretical aim - of deciding between roles and speccing for them. The problem is: Holosmith, warrior, soulbeast and (not so much anymore indeed) condi mirage can do all that - just with significantly more damage. Huge AoEs, short-CD stuns, bursts... this is the problem. So you either change all those to scale a lot more with the chosen amulet (healing power especially) or you buff ele to their level. This is why I keep saying "relative buffs". For S/D ele I also do not think much is needed to make it a little more competitive while probably not meta: Just increase some ranges in dual skills and let it cast some skills backwards again, so it can at least kite a little bit. FA weaver is more difficult, tempest just needs some personal stab for overloads to be not completely pointless. The fact that skills can be used also for offense is not really a disadvantage, is it? When an ele switches into water and uses sword 2, you can sit back, wait it out and have a view around, because he basically cannot attack in that attunement (depending on the second, of course). For any class, when they dodge, you know you can prepare your burst for afterwards. How do you heal up to 100%? With water combo, which only works every 12 seconds? (Yes, I know the CD is lower, but unless you camp the attunement a little, you can only swap every 4 seconds.) You can heal up if you evade the follow up damage. By running around, by dodging, by whatever means. Not by standing there with your huge pile of health and tankiness, a warrior can kill an ele in 2 seconds if he has not stunbreak or protection up. Also which barrier do you mean? Bolstered Elements which activates once every 70s (!)? Tallking about reliability here, heh? Elemental refreshment is another source which scales with the aforementioned dual skill range increase - because right now, several of those are damn hard to land in melee (Natural Frenzy...). It also gives 600ish barrier which is about a quarter of a warrior AA hit, maximum of every 4s (again, because of attunement swap). You are right about the "mirage has to evade more skills, because of lesse regen". But it has those means. And it used to have damage like the other overtuned specs mentioned above. Not so much anymore indeed. The situation was incredibly different before the patch with 1s Mirage cloak and short CD Illusionary Ambush. As I said before, I totally agree the nerfs were harsh. Also counting ToF as 2 skills is weird. It is the only stunbreak S/D weaver has and has a recharge time of 50s (!). You always always need one of those or Lightning Flash for +1 scenarios. Otherwise you are dead against a rev. Quite instantly assuming equal skill level.
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