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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. Mesmer as a whole is in a pretty poor state post patch.That being said, saying the spec has no damage outside of X and Y is just you talking our of your kitten. The class is still front loaded with damage, it's just not as good as thief arguably. It's almost like Thief is a better Mesmer.... at everything.shockedpicachu.jpg It is obviously hyperbole but have you tried mirror blade and seen how nerfed berserker is? To quote Helseth's stream "condi mirage does more consistent power damage right now than power mesmer".
  2. Mirage is fairly playable with one dodge, problem for powermes is that GS, sword, and shatters are nerfed aside from ambushes, making power damage very low. Phantasmal berserker was nerfed 35% and mirror blade is bugged atm. Only thing that deals actual damage on mesmer atm is MtD torment, CoF confusion, and torch burn. All in illusions line.
  3. If anything it is the cooldown that should be increased imo. Pet attack coefficiets are the real problem though.
  4. Do you really think blurred frenzy is balanced because it is a "2-in-1 skill"? Then compare it to something like axe 3 "axes of symmetry", which does 25% more damage than blurred frenzy, inflicts 3-6 confusion, with 1 hit (meaning less retaliation dmg), evades for 0.75 seconds (vs blurred at 1 second), while also retargeting clones, breaks target, teleports you, has longer range, with just 5 seconds more cooldown. This sounds like expansion power creep. Instead of buffing stuff to as strong as expansion skills, they need to nerf expansion related skills that overshadow core ones. They probably shouldn't have done this tbh. PW is a good example of something that should be weak to retaliation. I'm not asking for blurred frenzy to be powercrept to pof levels, I'm asking for it to not deal 0 dmg. This has nothing to do with expansions, since BF did not do 0 dmg in core guild wars. The skill was infinitely stronger back in 2012 so perhaps you should change your stupid comment to say "that sounds like vanilla powercreep". It would be more accurate. Whoa dude, no need for insults. You asked an opinionated question and I gave you my opinion and my reasoning for it. Retal hasn't changed much much since release, having actually been slightly nerfed. They changed BF specifically to be affected by retal. That means retal was meant to counter this specific kind of attack. Everything needs to have its counters. If something has no counter play then that's bad design.Stop being a fragile snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake doesn't make you're being toxic acceptable.Faux-sensitivity. You compared it to a PoF skill and I was saying it's not that BF was so much worse as much as PoF powercreep is making other things a lot better. I think its fine like it is. It still has tons of uses both defensive and offensive. Just because you can occasionally be countered by retal which is suppose to counter it I dont think is a good reason to change the skill.Nah, blurred frenzy is clearly too strong, they should remove the damage portion entirely from this obviously overpowered powercrept skill. Sarcastic of course, but it would still be an improvement vs ele, guard among others.I know you think that it is a good skill and has "tons of uses", that doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. How does it not have uses? It allows you to use it to pressure and evade damage. It's not a lot of damage and it's not a long evade but you have the choice to use it for one reason or the other or both. It use to be "stronger" because everything else was weaker. If its really that bad then don't use. Yes of course it has uses.No, it used to be stronger becase it was stronger. It has been nerfed multiple times. And I'm one of the most ardent complainers/critics of expansion powercreep but fact is that power shtter mesmer used to do far more damage than it does now, completely disregarding other classes' power level.Not every weapon on every profession is always going to be great. It is the retal interaction which is questionable.
  5. Exactly right, it's not the case of a guard player going "hey, ill use retal and purpsefully tank this blurred frenzy", like some sort of multi-hit equivalent of reflect. It would be interesting if that were the case but is more of a passive ticking dps, like a stack of confusion. And since it hasn't been nerfed along with the majority of power skills in the game, that leaves it comparatively strong.
  6. Do you really think blurred frenzy is balanced because it is a "2-in-1 skill"? Then compare it to something like axe 3 "axes of symmetry", which does 25% more damage than blurred frenzy, inflicts 3-6 confusion, with 1 hit (meaning less retaliation dmg), evades for 0.75 seconds (vs blurred at 1 second), while also retargeting clones, breaks target, teleports you, has longer range, with just 5 seconds more cooldown. This sounds like expansion power creep. Instead of buffing stuff to as strong as expansion skills, they need to nerf expansion related skills that overshadow core ones. They probably shouldn't have done this tbh. PW is a good example of something that should be weak to retaliation. I'm not asking for blurred frenzy to be powercrept to pof levels, I'm asking for it to not deal 0 dmg. This has nothing to do with expansions, since BF did not do 0 dmg in core guild wars. The skill was infinitely stronger back in 2012 so perhaps you should change your stupid comment to say "that sounds like vanilla powercreep". It would be more accurate. Whoa dude, no need for insults. You asked an opinionated question and I gave you my opinion and my reasoning for it. Retal hasn't changed much much since release, having actually been slightly nerfed. They changed BF specifically to be affected by retal. That means retal was meant to counter this specific kind of attack. Everything needs to have its counters. If something has no counter play then that's bad design.Stop being a fragile snowflake.I refuted your statement about "expansion powercreep. In reality the skill was far stronger in vanilla as I have described. We are not talking about some broken pof skill, we are talking about a bad core skill which is currently worse than at any point in vanilla. I think its fine like it is. It still has tons of uses both defensive and offensive. Just because you can occasionally be countered by retal which is suppose to counter it I dont think is a good reason to change the skill.Nah, blurred frenzy is clearly too strong, they should remove the damage portion entirely from this obviously overpowered powercrept skill. Sarcastic of course, but it would still be an improvement vs ele, guard among others.I know you think that it is a good skill and has "tons of uses", that doesn't change the fact that you are wrong.
