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Rockin Twilight Sparkle.26

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Everything posted by Rockin Twilight Sparkle.26

  1. How is the introduction of a major character tangential though? I mean, we got the replay of his boss fight at least, but if the season one replay is to assuage the 'who the hell are these people' sense...
  2. Her only flimsy connection to the plot is that Balthazar somehow got one of her mirrors (or just a mirror named after her) to disguise himself as Lazarus. The mirror that he had was enchanted by Lyssa herselfAnd he cursed every one of the gods except for Lyssa
  3. Map completion used to require WvW mapsTHAT was the definition of pain
  4. I sorta assumed he diedOr worse There's wayyyyyyy too many stories that just ended up dropped
  5. Part of me is just a little pre-disposed towards not liking Sylvari characters as easily as others because they're....They're not implemented poorly, but it just feels like there's some clunk and a bit of that 'just so special' thing to them, especially early on.
  6. Monthlies should return alsoAnd the brunt of the 'historical' achievements.
  7. Honestly, the problems with Trahearne are... kinda rooted in the nature of the Sylvari. They've seemingly got (originally) this grand sense of importance and grandness of scale insisted upon. Not that its a bad thing to expand the racial scope beyond just humans like Guild Wars 1 did but something about the worldbuilding for Sylvari has always struck me as... just slightly sue-ish.
  8. Snargle is an absolute monster and he needs to be stopped
  9. Just what the title asks. Not sure if the devs have ever made a comment on it or not or if its just another plot-point that was quietly forgotten about. Just re-ran Catacombs and I've been reminded of this very good question.
  10. Just because no one else has ideas doesn't mean your ideas are good.They're gonna bring in a new race, one that can't do the story of the other campaigns at all?And just doing 'Heart of Thorns 2: We're underwater this time' sounds... less inspired. I'd rather they do another knockoff of a a GW1 plot. Nightfall 2 Electric Boogaloo was actually pretty alright
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