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Everything posted by Mega.5791

  1. He stealths at 40s in the video. I waited till 47s before I realized he was gone. I know the build he was using only has 3 traps, his heal utility, procession, and maw. So after about 7s, I knew he was gone. Though I would not have expected him to be able to disengage me to the left or the right that far, as he had previously used one of his other traps before using that last trap for the disengage. So at most, he potentially had 2 traps to use for 4s of stealth and 4s of super speed. Not only did I not expect him to be able to disengage that far, but I was also low on health and bottomed out on resources. I couldn't afford to go running to the left or right and potentially get caught in a trap, so I had to stay where I was until he reappeared. So I wasn't standing there for 10-12s, it was 7s, and it would have been dumb to walk in there and attempt to chase him on a glass cannon when I had no idea where the traps were. Thief/Mes would have been able to travel a similar distance in those 7 seconds, with a similar level of stealth. From that exact point over to his close. About 7s is what it would take for a Thief/Mes to Shadowstep or Blink while stealthed, and either SB 5 their way over to the node or Steal through the mountain, or benefit Super Speed from the trait on Mes while stealthed. About 7s sounds just about right. Rev maybe could Shiro run and Phase through the mountain in that time, not sure about that though. Either way, this doesn't have anything to do with and doesn't change my point of view that a DH shouldn't be thieving & mesmering like an actual thief or mesmer. I double checked: You run around there for 12 seconds until you see the tempest. You use a block about 10 seconds after he stealthed. He pops up at close after about 12 seconds.The rune give 3 seconds of stealth. You are standing in that canyon thing and he has the time to run to the sides immediately after setting the trap. Your pet starts to run towards him after 3 seconds! This is what stealth does, but you could have expected it.
  2. I don't understand the issue. He gets stealth, moves a little (your pet starts running towards him after the 3s stealth. Did you call it back or did he stealth with a second trap?) and walks over to his close. You wait there for like 10-12 seconds. More than enough to just walk to close even without some superspeed. Thief, mes or rev would've been way faster. What makes him a thiefmes here? Attacking from stealth? Condi burst? General movement in stealth? Not saying trapper runes shouldn't be changed, because it hurts not only the game but even DH itself, but... why this thiefmes argument?
  3. I'm guessing the one where you do not log in. Super stealth build, but not really tricky af.
  4. What build are you playing then?
  5. Go ele, it is the most fun-... ... oh wait! I feel like you played the three easiest classes already. Some ranger builds are also not that hard and it is strong atm, maybe give it a go? Or if you want to risk it, go fotm and play renegade bunker. Revenant has always been strong and I find renegade easy so start with as revenant, and if you're comfotable later, you can switch to the more challanging builds.
  6. Because renegod with cele was problematic. Now it is still problematic, but with another amulet. :lol: Cele was not that good for ele though. Solid, but not really the best. Talking about PVP only of course.
  7. Point 2: That is my point. Let me do the thinking:DH has a viable build right now. It uses trapper runes. Power and bunker builds or whatever have meme status. Will they buff those? Of course not, because then the currently strong build would become even stronger.So will anything change for DH if we leave trapper rune in the game? Probably not. Which is exactly what I said here: You actually did agree with me. :lol: Because removing runes could dumb down the game and it removes variety and sometimes hurts classes( IE celestial amulet effect on elementalist) If needed add a icdIndeed, I would also rather see a change. :smile:
  8. Sometimes I love quote wars. Point 1: Point 2: That is my point. Let me do the thinking: DH has a viable build right now. It uses trapper runes. Power and bunker builds or whatever have meme status. Will they buff those? Of course not, because then the currently strong build would become even stronger.So will anything change for DH if we leave trapper rune in the game? Probably not. Which is exactly what I said here: You actually did agree with me. :lol:
  9. I am always confused by people arguing like this. If this is true, then DH can never get buffed without making it OP, because of the rune. Change/delete the rune, then buff the rest of DH - slightly, noone likes passive trap bots, but the pushing/pulling playstyle was fun and challenging. This also enables more build diversity, because the rune is less of a straight up addon to some few burst builds. Thats not how Anet has worked since the game came out. They will delete the rune and leave DH with its current awful state for years. If DH currently HAS a viable build, it doesn't need buffed. Therefore your logic is flawed. Your first point is "but it takes ages for this to happen!!!"Your second point literally agrees with me. Flawed logic indeed.
  10. I am always confused by people arguing like this. If this is true, then DH can never get buffed without making it OP, because of the rune. Change/delete the rune, then buff the rest of DH - slightly, noone likes passive trap bots, but the pushing/pulling playstyle was fun and challenging. This also enables more build diversity, because the rune is less of a straight up addon to some few burst builds.
  11. big lolas mirage I land 80% stuns, and 20% that I miss is not due to enemy specifically target dodging but rando dodging/blocking it, maybe 5% of the times I fire it you can react, but when you add it p5->blink or stealth then its a real problem Same thing with IL, what are you gonna do? stop attacking rev? the moment you try to connect a big hit they use their INSTANT reverse damage button, and even if they convert nothing the skill still heals about 4k hp in total.remove cast time from facet of light, give IL cast time off 0,25s and now there is actual counterplay.Its never a problem to react to it, but the fact that by the time you react its already too late and it healed for 7k+ AND you cant attack. Agree here. Pistol 5 has the same animation as pistol 4. The only difference is the projectile(s): Which is clearly visible for the illusion, but very quick for the stun. Either reduce projectile speed or give a glow for the stun to differentiate the animations. I want to add: This shows some unbiased argument, arguing against ones own main class, thanks @Leonidrex.5649. Infuse Light is still a terrible design. A revenant can activate the facet and basically prevent enemies from bursting him, because he can turn it all into full healing instantly. Yes, he reduces his offensive potential due to the costs, but he can prevent major offensive against him, even while stunned. The cast time should have been on IL, not the facet. Just like on warrior.