  7. Do you really think blurred frenzy is balanced because it is a "2-in-1 skill"? Then compare it to something like axe 3 "axes of symmetry", which does 25% more damage than blurred frenzy, inflicts 3-6 confusion, with 1 hit (meaning less retaliation dmg), evades for 0.75 seconds (vs blurred at 1 second), while also retargeting clones, breaks target, teleports you, has longer range, with just 5 seconds more cooldown. This sounds like expansion power creep. Instead of buffing stuff to as strong as expansion skills, they need to nerf expansion related skills that overshadow core ones. They probably shouldn't have done this tbh. PW is a good example of something that should be weak to retaliation. I'm not asking for blurred frenzy to be powercrept to pof levels, I'm asking for it to not deal 0 dmg. This has nothing to do with expansions, since BF did not do 0 dmg in core guild wars. The skill was infinitely stronger back in 2012 so perhaps you should change your stupid comment to say "that sounds like vanilla powercreep". It would be more accurate.But fine, by your "2-in-1" logic, let's remove evade from blurred frenzy and make it deal actual good damage instead. That would be a big improvement. Thanks for your input.
  8. Do you really think blurred frenzy is balanced because it is a "2-in-1 skill"? Then compare it to something like axe 3 "axes of symmetry", which does 25% more damage than blurred frenzy, inflicts 3-6 confusion, with 1 hit (meaning less retaliation dmg), evades for 0.75 seconds (vs blurred at 1 second), while also retargeting clones, breaks target, teleports you, has longer range, with just 5 seconds more cooldown.In 2017 they reduced number of hits of pistol whip from 8 to 4 while retaining damage, why not simply do this to BF?
  9. Formula for retaliation:(0.050 * Power) + 133Blurred frenzy hits eight times. Assuming a guardian is running berserker + lynx rune and has zero might, we get:((0.050 * 2375) + 133)*8 = 2014 damageNow let's look at blurred frenzy damage. Formula:Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target's Armor)Guardian has base armor 2167 without toughness. Weapon strength of sword is 922. The coefficient of blurred frenzy after patch is 0.128, so assuming we are also running berserker + lynx, we get:(922*2375*0.128/2167)*8 = 1035Or if we include critchance and critdamage, which has the following formula:Average damage = Base damage * ( 1 + Critical Chance * ( Critical Damage - 1 ) )We get:1035*(1+0.48*(2.1-1)) = 1581 TL;DRBlurred frenzy against a target with retaliation will deal much more damage to mesmer than to the opponent.
  10. Agree, and better reduce active pet skill cd and remove passive cc if nothing else.
  11. Stupid proposition of course, however they could disable certain traits/skills, such as lich form.
  12. I don't understand what you mean. I already went through the example of 236-236*0.15=201. Which is wrong. Or maybe you mean total damage:236+178+134=548 (let's go without trait).548*0,15=82,2236-82,2=154154-82,2=72If this is what you meant, it is also wrong as you see.
  13. Mesmer has structural issues that make it, by far, the worst class of the 9 existing. Elites are flawed designs and core Mesmer is too underwhelming after the excessive amount of nerf waves it has received. This reality is not going to change with a bugfix of a single trait affecting a single skill. Sure but here we don't need to convince them to make any particular changes, just to fix a bug.
  14. im afraid we might die of old age friend Worth
  15. Considering how everyone on mes forums is complaining @ how bad mesmer is after patch we should bump this until they look into it
  16. I tested MB in with no amulet or rune equipped. Results: TL;DR: Mirror Blade damage is reduced by 25% rather than 15% each hit. Hotfix please @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 @Cal Cohen.2358 @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 or whoever.
  17. Revert illusionary persona (self-shatter) removalRemove chronophantasma (or disable in pvp)These two simple changes alone would fix most of the issues with chrono. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 @Cal Cohen.2358 @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 please ill buy gems i promise.
  18. Its also a stunbreak ? this is easily fixed by nerfing thief
  19. Agree because it removes match complexity that you would otherwise need to respect to land heavy skills. Hard pass, because it removes match complexity in the sense that it would be easier to count dodges and thus trivialize landing heavy skills, which is the problem of the first sigil to begin with. That's a good thing, it makes it more worth to time your abilities and to use heavier/slower attacks rather than invest in as much instant damage / autoprocs as possible (which has always been a problem in gw2).
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