  12. I only watched the first half, but I didn't really spot bots? Like some players barely moved, but then ocassionally strafed or moved backwards while fighting... or did they come later? The build just looks like a noob filter? Honest question. At first glance, I only saw, well, bronze players. But maybe I underestimate bots?
  13. This is my experience as well. :lol: I don't pvp that often anymore and avoid deathmatch, but usually people don't know skills and say someone is hacking or accuse newbies of being bots. So far, when I texted an accused "bot", they usually replied and were quite nice. Pretty good AI then, I guess. :wink: Maybe it is different in lower ratings or in NA, no idea.
  14. It definitely is a lot better. It might take some games for the system to place you in your rough "skill level", but then the games should be much more even. People don't understand the differences in matchmaking between ranked and unranked: With time, both matchmakers allow a broader rating difference to you in the players in your match. This happens a lot faster in unranked than in ranked - meaning, you are more likely to have much stronger or weaker players somewhere in the game. The main part of the matchmaker works in exactly the same way. A simplified example: You are at a rating of 1200 (average). After 5 minutes, in unranked the matchmaker might look for players from 900 to 1500. In ranked, it only tries to place you in a match from 1100 to 1300. The exact numbers can be taken from: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm. I am too lazy to confirm it, this is the principle. However, it still tries to give everybody a fair matchup. As in: The average rating is still aimed to be almost even for both teams. Now in a team game, there are more things to consider: Class stacking is tried to be prevented as well as teams play into it as well. Especially unranked - which allows full team queues - this leads to very biased matches. Ranked only allows duos, so the matchmaker has a much easier job to place the players in the teams for fair matches. Top players trolling and stuff even worsens this situation in unranked. However, I believe the matchmaker is probably trying to find your rating yet if you just started. :smile: I would, like @Ragnar.4257 suggested, start with ranked. The first 10ish matches might be weird, but after that the experience should be much better. Have fun and enjoy! In theory, GW2 pvp is still awesome - suffering from neglection, but it is very dynamic and allows lots of variations. Stick to it, learn and you will have fun I am sure!
  15. Also, why would they implement this, requiring new code and all? To cater... whom? To hide... what? Conspiracy theories are wild.
  16. Yep, totally the DH's fault that people are oblivious and waddle onto a point thinking it would be a 100% clear. Too bad demanding nerfs doesn't make the remaining playerbase any smarter what the hell. how is someone supposed to anticipate an invisible trap bomb? thats ridiculous. how about traps are made visible so some monkey spamming his entire utility bar on cd can't 1 shot people from the other side of the map in both pvp and wvw? is that too much to ask? Gee, I don't know...maybe the same way they have since HoT when the spec was first introduced:Dodge roll onto pointUse an evade skill when going onto the pointIf they're a ranger, send pet on point first I've done some combination of the above and it's worked out just fine for me.If I forgot to do it and get killed I blame myself for not realizing it when there's a DH on the other team. But by all means demand those nerfs. I'm sure it'll improve your own gameplay dramtically. You dodge into Dragon's Maw, Procession of Blades activates and you are an FA weaver and your 40s teleport is on CD. No tells, DH is somewhere else on mid, you saw him there. You die, because you cannot cleanse, cannot escape without stab or teleport. GG much skill, very gameplay. This is unrelated to trapper runes of course. Just a general problem with traps being incredibly passive in these situations.
  17. Lich form has stability, pulsing, so when that gets corrupted it becomes fear. :smile:
  18. Yeah, the implementation is really bad. I made it by finishing the enemies as soon as they died - but you need some sustain and stability/blinds for that, since especially some Svanir are CCing... Keep at it, it is tricky indeed. If it wasn't for the random spawns of this special event, I wouldn't mind it... :lol:
  19. Marshal might work well too here. More damage and raw healing, but you need a defensive amulet to compensate. I am currently trying out some, Dolyak is possible or Earth... try around with it, adjust your playstyle a little and you can make it work! :smile:
  20. Yes, that is the obvious reason and no other explanation makes sense. Deathmatch clearly is the superior gamemode and I just know everybody wants it!
  21. What? No, they don't. Steal probably is the one most powerful interrupt in the game. Save it if you can! It is, but without it you cant burst out of stealth reliably, and it does add quite a fair amount of damage, so you still end up using it for that most of the time. Usually in +1 situations, simply shadowshot+backstab is fine. But I admit, it might be a good option in some situations. Shadowshot + backstab results in the opponent dodging/blocking your backstab, and you losing all your burst if theyre any good. Its too slow and predictable.Barely in team fights. In duels, yes, but not in +1s.
  22. The thread is kind of old... :tongue:
  23. You are completely right about the communication part of course. But I kind of doubt there will be a major patch, soooo... well, I got more pessimistic since February. :disappointed: Also, I have lost hope regarding most balance suggestions in the forums. I can't say much about many classes, but there are a huge lot of biased people around here - and some good players are very lacking in rational analysis of issues as well. So while I would still like to see changes ahead of time, I wouldn't worry too much about the feedback. Maybe some major oversights can be avoided though.
  24. What? No, they don't. Steal probably is the one most powerful interrupt in the game. Save it if you can! It is, but without it you cant burst out of stealth reliably, and it does add quite a fair amount of damage, so you still end up using it for that most of the time.Usually in +1 situations, simply shadowshot+backstab is fine. But I admit, it might be a good option in some situations.
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